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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 151

March 17, 2017, 11:59:17 PM 

Here is another bonus mini-post:

TIDAL WAVE (Half sheet):

This is another example of my bidding on things at 5 a.m.... Ha!  Yesterday was a work day. It was also the day eMovie was having an auction of half sheets and inserts...which i really do NOT collect. However, I half-heartedly bid on several items before jumping in the shower and getting ready for work. I got several outbid notices throughout the day on my phone...and than an invoice telling me I'd won this. Ha! Who even remembers this turd? It is certainly NOT available on DVD or BluRay...did it ever come out on VHS even? I don't think so. "Bonanaza"-star Lorne Greene, just off of "EARTHQUAKE", stars in this Americanized version of a Japanese movie called "The Submersion of Japan". Just as was done with Raymond Burr in the original GODZILLA (and GODZILLA 1985 actually), Greene was inserted into the flick with new scenes where he is an ambassador for the United Nations frantically trying to get help for the doomed people of Japan. I have the one sheet (with better art). This half sheet is kind of...well,'s just sort of not that thrilling. From the 70s disaster era. The disaster effects are so very Toho--obvious models (sorely in need of Godzilla to come along. But, alas, he's no where to be seen...).


April 03, 2017, 08:39:56 AM

Because I am getting ready to go into poster posting hibernation, here is a bonus mini-post:


Not exactly "shack-a-rama"...and something I've not even seen...but it was a Disney poster, so I thought I'd pick it up for possible resale some day down the road.


April 04, 2017, 12:19:39 AM

Because I have a few posters left to burn through before my self-imposed poster-posting exile on May 1st, here is another mini-bonus posting:


I have never seen this flick, but I DO remember seeing this poster in ad form in the newspaper vividly. It's terror in the subway car as seen through the window of the door to the connecting car. Some things are left to mystery (such as who is carrying the big gun right near the window...and possibly what he has already done with it), all just out of sight, blocked by the surrounding metal of the door. I was fascinated by this as a kid. When i recently had a chance to grab this poster...even though it's not "horror" in the traditional sense... i went for it.

Okay. I've just finished my 4th day in a row working (48.5 hours on the clock). I need to get to bed.


April 04, 2017, 10:15:19 AM

Here's another bonus post---just for you:


I know I have seen this...just don't remember it all that well. John Karlen (Willie Loomis and other characters on DARK SHADOWS and later on CAGNEY AND LACEY) was the male lead, but it was the two unknown (to me anyway) females who are the focus (one of them playing Countess Elizabeth Bathory, if that gives you any idea of what it is about) of the film (and poster) from 1971. I just stumbled on the poster and got it.

Thanks again for the visit.


April 04, 2017, 08:27:00 PM

Hi there. I got a few more posters up today and have photos to share. They're not that exciting as they don't really show you the placement in the room---just the posters on the wall, but whatever...

Don't mind the weird flash glare on this and others, but here is my REVOLT OF THE ZOMBIES re-release to the left of my refrigerator next to my pantry cabinet. (YES! The posters HAVE invaded my kitchen..)

And on the other side of the fridge, here is my ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE:

Back in the living room, along the back wall, here are two views of the foursome I got up. It's X THE MAN WITH X-RAY EYES, THE THING THAT COULDN'T DIE, KING KONG (1956 re-release), and THE INDESTRUCTIBLE MAN. My NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET pinball machine can be seen folded up on the floor. I will get that up on its legs and going eventually. It will look groovy next to the posters and be jutting out from the corner.

In the hallway, next to the poster room (you can see some of the poster rolls leaning against the doorway), I put up my NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and CREATURE WALKS AMONG US.

Finally, at the end of the hall, I put up my super cheesy THE RATS ARE COMING THE WEREWOLVES ARE HERE.

I still have LOTS of wall space left...3 bedrooms, the poster room, the dining room and more in the living room. Those will get posterfied soon.

Here's another mini-poster post while I'm here:


Another poster for something I have NOT seen. Still, I like the art, so why not?

Thanks for visiting.


April 06, 2017, 07:59:01 PM

Hi there. Just for you, here is a mega-mini-bonus post (5 posters instead of just 1).


Okay, this is NOT a movie poster (but this is the ALL Posters Forum). I'm not even sure this isn't a reprint of the original poster (it was listed as an 80s poster instead of a 70s poster), but...yowza! I remember this poster EVERY WHERE when I was a kid. I never had one and sort of always regretted it. Who knew I'd have one 40 years later!? Ha!


I have this already, but who could resist cheesy bad posters for cheesy bad (in a good way) movies? Especially when it's not very expensive?


I already have this as well...and prefer the actual regular release poster (with the cast shown in a knife blade). The last of the original series was not the best...but NOT the worst either (HALLOWEEN 6, anyone? UGH!).


Another poster I already have...  Tim Burton's full-length animated version of his short film of the same name. Too bad it didn't do better at the box office. Still a cool flick visually.


And ANOTHER poster I already have...and another disappointment. Hopefully the rumored Indy 5 will leave the series off on a high note. Nice poster art though.

Thanks again for visiting.


April 07, 2017, 01:44:29 AM

Here's a special bonus mini-post just for you:


I've heard this movie is crap and, no I have not seen it. It's a direct-to-video thing, so no theatrical poster exists. BUT, I got it because I thought the poster was cool.

Any way, thank you again for stopping by.


April 07, 2017, 06:45:27 PM

Bonus time!

8 MM:

I dig the image. The movie was also good...have not watched the sequel yet, although I do have it.


April 12, 2017, 12:46:19 AM

OUCH!!!  Michael's is having a 70% off sale on custom framing. It was today or not gonna happen (the sale ends in a few days) because I work for the next few days and then am out of town. I also had to get to a small dinner party---so i had less than an hour to get there and put in my order. I had wanted to see about getting my 3-sheet CREATURES WITH THE ATOM BRAIN framed...but in my mad rush I could NOT find it. Instead I settled on something else (to be shared in a later post). It is on linen and the original size was 40x60...but it's a little larger now due to the linen.  With 70% off, i didn't think it would be all that much. WRONG!  Oh my stars. At first she told me it would be $900+. WHAT!?!  I was floored. That was WITH the discount.  I balked at the price and she said they could use ordinary plexiglass instead of some fancy anti-glare kind. That brought the price way down...but it was STILL $535. EEEK!

OMG!  HOW am I ever going to get my other regular one sheets on linen framed OR my 3 sheet on linen framed? That cost is sooooo incredibly OUT of my price range. JEEPERS!

Here's a bonus post:


Like so many other posters for movies I haven't seen, I've not seen this flick either. But current JAMES BOND star Daniel Craig is the lead and I picked this up, rather inexpensively, hoping it could turn a buck down the road.



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