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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 155

April 26, 2017, 01:56:15 PM

Zowie! April is coming to a screeching halt! 2017 is already 1/3 of the way over...and it seems like just yesterday it began! I am doing a BONUS post today (I was planning on waiting until the 30th, but I'm leaving on a road trip tomorrow and won't be back until early May)--which includes the last few items I got in the recent Signature Auction from Heritage. I'll have one  more post while i am gone, May 1st, which will be my LAST poster post for a L-O-N-G while (and I wanted to get these goodies posted...instead of waiting several months down the road when I "come back"). Anyway, here is today's batch. Look or don't:


I suppose I should start off my GIFfy mini-salute to THE BRADY BUNCH with some sort of BRADY poster. I already have posters for both films (the first movie was the better movie actually). This is another copy (like I really need another copy. Hmm.) It's not the original BRADY BUNCH, but it's still fun.


This film was kind of a cult hit back in the 80s. It is the sequel (of sorts) to another cult hit, STRANGE BEHAVIOR. There was supposed to have been a third film to make up a trilogy of STRANGE films, but INVADERS was a flop and the third film never happened.


Mario Bava's gory horror hit that had kill scenes ripped off in later films such as FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 2 (spear through the couple on the bed, anyone?). This film was originally released here as CARNAGE---and flopped. The TWITCH OF THE DEATH NERVE title sold the flick (and the cool--yet cheesy Face-To-Face Warning gimmick) and that (or BAY OF BLOOD) is probably what it is best known as today. It was also later retitled again as LAST HOUSE--PART 2, trying to sell it as a sequel to LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT despite the fact that it actually came out the year BEFORE LHOTL. Ha!


Okay, so this is NOT a "movie poster". It is an official TV poster though, sent out to promote the (too) short-lived live action THE TICK series (which i thought was brilliant! Ha!). Had to have it.


I already had a copy of this poster...but was hoping for a better one. And I got it! Whoo hoo! This is the best US poster art (in my opinion) for this flick. I like the poster better than the film. But the film has its merits as well. Hopefully I'll get it up on my walls some day.


Oops! Both of these came available right around the same time. This one is clearly not as in good of shape as the previous one. But it was going cheap when I put in a snipe...never dreaming I'd end up with it for so little. This will eventually be resold down the line.

PEEPING TOM (British one sheet):

Here is the third poster I "won" from Heritage's most recent signature auction. (the 1st and 2nd were on posts from April 1st and April 3rd). I need to give this flick another chance. I know it is considered a classic. I saw it once (back in the VHS era) and found it quite dull...and probably watched the thing on fast-forward instead of giving it a proper chance.


Yet ANOTHER step closer to getting my GODZILLA poster collection (from the original GODZILLA up through GODZILLA 1985--although I do have some of the later GODZIILA's as well.) completed. I still have SEVERAL to go. But filling the hole with the first GHIDRAH (who later spelled his name "Ghidorah"--what's up with that?) was HUGE to me. Hoorah! Give a three-headed fire-breathing ROAR!!!!


Ooooo. I LOVE my blaxploitation flick posters. I have the pretty much all of them that i truly wanted to get (Anyone got a BLACKENSTEIN/BLACK FRANKENSTEIN?). This was on a lower tier of things to get...but the price was right and I nabbed it.


This is the 4th item I won on the most recent Heritage Signature Auction. I am super excited about it, despite the fact it is a 40x60 (my first of that size in all of the 40+ years I've been collecting. Really.) and on linen (blah). Golly, my first spook show poster. How FUN!

TOBOR (Italian 2 foglio):

My last poster for this post is also the 5th and final item I won from Heritage's big auction. I love the art on this Italian release for TOBOR. I'm amazed I got anything TOBOR. Zowie! However, of the 5 posters I scored...I wish I had NOT gotten them and, instead, held out for the two posters I really wanted most of all (THE INVISIBLE MAN 3-sheet re-release and the SON OF FRANKENSTEIN re-release). I was 2nd place bidder on BOTH. Had I gotten them, I wouldn't have gotten the 5 I did end up getting. I like the 5 I got just fine---but they were not GREAT as (in my mind) the other two were. Oh well. All the more reason to take a break and regroup.

And that's it for this post and for April (well, almost!). May 1st is just days away and I'll have my LAST post of new posters for a while...probably until sometime in the fall. (I just hope I remember to get it posted on the 1st. EEK!)

Thanks for visiting. See ya on the 1st!



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