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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 134

January 01, 2017, 12:42:57 AM

Happy New Year and...ARGH!  This is my 2nd attempt at making this post. Just as I was finishing up the 1st attempt, I somehow DELETED it. GRRR! (Now i have to figure out which posters were on here and which I've already posted. OOOPS!)


I don't know if I am thrilled to get this or not. I can't tell if the art is cool or CREEPY. Those heads, especially the one on the left, are so big with big eyes. Weird....


Something else I didn't really need. Joy... But I did see the flick. Bakshi (sp?) is collectible, no?


This strange little curio has been on my radar for a while...but I always seem to miss it. NOT this time. MINE!  Now to track down the movie. Is this any good? Death Bed...sounds like mine. I always seem to have trouble falling asleep (like now... It's late and I can't sleep. So I'm having a glass of whiskey and typing these descriptions again.... Joy... NOT!)


Speaking of curios, here is an X-rated Dracula movie starring golden age porn stars like John Leslie, Annette Haven, John Holmes, Kay Parker...and Reggie Nalder. What???  Nalder, star of THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH, MARK OF THE DEVIL, and SALEM'S LOT appears (in a --thank god--non-porno role) as a Van Helsing-type role.  This was filmed at Scotty's Castle in the Mojave Desert and re-released in an edited R-rated version as LUST AT FIRST BITE.


I love Alejandro Jordowosky. He is one of my all-time favorite directors, based on only three films alone; EL TOPO, HOLY MOUNTAIN and --my favorite--SANTA SANGRE.  I recently got a German EL TOPO poster and I have a video poster for SANTA SANGRE (which I prefer to the theatrical US version....but if I were able to snag one, I'd still buy it.). So I am thrilled to FINALLY score some paper for HOLY MOUNTAIN--a super psychedelic surreal movie that has to be seen to be believed. It's freakin' bizarre yet AWESOME.


Groovy, baby. I've never seen this flick but have long coveted this poster, which features a super duper custom car created by George Barris (creator of the 60's Batmobile, the Munster Koach, and other swell cars). I've never seen this flick, but it looks like a James Bond beach movie. Kowabunga!


This I bought from PHIL (aka OcularBeing) right here on the website in the For Sale section. (Thank you!!!!) I am broke and really need to curb my poster spending this year. BUT, I saw this posted and somebody (I think it was MIKE aka MWRIGHT) who had posted a copy of the Thai FAST TIMES on my thread (and, much like TED's posting of THE FEARLESS VAMPIRE HUNTERS inspired me to get THAT poster when he posted it on my thread). I went for it. I ended 2016 with a doozy...that i HOPE photobucket does NOT censor. Ha!


I do not know this movie, but I liked the poster. It's very colorful. Is the film any good? A true story so brutal and horrifying it was kept from the public for over a century...and kept from me even longer! Yowza!

THE MUMMY'S CURSE (British quad 70's re-release):

Not the prettiest of posters...hmm. This 70's British quad re-release for THE MUMMY'S CURSE is less than stunning--far less.But with so little paper on the Universal monsters, I'll take it.

FRANKENSTEIN MEETS THE WOLFMAN (British quad 60s re-release):

Another less-than-stellar British quad re-release, this time from the 60s. I'll take it because it's a Universal monster flick...but the design is very disappointing. The US re-releases were far more interesting...and that usually isn't necessarily the case. Oh well... Que sera sera. No one asked me for my input.

Okay--thanks for popping by and having a look. HAPPY NEW YEAR and may 2017 be the YEAR you get THAT poster you have been after the longest.



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