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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 154

April 19, 2017, 08:43:43 AM

Mini-BONUS Post time! (Only a few items left before my summer sabbatical...):


I'm a sucker for a gimmick. PSYCHORAMA was a cool gimmick that used subliminal imagery to create scares, feelings of dread, happiness, etc. (I heard it disappeared because it was banned--fear that using subliminal suggestions like this would lead to making people do things they wouldn't normally do...or maybe it just gave people a headache?) There were TWO movies that used this process; MY WORLD DIES SCREAMING (re-released under the better title with a better poster as TERROR IN THE HAUNTED HOUSE) and this flick, A DATE WITH DEATH. Like a lot of other movies I have posters for, I have NOT seen either flick. I've had chances to, but I am waiting to HOPEFULLY see them in TRUE PSYCHORAMA some day (Rhino released a version with fake psychorama back in the vhs era.Ha!) Anyway, with this poster, I've gotten one sheets for both films (including the HAUNTED HOUSE re-titling). I am more or less done with this poster quest...unless i come across a half sheet or 3 sheet for TERROR IN THE HAUNTED HOUSE. Why? Because the half sheet and three sheet make mention of the PSYCHORAMA gimmick. The one sheet (which I have hanging in my hallway--and LOVE) sadly, does NOT.


April 22, 2017, 12:09:05 AM

Here's a BONUS mini-post...just for you:

THE FOG (advance--remake):

Crappy movie. This was a free bonus poster when I bought something else. Whoopie...


April 22, 2017, 11:53:22 PM

Here's another BONUS mini-post (and I am soooo running out of posters to use...):


Okay, so this is NOT your typical movie poster... Being the gimmick junkie that I am, I couldn't resist this poster which is advertising many 3D films, several of which I am not familiar with (and need to put on my list of posters to find down the road...). I wish I had been able to go to the festival. Old school 3D was literally in-your-face awesome and fun.  I'm a little worried this might be a fake as, guess who has one for sale on his eBay site (tloce). I did NOT buy this from him. I got it from someone else. But that someone else COULD have gotten his copy from tloce. UGH! OR it may be legit from some festival. I bought this BEFORE I saw tloce had one. Hmm.


April 23, 2017, 11:57:09 PM

Here is another mini-bonus posting, possibly/probably my LAST mini-bonus posting for months to come. I have two more full-sized postings coming your way (A bonus posting April 30th and my usual beginning of the month post on May 1st)---and then that will be it at least until the fall...if not longer!  This mini-post is the LAST of my "extra" posters that did not make it in to the final two upcoming posts:

LOST HIGHWAY (British quad):

David Lynch. One of my faves (if not my favorite fave). Interesting yet weird movie.


This may never end up in a post of mine---not even a mini-bonus post. Why? Because I had no idea what i was buying once again. Not long back I bought a poster for some movie starring SAL MINEO ("Who Killed Teddy Bear" or something like that). I'll never be able to afford anything JAMES I figured I'd get a few Sal Mineo items. Except for a Planet of the Apes film, I have NEVER seen Sal Mineo in anything---NOT even (gasp! He MUST be kidding!) REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE (No, i'm NOT kidding--I've never seen it). I looked him up and saw mention of FORTUNE AND MEN'S EYES (that also starred, amazingly, a very young Don Johnson apparently). When i stumbled on this poster, it was cheap and I grabbed it. OOPS! I told you I know nothing of the movie. Apparently Sal Mineo (or Don Johnson) didn't either. They are NOT in it. What they were in was a PLAY version. D'OH!. Apparently this is some gay prison roughie melodrama? No fun there. I'm sure "OZ" it ain't.

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (2017 teaser):

I have NO interest in the movie. I did for a moment...and then didn't. But in that moment, I got this teaser. Nice poster---but now i have no interest in the film. Ha!

Okay, that's it for now. Thanks for visiting.


April 27, 2017, 03:29:30 AM 

Although I THOUGHT I had posted everything left that did NOT make it into my final post (May 1st), I just discovered this one. I think I forgot about it because the photo was so poor. So... BONUS MINI-POST time:


This 80s slasher is so obscure, for the longest time I thought it was a direct-to-video piece o' crap. NOPE. It DID have a theatrical release. I know it is really difficult to make out in this horrid photo, but this IS the theatrical poster. I remember seeing the flick in the video store--but never bothered (thinking, as I said, that it was straight-to-video junk). However, running across this photo made me want to see it. So I found a cheap double-feature DVD on ebay (the other feature is the largely forgotten 80s slasher THE INITIATION. which I do remember playing in the theaters---but never bothered to see either) and ordered it. I'm NOT expecting much, but wouldn't it be wonderful if it turns out to be a wonderful little gem? Hmm.

Okay--now I REALLY am out of posters. Check back May 1st for my last post-a-go-go!  Thanks for the chat.



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