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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 58

November 12, 2015, 01:06:30 AM

Hi there. Take 3. I HOPE this attempt at a post doesn't end in disaster like my last two attempts did. ARGH!

Anyway, how are you? I hope everyone is well. It's time to post some more, posters I recently acquired. Whoo hoo!


This is another poster purchased from our own Jeff/erik1925. He sent me a note, wanting to know if I'd like to add this baby to the Shock-A-Rama Poster Show. Sure I would. Why not? I don't think i have it yet. And voila! Through the magic of Paypal and the US Mail, it was done! Thank you, Jeff! I haven't seen this flick, but I am getting a little tired of John Carpenter thinking his name needs to be included in the title of all of his films. I mean, hello? He's made some pretty stink-o-rama turds. I mean really... Just because he made "Halloween" 35+ years ago... GET OVER IT already.


I am not a fan of the Rambo films...or of Sylvester Stallone for that matter. I have just noticed the one sheet for this film is kind of pricey. (I guess that, just because there are no Rambo films on my DVD shelf doesn't mean it isn't a popular series. While I've seen the three Rambo films (is there a 4th?), I really don't remember much about them (especially the third one--which I saw at a drive in back in the day).

What I have noticed is that the title of the series changed mid-stream. (From "First Blood, to "Rambo: First Blood Part 2", to just "Rambo 3") But, like I said, I have noticed the one sheet can be pricey...even the one sheet for Part 2 can fetch some bucks. Jeepers! I saw the one sheets for 1 & 2 (both in really great shape) together at a decent price (lower than I usually see the one sheets for 1 and/or 2 sometimes) just languishing. No one else was interested, so i scooped them up. I'll sell them down the road a bit--hopefully make a profit.


About seven or eight years ago, when I was still a writer in the Custom Publications department of the newspaper, I decided to give everyone in my department a framed movie poster for Christmas. That may sound startling, but this was back when posters were still relatively cheap. The frames were the most expensive part of the gift back then.

I still remember what posters I gave everyone, and all were perfect for the individual. I had two bosses. To Carey who liked Rick Springfield, I gave "Hard To Hold" (boring poster). To Monica, I gave her "Grease 2". Both of those posters I got for about $1 each. Seriously! And they were in great condition. Josh was a big fan of the movie "The Prestige"--so he got that (also boring) poster (which I had gotten for FREE, by the way). Kristen got one of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" posters. Sara got the most recent (1998?) re-release one sheets for "Gone With The Wind".

Becki was a special case. She and I had started together on the same day. It was great that way because we could cling to each other through training and while we learned the ropes. She was a huge fan of Sylvester Stallone. I couldn't afford "First Blood" or "Rocky"--so i ended up getting her "Rambo: First Blood Part 2". (I also got her a 2nd poster--the double feature combo poster for "Rocky" and "Rocky 2"--which I gave to her later). I'm sure all of the posters/frames i gave out have long since ended up in the garbage or a garage sale. I TRIED to convert my co-workers into poster fans, didn't work.

Becki has since moved to Washington DC, gotten married and is now a mom. I'm sure her posters got lost in the shuffle for sure. Her posters I spent the most on...and the frames were pricey too (about $25 each). Where are they now. I wish I had them all back.

End of Part 1
Part 2 (hopefully)


The next three posters other members of the APF forum have copies of and have posted them (acquisitions threads?). These posters really struck my fancy and I decided I really, REALLY needed to get copies of them for myself. This ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK poster is NOT my poster. I'm just using it as an example--but it's just the same. Zowie! I am just ga-ga over the Thai posters. They are just stunning. They really punch it up with color and artwork. Bravo!


Yowza! This German TINTORERA poster is awesome. It's scary and better than the movie itself! I had to have it. Love my JAWS ripoffs!


OOOoooo this poster really speaks to me. Ha! I've never seen the film, but have seen stills from it and I recognize the creature on the poster from the stills. Great poster. I just wonder how the zany Germans worked Frankenstein into it (as it is in the German title). Anyone read German? Soooo groovy cool.


I am sure I already have this poster, but who knows if I'll ever unearth it again. But here is the US poster for yet another gonzo zombie poster that tried to capitalize on the success of "DAWN OF THE DEAD". I love this cheezy stupid crap. The most disturbing thing about this gut muncher is this weird kid who has a very strange mother fixation. Oh my stars! (Spoiler!!) Later in the film he becomes a zombie and bites his mother's breasts off! No kidding!

Here's the trailer:

Here's a weird disturbing scene between the son and the mom (NOT that scene though):

Heck, here's the whole dang movie...

I WALKED WITH A ZOMBIE (1956 re-release style A):

Speaking of zombies, here is a classic. Not in the Romero zombie sense, but in the Val Lewton produced sense. No gut munching here,just great atmosphere. I really, really want an original one sheet from the first release. it's just gorgeous. The re-release style B poster uses the same artwork, but the colors used are more muted than the original. I'll probably never have either--so this will have to suffice. And I am thrilled to have it. Yippie.

End of Part 2
Part 3 (last part)


I already had a copy of this, but needed a better copy. Most people point to "HOW TO STUFF A WILD BIKINI" as the end of the "Beach Party" movie series, because it is the last one to feature Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello. But "GHOST IN THE INVISIBLE BIKINI" is the true conclusion to the series. Frankie and Annette may be gone, but the rest of the Beach party gang is here--along with Nancy Sinatra, Basil Rathbone and Boris Karloff! Geronimo!

Here's a look (the trailer):

And the whole way out groovy ghoulie thing:


Speaking of Karloff, my last poster of the day is for a movie I had never heard of before,  1942's "THE BOOGIE MAN WILL GET YOU." I got this on the last day of the emovie Halloween auction. It's a little more beat up then i'd normally go for--only in "good to very good" condition. But it had a couple of things going for it. It features both Boris Karloff and Peter Lorre. I only have a few later Karloff posters and nothing with Lorre. I also noticed this blurb on the auction page: Important Added Info: Note that this is an extremely rare one-sheet which we have never auctioned before!  Zowie! That made me wonder. If it really is all that rare, I might as well try for it. I bid a high (for me--but quasi-modest for a "rare" poster) amount and was shocked that I got it. Huh? Really? I'm thrilled, of course. If there was ever a poster in my collection I would even consider linen backing, it's this one (and I HATE linenbacking). It looks like it might be okay as is in a frame, but I hate the tape discoloration at the top and bottom folds in the margins. Grrr. Still, while it may not be a Universal monster poster--it is a Karloff and a Lorre and more than 70 years old. I'll take it.

Okay kiddies, that's about all of the time we have for the Shock-A-Rama Poster Show tonight. No one soiled themselves, I trust? Now hurry on in and brush your teeth and get ready for bed. Your moms and dads will be in to tuck you in soon. By the way, I hope you've been feeding the monster in your closest. What do you feed a monster, you ask? I find that bratty brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, works best. Nighty night and have groovy dreams!



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