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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 130

December 15, 2016, 12:06:37 AM

Yikes! 2016 is winding down super quick...and Christmas will be here before you know it. I'M NOT ready yet. What I AM ready for though, is my usual middle-o'-the-month posting. Not a lot of choice items this time. I'm still reeling from my Heritage auction hits AND my loss of  disposable income from moving back into my house. But...whatever. It is what it is. (Well, there are two nearly last minute additions you may be surprised to see...) Here are the new posters:


Nothing says happy holidays like a MOMMIE DEAREST poster.  This is actually a replacement for a framed print (EEEK!) a friend gave me a few years ago. Mold grew on the poster and the glass---so i just threw it away. I got this version to HOPEFULLY fool my friend into thinking I still have the poster. I can not believe I didn't already have a copy of this camp classic that ruined Faye Dunaway's career (in her mind. If she would only embrace the film and get over being embarrassed about it, life could go on...). No more wire hangers EVER! Ah, child abuse of the rich and famous.... Ho ho ho!


I don't really know why I wasted $5 on this...other than it was only $5. I was curious about the sequel/reboot...but not curious enough to actually go and see it. Yes, it left the theaters before i could see it.  Oh well.


What is this? Looks like a horror flick. For a bit, i thought it was somehow a Dr. Orloff sequel I had missed. Oops...Orloff/Orloc... Doesn't seem to be. Hmm.Any good? Poster was cheap.


Something else film-wise that I am unfamiliar with (although I've seen this poster several times). This has a few issues (seam tear on the right, tear by the H in NIGHT, etc. but it doesn't seem too bad. I've been looking for bargains lately since I'm so broke. But is the movie any good?


NO--you are NOT seeing double and I did NOT double post the same auction. This is an upgrade I scored about a week after getting the other copy. Ha!


I had one of these before---and THINK I have another tucked away somewhere. (But am not sure...) When I posted the previous one on my thread, Rosa really liked this poster. It was by the artist Jano (one of her faves) and in the upper left corner it said it was from "Rosa Films". So, I sent that copy to her. When I saw this one--just to be sure I have one (I may have imagined I got another one before--who knows?), I bought it as well. Great condition and the art is striking, I think. No wait a was a DIFFERENT poster I sent Rosa. LOS OJOS DE ORLOFF or something like that (also by Jano). Ha. OOPS!


Zowie! I have long wanted one of these. Cheesy 1957 double feature for movies I've never heard of? Wow!  For years as I'd see this poster come up and then slip through my fingers, I could have sworn BEAST FROM PARADISE ISLE must have been a re-titling of Roger Corman's ATTACK OF THE CRAB MONSTER. The crab on the poster certainly resembles the Corman version of the monster. But now that it's mine and I've had a chance to study it--ha! I find it's NOT a Corman re-title, but some turd called PORT SINISTER and CREATURES OF THE JUNGLE is really some snoozefest called THE WHITE ORCHID. Ha! low-budget exploiter Albert Zugsmith was one of the producers. He was the man behind such groovy turds as MOVIE STAR AMERICAN-STYLE OR LSD I HATE YOU (and I LOVE that poster) and SEX KITTENS GO TO COLLEGE (with Mamie Van Doren, Tuesday Weld and Brigitte Bardot's sister, Mijanou). As trashy as Zugsmith's movies were over all, he also produced classics such as THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN and Orson Well's TOUCH OF EVIL.


This is the 2nd of the Hammer Christopher Lee DRACULA first release US one sheets that I have. (The other being COUNT DRACULA AND HIS VAMPIRE BRIDE...which EVERYONE has). At one time I DID have DRACULA HAS RISEN FROM THE GRAVE, but I sold that off years ago (stupid me). Coming to the Hammer Dracula poster collection game this late in the game is going to make it hard to track them all down...but this makes it one less left to go.


Oh my stars... When I went to work last Sunday, I never expected to come home and find I'd won this. YOWZA!!!  The elusive style B of FEARLESS VAMPIRE KILLERS!  YaHOOO! I want to thank TED for posting his a long while back on my thread. I had NEVER seen it before and was stunned. It was gorgeous and it instantly made my MUST HAVE list. Cross it off the list now. Yahoooo!


Oh my stars!  I can't believe I got this. (Neither can my bank account.) There were SO MANY wonderful things in the recent eMovie major auction. There were more things I desperately wanted than in the last Heritage Auction (but then, i prefer eMovie any way). This auction was just exceptional though. I thought to myself---just GO for it.  i bid on several things I had no chance of winning. The one i wanted the most, LIFEBOAT, went for more than $2000. This one, my 2nd choice, thankfully stayed under $1,000...but not by much. Ouch! At least i FINALLY have myself an original poster for one of the CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON films, albeit the third and final one...but it's a start. And, ha! As a lover of gimmicks, it's ironic that I get the poster for the only one in the series that was NOT in 3D. Figures...

And yikes! There are only 9 shopping days left until Christmas. Stop looking at my silly poster thread and GET OUT THERE! By the way, I posted this elsewhere, but if you--whoever you are--would like a simple Christmas card from me, just PM me your address. I'll send a card your way. REALLY!

Happy holidays!


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