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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 121

Prepare to be scared? Scared of the thread-bare pickings this month is more like it. Waaaagh! Actually--it's NOT as bad as my last new acq post--by a long shot. In fact, it's got some great stuff in it towards the end. (All purchased back in August before I was uber-broke). Oh well. It is what it is...  But this is NEW STUFF you have not seen before--NOT more of the stuff in my boxes.

Let's take a look...


You may recall i have a penchant for old kiddie matinee posters. Normally something this bottom of the barrel-looking I'd have passed on. But it's so bad looking, I went for it. It was not that expensive any way. Another K. Gordon Murray crap classics. I'm sure it's AWFUL.


I think with this poster I have pretty much collected all of the Childhood Productions kiddie matinee posters (that I'm aware of any way). I already had one of these but needed a better copy as the other one has a nasty piece of masking tape on the front. I've never seen either film, but have seen excerpts from SNOW WHITE AND ROSE RED. UGH!  I can't imagine any poor child being forced to endure this crap. Ha!


I've never seen this, but was stunned that this pre-porn x-rated nudie from the late 60s starred ANGELIQUE PETTYJOHN. Pettyjohn was in a handful of TV shows and movies, most notably as a silver bikini-clad alien amazon warrior woman on the original STAR TREK. This was too interesting (at the time. Now, I'm not so sure...) to pass up. As the tag line reads, No one knows what troubles virgins have...  Oh my! Isn't this out on Something Weird Video?


I was super excited to see this come up and got it...only to realize, DUH!  The movie I was trying to remember (that I mistook this for) was THE RAINS CAME. ARGH!  but it was an easy mistake as RAINS OF RANCHIPUR was the remake of THE RAINS CAME---but also a flop...despite the great cast. I've never seen either film, just clips of the disaster/flood scenes from THE RAINS CAME. Oh well. I've done dumber things than to buy the wrong movie poster before....


You know by now that I dig my sword & sandal/peplum pictures from the 1950s and '60s. I call them just Hercules movies, even if Hercules isn't in them. I don't think Herc is anywhere to be seen in this one. I probably have this poster already...or maybe not. It was cheap. I could have lived withOUT it, but....


Huh? Yes I like my Hercules movies---but even this one I find hard to watch. Arnold Schwarzenegger (billed as Arnold Strong) plays Herc here--in his first film role.In the original releases, his thick accent caused the producers to dub his lines (however the DVD features his original Ah-nold dialogue intact). Arnold Stang (!) is his sidekick. For some reason though, the original release posters are pricey. I have the other version with Herc riding a chariot through Times Square, but I always wanted this barbell version---and it's in marvelous shape. Yippie! I paid too much for it--but couldn't let it go by.


Yes, I DID get one of these last year or something like that...but that copy was a bit shabbier than i thought it was going to be. Upgrade time...and less than i paid for the other one. This one still has some issues, but...


Another hold over from one of Rich's auctions. (Hence the watermark) I am sure i already have one of these posters--but this may be an upgrade? Wonderfully sleazy, schlocky poster for a crap film. O' how badly I wanted to see this flick back in the 70s when it came out. Also known as Terror Circus and starring Andrew Prine.

RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK (1982 re-release):

Drew Struzan's work on this re-release poster totally eclipsed the work by Richard Amsel on the original release's poster (in my opinion)...and it went on the influence the style of the poster art for the succeeding sequels. The 1982 re-release may even be more sought after than the original...who knows? (I have both doesn't matter to me.). This is also an addition from Rich's auctions a while back,  Thanks, Rich!

FREAKS(1949 re-release on linen):

While it is only the re-release (and it's on linen...blah! This is now my third linen poster. You'll see my 2nd linen poster in my Oct. 15th post) and not the original release I'd love to have---FREAKS? I'll take it. This movie is ultra hard to get anything on., Yahoo. I got this in August but what else is new? Most of the things I've been posting since August (And will be posting into November) are from August. I am poor, poor, POOR now. So I consider this a lucky, last-minute win.

That's it for now. Have a groovy er, bewitching October.

October 03, 2016, 02:03:43 AM 

As for DISASTER, here is the half sheet I originally found years ago at that swap meet at the naval base on Alameda.

Also (just because it was in the same chunks of protective cardboard), I have this unusual poster thing for ROLLERCOASTER. This is art that was NOT used for either style of the one sheet (although it was used for the novelization cover). It's bigger than a lobby card but smaller than a half sheet. I'm guessing it was some sort of promotional poster for early in the production?  I don't know. Whatever...

Good night


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