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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show -- Classic Collection #5

Hello, it's time for another look at some of the posters I had before I ever started posting online. I thought, for this one time, it might be nice to post these "classics" alongside some classics of literature (that never existed). That was probably a dumb idea (it IS a dumb idea, actually). At the time I collected these images, was a fun idea. So, just to use them up, here they are. 

Now on to the posters....


I really like this image they used for HALLOWEEN II. I have kept it framed...  I used to have it hanging in my bedroom several years ago, but it now resides in a closet. Oh well. It may go back up eventually.


I dig this fun, creepy, nightmarish poster. Too bad NOTHING like this happens in the snore-inducing movie.


Jamie Lee Curtis, who appeared in this fresh from her success in "HALLOWEEN", apparently refers to this film as "Disco Death" (I read that somewhere). Whatever. It is still fun (and unintentionally funny)---and way better than the remake. See: Jamie Lee as a disco queen strutting her stuff on the dance floor!  See: Leslie Nielsen in (one of?) his last dramatic roles before becoming a full-time funny guy ("Naked Gun", "Repossessed", etc.)  See: Jamie Lee Curtis fall for the most boring and wooden male lead in horror history and find yourself actually hoping he gets killed. Followed by three unrelated (except they all take place at or near "Hamilton High") sequels and the dull remake.


Aside from the fact this poster is for a namesake Go-Go "cousin", why is this poster framed?  I would occasionally deck out my house with winter themed posters in the winter months. I've stopped doing that. This poster remains framed though because I can NOT get some of the screws in the back loose. GRRR!. Whatever. Here is a winter BEACH PARTY ripoff ( the BEACH PARTY series had it's own winter flick, SKI PARTY) that featured musical acts you've never heard of. 


Normally, I would never have bothered buying a CREEPSHOW 2 poster (probably). I received one as a gift, although it was not in the best condition (folded an extra time or two). I bought this as a replacement and stuck in a frame when the friend came to visit. I can NOT get the screws loose on the back to change it out. So it sits in the closet...


I raced to see this when it came out, having loved PEE WEE'S BIG ADVENTURE so much. Yeah, I was disappointed. Hmm. Oh well. It had its moments...and Pee Wee did have a talking pig named Vance. Still, I dig Pee Wee. This was hanging with the BIG ADVENTURE poster in a guest room at one time. Now it sits in the closet.


This is a great poster that conveys what the movie is about---and it's just a photo from the flick with a startling tag line. We are going to eat you. Classic horror/gore flick. This used to hang in my bedroom, but for now it is stuck in a closet.


I love the movies (and posters) of the 70's disaster era. I had this hanging in my dining room years ago along with AIRPORT '75 (my favorite). I later swapped out '77 for THE CONCORDE: AIRPORT '79 (second favorite--so bad it's funny). Now it just sits in a closet. AIRPORT '77 was the first AIRPORT flick I got to see in the theater. Why wasn't there an AIRPORT '81 or AIRPORT '83 etc.? Waaaagh!


This isn't much of a poster (just a faint shot of Faye Dunaway's face)--and it was hard to photograph (This was my best attempt...sorry for the flash glare, etc.). I won tickets to the opening night of this from a local radio station. I had to have my mother go with me as I was only 13 at the time. But my mom and I loved this movie. It's more of a suspense thriller than a true horror flick.. But, yowza! Such an interesting movie (to me). From a story idea by John Carpenter (before he was anyone famous really---this came out in August 1978, before HALLOWEEN debuted).  I know it is pretty much forgotten today and even then it didn't have much of a reputation---but Mom and I both found it suspenseful and shocking. I guess I just saw it at the right time in my life for it to stick with me. The poster lives in my closet though...


The big budget (well, sort of) reboot of the original GODZILLA...complete with Raymond Burr reprising his role of a reporter covering the story. I saw this at the drive in. It wasn't great---but was okay. It was the LAST cinematic appearance of the Big G on US screens until the awful Matthew Broderick version that appeared in the late 90s. I've been trying to track down all of the GODZILLA posters between the original and this one. I only have a few left to go (including the It's-So-Expensive-I'll-Never-Have-One original poster for the original flick.  This is a nice poster if not the greatest movie.

And that's it for now. Thanks for looking. CHEERS!


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