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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 125

November 01, 2016, 12:16:23 AM

Hi there! Did you survive Halloween? I hope so...

I am really, really running out of new stuff to post as you'll see in the lackluster posting below. (And I've been warning you this was gonna happen for weeks now...)

Let's take a look...


Not to be confused with the Guy Williams movie of the same name (and the same unfortunate alternate spelling), this poster is for an animated adventure (which i've never seen). I picked this up just because I have almost every Sinbad movie poster (except the `1947 version with Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Were there any more I missed?).


What the heck is THIS doing in the Shock-A-Rama Poster Show?  I told you it was getting to be slim pickings around here...  Actually, if you must know. I liked/watched the TV series. I had heard the show was good from co-workers years ago while it was on, so (just like I do now because i do not watch TV / do not have cable) I bought the various season sets (having never seen the show) and watched them. Sure, it was a chick show (my first clue SHOULD have been it was the various women in my department at the newspaper that were the ones talking about it)...but since I had bought the entire series i stuck with it. It was entertaining. I did see both of the I wasn't impressed with either of them--but have a poster for each title i think. I got this one because it features the 4 main characters (and it was CHEAP). Did i need it? No. But it had been DAYS since my last poster fix (remember, most of these other posters below were purchased in August before I moved back to my house)


Another film I have never seen, but always meant too, THE BOYS NEXT DOOR isn't quite a horror movie...but it's about two recent high school graduates (Maxwell Caulfield and Charlie Sheen) who kind of go a bit bonkers and go on a crime spree. I think. I've heard a lot of good things about this film and could kick myself as i always seemed to see this in the bargain bin at video stores back in the VHS era...and I NEVER picked it up. Oh well. Maybe I'll catch it some day...


Yes, I DO already have one of these---gotten not so long ago. Why a second copy? This one appears to be in better shape than the one I scored before. I hope so. I've just GOT to sell some of my posters soon---I am THAT financially strapped. (No, i will NOT be selling my really good stuff. Just dupes and stuff i don't care about...).  I bought this in early August.


Gimmick Alert!  The first audience participation adult film? ESP-Erotic Sensation Profile? Ha!  I'm sure the "special device" everyone received was some slip of paper with a sexual point value thing or something like that. Ha!  Scam gimmick---but I had to have it. Another August purchase.


I'm a sucker for those Something Weird-esque nudies (like THE EROTIC ADVENTURES OF ZORRO or TRADER HORNEE). I should have let it go, but....THAR SHE BLOWS!


I've never seen DELIRIUM; don't think I've ever heard of it. However, to me, this poster is NOT DELIRIUM. Instead, if you've ever seen Something Weird's presentation of the never theatrically released MONSTER AT CAMP SUNSHINE, you'll recognize the poster art for DELIRIUM used for the CAMP SUNSHINE art work. (This was paired with THE BEAST THAT KILLED WOMEN on DVD---such a wild and awesome combo! Nudist camp horrors! Ha!)

ARABIAN ADVENTURE (English one sheet):

I've heard good things about this film and someday I would like to track it down. I have the US one sheet---but have always dug the English version. Do I have this already? I don';t think so... Hmm.Drat it! I DO own one already. i was just reviewing my thread and there, towards the beginning, is this same poster. ARGH! More wasted money buying a duplicate... Oh well.


It's the early 60s disaster epic with Frank Sinatra and Spencer Tracy. I had never even heard of this flick until i caught the tail end of it playing in a tiki bar. Wow! Love my disaster flicks--and two classic stars. I already have a copy of this. This is just an upgrade.

GOLDFINGER and DR. NO (re-release combo):

Speaking of upgrades, this is the 3rd copy of this poster I've purchased. I think i FINALLY have one I can be happy with. I now have all of the one sheets from all of the Bond films (Dr. No thru On Her Majesty's Secret Service are the 80s re-release versions however). Whoo hoo!


Whoo hoo (again) last!  My first Jungle Jim poster. After he was deemed too old to play Tarzan (how rude...) and was replaced in the role by Lex Barker, Johnny Weismuller found new life as jungle adventurer Jungle Jim in a series of movies. I've never seen them (I haven't seen a lot of stuff surprisingly), but as a fan of the Tarzan films, I have wanted to include these posters. This one sounds fun. Moon men? Zowie!

And that's all for now.  You have survived the horrors of Halloween. Get ready though...election day is coming! That actually sounds like it could be VERY scary this year.  EEEK!



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