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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 141

February 14, 2017, 12:12:03 AM 

Happy Valentine's Day!  Love is in the air... or maybe I just have gas? I don't know. No valentines for me today. I have to work. Ho hum...what else is new? So instead of spending my wad on chocolates, roses and dinners out...I shot it on POSTERS!!! Ha! There's nothing all that thrilling this time (I am really trying to cut back), but because I heart posters, I can't just NOT buy. Can I? Hmm...

Okay...This is a weird post...lots of kiddie movies and a porn title. Ha! Let's take a peek:


I have no idea what this is, but THE LOVE WITCH? Yowza! Sounds like something I might need to see. Someone posted something on another thread about this poster being available directly from the I ordered a copy ($19.99 plus shipping). Not bad...and the poster is interesting. I hope the film is. And, with LOVE in the title, what a great way to start off the Valentine's Day bonus post!


Just when I thought I had all of the kiddie matinee posters out there, along comes one for this movie. Never heard of it. But as a completest, I had to have it.


The photo is not the actual poster. I don't have a picture of the actual poster, but found this one online. This was a free poster that came with THE GOLDEN GOOSE. I like my kiddie matinee posters, but I already have this one.


Another free one that came with THE GOLDEN GOOSE, but, like with the above double feature poster, I already have this poster as well.


This is an unusual one sheet...I think it's from the US but I'm not sure. This also turned out to be from my friend Scott's collection. In fact, when I first spotted this, I sent him the link (not realizing he was dead at the time) because I knew he was a big fan of this flick. I had never seen this poster before--but obviously he had.

STAR WARS: CLONE WARS (video volumes 1 & 2):

Here are the first of several from our pal Rich at Movie Poster Bid (hence the watermark) (Thank you, Rich.). I already had a Clone Wars Vol 1 video poster...but this came with a poster for Vol. 2  Why NOT get it? I didn't know there was a theatrical version as well---which I didn't get. Oh well. I'm no Star Wars fan anyway.


Nope--not a fan, but this went super cheap (guess those "prequel" films weren't so popular? Ha!)
so I snagged it against a future (hopefully) profit when (if) it gets sold down the road. The art is nice--that's one thing I'll give the STAR WARS posters...


Another Star Wars something. Also inexpensive. Maybe I can turn a buck down the road? No? Hmm. Decent art though.


The biopic about the man who directed the legendary FRANKENSTEIN. I thought why not? (Especially since I'll never own an original FRANKENSTEIN. Ha!)

CARRIE (British quad):

This is kind of in shoddy condition, with the tears/missing paper in the upper right corner/right center. However, it was clearly meant to go with the other posters I posted a few weeks back. I got it to have a full(er?) set and because it was also my dead friend Scott's. The set seems most unusual. They must be some sort of special British posters. This, and the other posters in the set, seem more like a collage of lobby cards (with their images and captions) in poster form than true, regular posters. Interesting. Too bad they are torn though.


Remember VD stands for more than just "Valentine's Day". Ha! Here is an adult movie poster to celebrate the day as well...

A while back, it was a work day and eMovie was having an auction I'd have to miss. So I randomly bid on a bunch of stuff at 5 in the morning---not bidding much as I am now broke so i didn't expect to get much. Throughout the day i kept getting outbid noticed on my phone -- as expected. I left about 740 that evening. As I walked out into the rain, I saw i had an invoice from eMovie. I actually laughed out loud when i saw the only poster I had not been outbid on was this one. STUD HUNTERS, if you haven't guessed it, is a porn flick...with a not very imaginative poster to go with it (although I do love the big 80s hair on the one chick in the inset). But the reason I bid on something like STUD HUNTERS in the first place is a good story (??).

In the summer right after graduation from high school (1983), one of my classmates, who also lived down the street from me unfortunately, started pestering me to take her to the movies. I had a car (it was a junky orange 1966 Mustang) and she didn't. The girl (I'll call her Kristy Christmas---not her real name, but close enough) was a rather large and obnoxious girl---who could be mean. I don't know why I ever gave in and said I'd take her, other than just to appease her and make her get off my back. She wouldn't tell me what movie we were going to (it was a surprise) -- just the time it started. She was directing me downtown, but there were no theaters left downtown that still showed movies as far as I knew (and I checked the movie page of the newspaper every day). Huh?

She directed me to the local Pussycat Theatre. What!? When I questioned her on it, she made some argument I don't recall...and we ended up going in. As we walked up to the theater, I kept hoping that for the next 3 or 4 hours, no one I knew would spot my it was an easily recognizable eye sore. We got our tickets (it was a double feature) and, once inside the  door, I was amazed to find myself standing next to a snack bar with popcorn, soda, candy, etc. (In a porn theater? Zowie.) We proceeded to buy snacks at the otherwise unused snack bar. (Patrons who came in after us just made a beeline for the theater.)

I was in wide-eyed shock the whole time. The lobby had been painted all red and there was a large painting (on velvet) of a woman from the waist up topless. I don't recall seeing any movie posters inside or outside the theater. The theater itself was also red with red velvet drapes lining the walls. It wasn't very big, but Kristy was noticeably the only female in the place. Other theater goers were obviously stunned to see her. When we found a place to sit down (thank god i didn't look too closely at the seats. Eeew!) the other, uh... "gentlemen" in our row mostly changed seats to different rows. There was a steady stream of gents heading to and from the bathroom. Yikes! I prayed I would not have to go during the double feature and also wondered if there was a ladies restroom should Kristy need to go.

As I write this, I am reasonably sure that STUD HUNTERS was NOT one of the two films we saw that day, that it was a trailer that was probably shown before BOTH films. Why i think that is is because although i have no memory of the film itself, the theme song has been stuck in my head for the last 33 1/2 years. It pops in at the most random of times and stays for days. Not only do I find it amusing that a porn movie has a theme song...but LYRICS as well? Ha!

(musical intro) boom boom da-da boom boom da-da
(spoken by a couple of lady singers) Here we come...
(sung) Ahhhh-AHHHHHH!
Stud Hunters.
I need some hard core lovin'
Stud Hunters
I need some intimate shovin'
Stud Hunters...

That's all I remember---and I'm not entirely sure of the lyrics. But that's the gist of it. They played the theme song several times in the trailer---and I'm sure they played the trailer twice while we were there...and the damn thing has been stuck in my head since. I don't remember the names of the actual films we saw that day---but the titles FRISKY BUSINESS and LAS VEGAS LADY (LADIES?) are flashing in my mind? Real titles? Other trailers? I don't recall.  I don't remember seeing anything...just sitting there in shock and being in a daze...and of Kristy now and again leaning over during the movies and asking if I'd like a lemon drop. Unreal.


I've never heard of this flick, but i couldn't resist it. It's exploitation genius! Notice in big letters (TWICE) it screams "BARDOT!", but only when you read the fine print on the lower "Bardot" do you see that it is Brigitte Bardot's sister...Mijanou. Hmmm... That's almost like a movie starring FRANK Stallone or DON Swayze (but prettier). Ha! I love the the poster had to be mine. From one of Rich's auctions. Thank you, Rich.

RASPUTIN THE MAD MONK and THE REPTILE (re-release combo):

This one, although a re-release, is a real joy to me. Zowie! Patrons of this double bill got a FREE RASPUTIN BEARD to disguise themselves from the forces of evil! Ha. I love it. I have a similar Hammer re-release double feature poster for one of the DRACULA flicks and PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES where boys were given Dracula fangs and girls got zombie eyes glasses. Wow! I'm glad to have this one now to go with it.


Classic 80s horror. Glad to finally have one (or did I already? I really, REALLY need to make a spread sheet).

Okay---that's it for the posters this time. I'll be back tomorrow for my regular mid-month post. Now go out and spread some love (just remember to wear protection. Oh my!). Watch out, here comes Cupid.


Don't lose your heart...



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