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Showing posts from December, 2017

Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 60

November 13, 2015, 11:03:51 PM Good evening. It's time for the Friday the 13th edition of Shock-A-Rama Poster Show!!!  EEK! Like all good girls and boys in horror movies, DON'T bother to lock your doors or windows, LOSE your virginity as you read this and SMOKE dope and/or DRINK booze. Above all else do NOT heed the warnings of the town locals. There's no boogey man or masked serial killer out to get you tonight...or is there? And now on to the posters... FRIDAY THE 13th PART 2    (Japanese B2) : What could be more appropriate for a Friday the 13th edition than starting off with posters for two "FRIDAY THE 13TH" films. I know a lot of people like this sequel. It's okay, but this first directorial effort by Steve Minor was AWFUL I thought. He improved the next time at bat and has been doing well since. But in this film? Ugh. I thought he was weak. That's not to say there weren't some good performances. Amy Steel was marvelous as the lead heroin

Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 59

November 12, 2015, 07:31:13 PM  Hi there. Gather around boils and ghouls, it's time once again for the Shock-A-Rama Poster Show. Does everyone have their Freak-O-Vision glasses on? Groovy! Now let's get this poster party started. (Fingers crossed everything works this time.):: COLOSSUS: THE FORBIDDEN PROJECT (German) :   I've never seen this movie. I bought the poster strictly based on the poster. It was colorful and I thought it really popped. THE GHOST (Belgian) : Although I have a one sheet for this (scroll way, way back), I thought this was a fun and colorful addition. Now, by the light of day, it's not that exciting. Oh well. CANNIBAL MAN: I just watched this over Halloween weekend. It's not really a cannibal movie, but an interesting study into one man's decent into his own personal hell. I decided I liked the movie well enough to get the poster. I couldn't find one. There are Spanish ones out there with the original title (Week o

Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 58

November 12, 2015, 01:06:30 AM Hi there. Take 3. I HOPE this attempt at a post doesn't end in disaster like my last two attempts did. ARGH! Anyway, how are you? I hope everyone is well. It's time to post some more, posters I recently acquired. Whoo hoo! JOHN CARPENTER'S VAMPIRES: This is another poster purchased from our own Jeff/erik1925. He sent me a note, wanting to know if I'd like to add this baby to the Shock-A-Rama Poster Show. Sure I would. Why not? I don't think i have it yet. And voila! Through the magic of Paypal and the US Mail, it was done! Thank you, Jeff! I haven't seen this flick, but I am getting a little tired of John Carpenter thinking his name needs to be included in the title of all of his films. I mean, hello? He's made some pretty stink-o-rama turds. I mean really... Just because he made "Halloween" 35+ years ago... GET OVER IT already. FIRST BLOOD: I am not a fan of the Rambo films...or of Sylvest

Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 57

November 09, 2015, 11:27:13 PM Happy Monday. Where did the day go already? Jinkies. It was dark by 5 p.m. and now, as 7 p.m. approaches, it feels like the day is completely over with--and the mail hasn't even come yet! Blah... Maybe I'm just out of it because I'm constipated? Probably... Okay--onto the latest edition of the Shock-A-Rama Poster Show. Here's the next batch o' 10 posters to share. PARANORMAL ACTIVITY: THE GHOST DIMENSION: I know...I know... You are thinking who gives a ding-dang-dong darn about the overly tired PARANORMAL ACTIVITY movies--or their posters. I agree completely (Please let this one have been the LAST one!). The reason this is here and in my collection, is because there is a new theater in town (The Maya or Mayan?) and they gladly give out their old posters once the film has come out and is gone or about to leave. On a recent visit when I learned this (I had been there several times already and left empty handed. Waaagh! Who knew?

Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 56

November 08, 2015, 10:14:37 PM Hi!  I'm B-A-C-K again and OH NOOOOOOooooo!  I did it to myself again. Today was the big finale to the Halloween auction on emovie AND another Heritage auction. I bid big before leaving for work and when I get back....oh no. What did I do to myself? Ouch. Needless to say I was NOT outbid on much. There are still two things waiting for the final gavel to strike on Heritage and I HOPE I get outbid. Argh! (They should be done by the time I finish this I'll let you know. Fingers crossed I lose them--I "won" far too much already. Crap-o-rama ding-dong!) Okay, last time I poster posted, I said I had some things obtained from our fellow poster posting peeps out there in APF land. Zowie! SLEEPWALKERS: The first item I'd like to call your attention to comes from Jeff/erik1925! He PMed me and wanted to know if I'd like to buy a subway poster. He recently got a SLEEPWALKERS subway and got a 2nd one as well. He offere