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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 145

March 01, 2017, 12:42:09 AM

 Here's a mini-bonus post again:


No idea what this is--but it looks awful. So I NEEDED it (of course).


March 01, 2017, 01:35:30 AM

Here's another mini-bonus post, purchased just MINUTES ago (literally):


Although the third flick in Dario Argento's "Three Mothers" trilogy was, how shall I put it?, disappointing, and the poster is kind of blah, I still think this is a good poster to go after as the film had a very limited release (i.e. fewer posters then normal out there) and it IS part of an interesting series that started with the masterpiece film SUSPIRIA---and you know how hard THOSE posters are to get. This is, I believe, my 2nd copy? Hmm. Literally just stumbled on it with mere minutes left to go, bid and 10 minutes ago or so. Yahoo!


March 01, 2017, 01:56:40 AM 

Time for another mini-post!


I saw this in the theater and liked it...a LOT. The poster is based on a famous painting by, umm...  Henry Fuseli called THE NIGHTMARE (, which was also used as the inspiration for the poster art for William Castle's THE NIGHT WALKER (


March 01, 2017, 11:57:02 AM 

Because I am so UP about things right now, here is yet another mini-bonus post, that I got on eMovie just last night:


John Waters? Duh! Of course I had to get it.


March 02, 2017, 02:48:51 PM 

Mini-bonus time again:

INLAND EMPIRE (British quad):

I picked this up from eMovie on Tuesday (with the John Waters poster above). I already had a foreign poster (I forget from where) for INLAND EMPIRE, but I like this quad much better. I have never seen a US one sheet for it---but I know they exist. Or do they? I saw the flick in the theater the first time I watched it---and am sure i saw a poster for it outside the theater. Hmm. NOT nearly as good as MULHOLLAND DR or even the better episodes of TWIN PEAKS Lynch directed, but still an interesting flick. Lynch is also one of my faves. I'm soooo looking forward to the new season of TWIN PEAKS.


March 02, 2017, 08:00:03 PM 

Mini-bonus post time:


Groovy old Mongram Pictures poster. Wasn't Monogram one of the "Poverty Row" studios churning out cheap-os? The only actor in this I recognize is Milburn Stone---who went on to play "Doc" on "GUNSMOKE" in the 1960s and 70s. Oh my! (And the only reason i remember that--as i hated westerns--is because my grandfather watched it. During the opening credits, the actors and parts they played were not only shown on the screen, but they were verbalized by some unseen narrator. Even if I wasn't watching I HEARD his name a zillion time ("With Milburn Stone as 'Doc' ").


March 02, 2017, 11:19:45 PM

So, I framed some more of my posters. Here's a short video. There may be a poster or two (or three) on here that have never been on my thread before...but they are not new. There are a dozen or so. Take a look or don't:

In lieu of my usual mini-post, I wanted to present this poster. It's one of the framed ones from the video:


I got this poster (and the one sheet under it's pre-release original title "FALL BREAK", which was never used) several years ago on eBay. Somewhere I saved the printout of the auction listing, but as I recall, the guy who sold them to me told me in the course of our transaction that he was a writer and that he had written an article on the film. The writer/director/star had given the guy several copies of the posters and other items. I had read an article on the movie in Fangoria way back in the day and asked if that had been the article. He said that yes, that had been it. THE MUTILATOR I DID see in the theaters (mostly because of the poster--not so much because of the article, which i may not have even seen until afterwards). I wrote about that experience (with a real life psycho weirdo in the audience) earlier in my thread, when i apparently scored another copy of the MUTILATOR poster (folded). Both this and FALL BREAK (which is not nearly as interesting of a poster) are ROLLED. I've never seen another rolled one. EMovie has a tri-fold shown in past auctions and a few folded ones, but no rolled ones. Forgive the reflection from the plexiglas frame. I should probably have featured one of the other posters in the video not seen on my thread before...but whatever.


March 04, 2017, 12:04:19 AM

Since I'm here, here is another mini-post:


Another of those hillbilly sexploiters from Box Office International. Do I have one of these already? Probably. I don't know... (Heck, i may have another already on my thread for all i know...) I think I've mentioned in the past how these country bumpkin drive in flicks really caught my eye when ads for them appeared in the newspaper during my growing up years. JOHN TULL (whoever he was...or is now...if he's even still alive) played JUNIOR in several of the films, even though they each seem to be stand alones and are unrelated aside from their country bumpkin theme. Tull also appeared as other characters in other films from the same producers as well.


March 04, 2017, 08:36:40 AM

Bonus mini-post time again (and then I have to get ready for work--ARGH!):


Francis Ford Coppola's $26 million folly that bankrupted him and his studio (it only made $650,000 back at the box office---ouch!). Still it is a fascinating piece of film.

Okay--time to go turn into super nurse and get to work. (Groan.)

CHEERS and thanks for visiting.

March 04, 2017, 11:50:58 PM

Mini-post time (before i head to bed. Tomorrow is another long, long, l-o-n-g work day. o' the joy...


I know nothing about this old 1948 movie, but the poster was very old school cool in my book. SOLD!

Okay---bed time. Thanks for visiting. Good night and CHEERS!

March 05, 2017, 08:22:35 AM

And now a bonus post, before I have to get ready for work on this soggy California Sunday morning... (MORE rain! UGH!):


I know this is a popular title to go after...and was amazed to actually get one. It was only after I got it and saw that it was double sided that I realized how/why I got it... It's FOLDED. It should be rolled. Oh well...

Happy Sunday!


March 06, 2017, 12:26:51 AM

And now, another BONUS mini-post:


Zowie! I had seen one of these floating around on eBay for a while. I saw this and went for it. I'm not sure which is in better shape (but this one does have a few "bites" in it along the side), but this one was a little cheaper (by $34 and $28 shipping) and...yippie! It's mine. This is a Jess Franco flick that someone wisely re-titled/re-dubbed and turned into an ILSA movie (which is how I first saw it's always been an Ilsa flick to me).


March 06, 2017, 08:48:28 PM

Hi there! BONUS post time again...but not to show you any new poster. Instead...YIPPIE...I have finally started to hang up some of my framed posters again. There are only 7 up so far...but soon EVERY wall will be posterfied!   Whoo hoo!  Here is a peek:

These two were the first to go-go up. I like the juxtaposition of ATTACK OF THE PUPPET PEOPLE with WAR OF THE COLOSSAL BEAST...tiny Vs HUGE! That wall was the perfect place to start. However, as I was hanging them, I realized (GRRR!) that the small window by the front door was shorter than the rest of the windows in the living room by 2 inches. Whose bright idea was that? So I compromised and have them a little shorter than the main windows and a little taller than the lone short window. The rest of the posters will also be hung at this height. I apologize for the awful lighting...and the posters all over the place. Ha!

Next up, just inside the door in the little entry area, across from the little window, I've hung HORROR HOTEL. It may not be the best choice poster-wise, but it's very fitting. Since moving back to my house, I've FELT like a hotel. I've had people visiting/staying here more often than not. (My mom is here visiting now. My best friend will be here on the 29th until mid-April, etc.) place is truly like a hotel. 

Again, this next one is lit horribly. Sorry. But on the living room wall that borders the kitchen, I've stuck up BLOOD OF THE VAMPIRE, THE SCREAMING SKULL, and CURSE OF THE UNDEAD. 

Finally, for now at least, I have TERROR IN THE HAUNTED HOUSE on the space between the coat closet and the poster room. I will see it every time I enter the hallway from the kitchen/dining room. Yowza! Coolsville.

Now to find perfect places for sooooo many others. 

I'm finally getting my groove on. Whoo hoo!

Thanks for looking. 



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