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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 144

March 01, 2017, 12:18:33 AM

Welcome to the March 1st version of the Shock-A-Rama Poster Show. Ho-hum. Believe it or not, I am still reeling from the financial blow of my three purchases from Heritage way back in November...UGH!  So, as you'll see, this is probably one of the most lack-luster posts in a while. (And they've been pretty lame for a while...) I am just b-r-o-k-e.

Take a look, if you want to bother...


I'd have preferred to get a BETTER OFF DEAD poster, but I also dig this other John Cusack flick poster for ONE CRAZY SUMMER. The giant smiling sun makes it. Did I need it? No. But whatever...It will perk me up through the rest of winter. Come on spring!


Another poster I probably did not need... I really wanted to see this flick--but have not done so yet. I read the books. The first book--the inspiration for this flick--was the better of the three. (The other two were not as good, in my opinion...). Tim Burton directed, so it's bound to be interesting visually (but...hmm. All of Burton's films have been visually stunning...but the last one I actually liked thoroughly was EDWARD SCISSORHANDS or BEETLEJUICE.) Hopefully this is a good flick. Do you know if they are going ahead with the sequels or not? The poster is interesting at least.

LICENSE TO KILL (International version):

Something else I didn't need. I have a couple of US one sheets for this Bond film. Although the film was not well received (and kind of bombed at the box office, ending Timothy Dalton's turn as Bond after only 2 movies), I liked it well enough and saw it in the theater. This International one sheet is not that exciting. Why I felt I needed it at the time is beyond me. oh well.


This poster and the four below it I got off of some small auction based out of New York state. I bid a pittance for them---and was surprised i won. My winning bids ran from $5 (minimum bid) to a whopping $15. I lost a few (one guy out bid me by $1 for a grand total of $6. Ha!). I'd bid on these weeks ago--and had forgotten all about them. This one, I got for the minimum bid. I have no idea what this movie is---looks Asian. i think I have it on a DVD multi-movie set, but I have not seen it yet. i think i have/had another copy of this in rather poor condition. Whatever... it was $5.


This one set me back $9. I don't think I have any of the SUPERMAN movie posters for the four Christopher Reeve SUPERMAN films, so I don't know why I bothered with even attempting to get the poster for the flop spin-off.'s mine. Actually, I think I've seen these go for a decent price...certainly more than $9. So maybe I got a deal?


This is the one I wanted most of all (*)--and this is the one squeezed an entire $15 out of my wallet. Ha! (That's the cost of shipping for some sellers these days). I like my Tarzan movies...and this is a female version knockoff with cool art work (Is that Frazetta or Boris?).(* from the auction mentioned in the SUPER STOOGES poster)


From the creators of SOUTH PARK and starring one of them, this is ORGAZMO the poster (notice the humping dog. Oh my...) $5 special. Hee hee. I think I actually saw this flick---but have totally forgotten it.


The 4th (out of 5) of the Christopher Lee FU MANCHU movies.  I finally saw the films about 3 years ago...and was not impressed. The anticipation of years and years was met with only mediocracy. Nice period pieces, but ho-hum plots. Still, I have been slowly picking up the posters as i come across them.


After SNOW WHITE AND THE THREE STOOGES and THE THREE STOOGES MEET HERCULES, this is the 3rd THREE STOOGES poster now in my collection. I've never seen it and it probably sucks...but it also co-stars Adam West, just before he became BATMAN! Whatever. i'm glad to have it.


A recent win (by someone else) of DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS reminded me how awesome of a poster it is....and I mentally pulled it from the back burner (where sooooo many poster wants are boiling away) to the forefront and...I GOT one. Yippie! I WAS holding sharing this until my birthday post (April 15th)...but since it is in my recent framed posters video, I thought I'd share it now. Whoo hoo!

Okay kiddies. Get your March on! Spring is just around the corner (hopefully... That damn groundhog saw his shadow a while back, meaning there's be 6 more weeks of winter. That leaves 2 weeks left,. UGH!  But then, daylight savings time hits...and I work the day before AND day of. Groan... No rest for the weary.



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