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Showing posts from February, 2020

The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2020 #4

Hello there! You are just in time. I've been perusing the newspaper ads again, looking for some deliriously wild movies to check out. I've got the posters for 10 prospects below. Let's take a look at them and see if anything strikes your fancy...or maybe bites your fancy? EEEK! Not all of them are horror, but try to keep an open mind. I'll save you a seat if you want to quickly rush to the snack bar. Just mind the sticky floor when you come back. Ready? Got your Jujubes and Junior Mints? Thanks for getting me a Coke Icee. Okay, sit down. The show is starting now... PARANORMAN (Canadian) : I think I already have the very similar US one sheet. I saw this flick in the theater (I was the only adult there that was not accompanied by children. Ha!). I don't remember much about it--except there were zombies in it. But the poster is fun and it was cheap ($3). Why not? DISASTER: I have a couple of copies of this old, forgotten disaster movi