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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 146

March 07, 2017, 07:37:20 PM

Here's a bonus mini-post:


Zowie! This is a poster for an apparently unfinished video documentary on grindhouse movies and their makers. Wow, you've got Ilsa, Werewolves on Wheels, Invasion of the Blood Farmers, and many others represented on the poster. I hope it gets completed and released. I have looked it up and seen clips. Great stuff there.


March 08, 2017, 01:15:25 AM

Here's ANOTHER Bonus mini-post. Yahoo!


"If you can stand that fishy smell, you'll love THE MERMAID" So screams the tag line at the top of the poster. HA! I had read an article about this movie several years ago. Apparently it was a low-budget nudie shot in someone's pool. The producers hated it so much they destroyed all known copies of the film (I think there were only about 10 copies to begin with), leaving only the posters behind. We can only guess what it was like--but i believe it had starred Rene Bond? Hmm. I had been looking for this poster since reading that article. Glad I hooked this one. Only $30. Nothing fishy about that.

Thanks again for the visit.


March 09, 2017, 01:09:00 AM

Here's a BONUS mini-post:


I love Tarantino, but believe it or not, I have NOT seen the KILL BILL flicks. Still, I picked this up tonight from one of Rich's auction. I've seen much talk on the KILL BILL films (and posters) on APF. This is not the most exciting poster, but I'm sure I'll be pleased to have it once I finally see the film.

Good night!

March 09, 2017, 08:30:59 AM

Ugh...had to take a sleeping pill last night and Im groggy...but need to get up ASAP as its another glamorous work day. O' the joy...

Here's a quick mini-bonus:


I love the first two HELLRAISER films (after that, they really started going downhill quickly...). Part 2 may even be my favorite. I already have the poster for two, but picked this up last night. 

Now it's "time to play", no. It's time to go to work. ARGH!


March 10, 2017, 08:33:27 AM

UGH. I have to get ready to go to work now. I'm sooooo tired. But here's yet ANOTHER mini-post:


This is a cool and colorful poster from 1946. I have no idea what the flick is like---but it looked quasi-suspenseful/horror-ish and the price was right and the poster was nifty. SOLD!


March 11, 2017, 01:01:17 PM

Here's another mini-bonus post:


Yes, I DO already have one of these that i posted earlier...but this was a better copy. Possibly the GONE WITH THE WIND of cannibal movies (Ha! Did I really just say that?), this poster is super hard to find. Yahoo! It's MINE!  I'll sell off my other one some time this spring / summer (if I can find it), I hope. I need the $$$. Even if I don't break even it will still be better than no $$$ at all. The poster could have been better...but no one asked my opinion. Ha!

PS: OH---and have you seen the new KONG film yet? How is it? I'm hoping to go Tuesday.

I actually have a DAY OFF today. Whoo HOO!

Oh my's almost the 15th. Already! I'll have my usual mid-month full posting then.


March 12, 2017, 08:43:28 AM

Good morning. UGH!  It's 5 a.m....which, yesterday, would have been 4 a.m.. Argh!  It's Daylight Savings Time and I have to wake up, shave, shower, and shine---and go to work. Oh God---I'm gonna be dragging my butt all day long... Zzzzz.

Blah... It's already almost hit-the-shower time. Nooooo. Did I just lay down to sleep? This day is gonna be AWFUL! 

Thanks for visiting. Here's a mini-bonus post:

TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (Remake Japanese Chirashi):

The ONLY reason I have this is because it came with two others (that I'll share soon). Michael Bay remakes---UGH! And this image is NOT all that exciting...

Okay---the male nurse zombie is shuffling off to get ready for his day. Blah!  Have a better one then me.

Happy Daylight Savings Time!


March 13, 2017, 12:35:31 AM

Ooooo I am sooooo tired. I'm off to bed after this (and going back to work tomorrow. EEEK! Look out! 5 a.m. is coming...).

Below is a shot of one of my hallway walls. It's hard to see, but it's taken from inside the poster room door looking out. The doorbell chime and thermostat are poorly placed for hanging they are where they are for that reason.  And the glare is horrible on them, but they are up. LOVE seeing them when I come out of the poster room/office (which I am in right now):

Speaking of posters, here's a BONUS poster:



Fill in the blank and say whatever you want about it. I'm tired going to bed.

Good night and sweet (or wild or frightful---whatever you prefer) dreams


March 14, 2017, 02:06:54 PM

I just had a private message conversation with a fellow poster collector. He gave me permission to reprint it here in case anyone else was interested:


I noticed you had a bunch of poster in frames. Were they from HPF? If so, were they the economy frames or archival?

Thanks, Mike

Hi Big Mike!

Thanks for your note.

Yes, I do have a LOT of framed posters and I'm slowly getting them back up on my walls. However, they are NOT HPF frames. I have had these frames for years and years and YEARS. I am just re-using them (taking old posters out and putting new ones in). I have been a collector for years---since I was a kid in the late 1970s. I bought my frames (more than 200---eeek!) a long time ago, long before I ever knew about APF (I've only been a member for 2 years now). I've heard good things about HPF frames, but have no first-hand knowledge. Sorry.

But I do appreciate your asking.


Sounds like you have an interesting collection and from the posters I've scene posted. Looks good!

Are the frames archival quality?

No, I do not believe so. When I bought them, that never entered my mind. The backing boards are just standard foam core---NOT acid free. I did just recently buy some microchamber paper to lay between the poster and the foam core backing board to reduce any acid damage:

It just arrived this past weekend, so I'll soon be opening all of my framed posters AGAIN and adding it (well, I only have 100 sheets --so expensive--at the moment. I'll have to get more later...)

Good luck.


Did you notice any damage from the regular foam board? I might do the same and get the microchamber paper too then...

Well, yes I think so. But you have to understand that I had posters in the frames for YEARS--like 10 years in some cases. I did notice little blotches of discoloration/yellowing where I was sure there were none before. It would be too costly to replace all of my backing boards with acid-free ones. I am hoping the microchamber paper will act as a barrier and do the job an acid-free backing board would.

Thanks again and GOOD LUCK to you.

I think I'll stick with the acid free backings then.

I don't blame you. If I had it to do all over again or was just starting out, I'd go with acid-free backing boards, too. Good luck!

Thank you for letting me repost this. I thought someone out there may find this helpful, should they happen to stumble in here and see it.

Tomorrow (the 15th) is my regular post.  I'd also include a quick mini-post, but I want to go see the new KONG movie...and it starts in less than 30 minutes. EEEK!

Catch ya later!



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