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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 159

May 24, 2017, 07:21:43 PM

Hi. I'm back again...but this time I have questions about hanging posters on the wall.  I have a few spaces that, for the sake of symmetry, cry out for posters. But I have furniture which blocks the space partially/ i need to know what you would do. Leave the space blank or put up a poster and have it be obscured.

Here is the living room issue:

On the right side I have a prominent place for a poster that I will hang in a larger frame. My pinball machine (when it is finally re-assembled and up on its legs) will partially obscure it---but that's not what bothers me. i'm okay with that.

It is the opposite wall i have a problem with. The TV covers much of the wall area. On the fireplace wall, i wanted to put another poster in a large frame to complement the one I'll hang on the opposite side and on the window side, keeping with what i have on the other side of the windows (ATTACK OF THE PUPPET PEOPLE and WAR OF THE COLOSSAL BEAST), i was going to put up TWO posters in smaller frames.

My bedroom has similar issues. There is a space for a poster on either side of the window. I've put up one on one side...but the other side is hidden behind the highboy bureau. (which also obscures the other wall where I was going to hang a row of posters as well). It's hard to see, but the highboy is at an angle.

On the wall opposite the window, I have a similar situation as I do in the living room. My bedroom TV covers area that would make a great wall for posters.

So---HELP!  Would you hang posters behind these things and let them be obscured or leave those areas bare? Or possibly there are OTHER creative suggestions I haven't considered?

While I'm here, I'm going to just throw this recent poster up. I do have a collection of Disney posters--not many. I felt compelled to buy this mirror re-release poster...but then, realized, i didn't need it. Just throwing it up to get it out of the way. I'm doing well in NOT buying except for stuff I "need". The Disney thing was a sort of "need"---for the Disney collection--but I should have passed. Otherwise I now have TWO posters for my return in the fall. (Usually by now I'd have at least 10 or 20 or...)

Anyone who can help me with the poster placement dilemma, i'd appreciate it.

Thank you!


May 24, 2017, 07:54:49 PM

I just threw up a poster (in the larger frame) on the one wall, opened/turned on the pinball machine to give an idea of what it will be like (but the pinball machine just does not have it's legs on yet).

Seriously, I'm no decorator. If anyone has alternate ideas, I am open to them---all suggestions welcome.


Thank you and CHEERS!

May 25, 2017, 02:10:34 AM

So, I just went ahead and finished off postering the living room. I swapped out the HELLRAISER poster for  A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET, because I thought it made more sense to have the poster next to the ANOES pinball machine.

After measuring the window wall behind the TV, although I COULD fit two posters back there, it would have been a terribly tight i opted for one. I elected KONGA because you can see what it is over the TV pretty easily. I also moved the HELLRAISER over for the same reason...blocked by the TV, you still know what it is.

I'm happy-ish with these...but the dilemma about what to do (or NOT do) behind the highboy in my bedroom still has me in a quandary. I don't know what to do. ANY and ALL suggestions welcome.

Thanks for looking  (and any help/suggestions).


May 25, 2017, 11:56:59 PM

About the pinball machine... I've had it about 20 years or so. Believe it or not, my mother got my brother and I each one for Christmas one year. She found them on eBay. Mine is FREDDY'S NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET and my brother's is a vintage 1970s KISS machine. Mine needs a bit o' work...and I've misplaced the key to its insides somewhere in my move. I'm sure I have it---the question is WHERE is it? Ha! I'll have it up and going (hopefully) by summer's end.

I got some posters up on my rear bedroom wall this evening. I avoided the highboy (nothing behind it on either wall). Here is a look. Not exactly straight and even---but i'm not The MOMA or Smithsonian either. It's just me here and I am fine with it as is. They are UP and I can SEE them and that is ALL that matters.

Now I've just got the wall with my bedroom TV left...and the two guest rooms AND the poster room  to go. Stay tuned for those.  I think that's about 29 more posters i can put up. Yippie! Then i can work on my little shadow box (is that what they are called?) things. I've got places for those as well and am excited to get those together.

Have a good evening. Over and out.


May 30, 2017, 05:49:36 PM

Hi there. I have some more posters up on the walls, but first let me throw on some posters I shouldn't have bought maybe...

And now here are the posters I need to post and be done with.


I actually liked this movie with 26 mini-horror movies (one for each letter of the alphabet) done by 26 different directors around the world. Some were better than others--but a fun movie overall. I haven't seen the sequel yet--but have the DVD (story of my life...). This poster was NOT on my list...and I should not have bought it. And...I might have this already? (Other story of my life...)


I have NO IDEA what this is (possibly the inspiration for 1978's  ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOES?), but from what research I could do online it is from either 1974 or (more likely) 1976 and was filmed in Austin, Texas (NOT Cleveland? Weird...). I found a short article about it (which I've shared below the poster image). It sounds like something I'd like to track down. Ha! But the poster is NOT something I bid on. It came with another item I bid on (that I have not been billed for yet...nor has my attempt to contact anyone received any response yet. Zowie! I hope I get that other poster...which I'm saving for my September "return").

And please feel free to bid on emovie's auctions closing today. There were several things I (oops!) bid on that are NOT on my list to get. EEEK! Thanks in advance.

And now for the real reason I popped on today. I hung up for more framed posters along that troublesome wall (with the TV on it) in my bedroom. The two hidden behind the TV are THE MUTILATOR and Andy Milligan's awful THE MAN WITH 2 HEADS (ooooh, the poster is soooo craptastically bad. I just LOVE it to death. ha!) I was going to put FEARLESS VAMPIRE HUNTERS behind the TV and MAN WITH 2 HEADS where  FEARLESS is now, but I usually leave my bedroom door open, which would block the poster on the far left. I really enjoy the MAN WITH 2 HEADS far more than i should, so I put it behind the TV instead.

That just leaves the 2 guest rooms and the poster room left to posterify.  Stay Tuned...and thank you for visiting.


May 31, 2017, 11:23:30 PM

Good evening!  Thanks for stopping by.

First, here are a few more posters... Just getting them posted and out of my hair...


I have a one sheet for all of the PLANET OF THE APES films. While the new, upcoming one doesn't look all that exciting, i'll still see it. I'll also, of course, get the poster. I got this particular poster, hoping it would satisfy my need for a one sheet for the series. But this advance is not that interesting. I am HOPING they'll unleash something artistic and interesting---like the final poster for the previous APES movie. It wasn't great, but it was interesting and got your attention.  So, because I have high hopes for the final release poster, I'm dumping (figuratively) this in the fluff pile -- at least for now.


I had started a FRANCIS THE TALKING MULE collection a while back when I got FRANCIS IN A HAUNTED HOUSE. My want list had a vague mention of "finishing off collections that I've started", of which this would have been one. But now that i have it, I realize I really do NOT need to go down the FRANCIS trail. I'll never hang them up.

I swapped out THE FROZEN GHOST poster I had up in the dining room with my BEDLAM poster. I have a retired friend who visits semi-frequently. He wanted THE FROZEN GHOST in "his" room, so...up went the BEDLAM poster in its place.

Blah blah blah...big deal, right? Just sharing.

I hope all is well in Poster Land!


June 02, 2017, 04:55:59 PM

Hello there.  Just a quick house update.  Let's take a look at what else I've gotten done. In the guest room that my retired friend uses when he visits, on the one wall I have done, he got his requested FROZEN GHOST. He also requested no blood or guts or giant scary faces. Okay. That was a tall order, but here is what I came up with so far (and please note the TV in that room isn't such an obstacle... Ha!)...

Not a lot new....but every poster that goes up is a small accomplishment for me. I only have space (gasp!) for a little more than 20 posters or so left.  I will soon be DONE!

Thanks for stopping by.


June 05, 2017, 03:41:06 AM 

Here is another poster I recently acquired that I'm not saving for my return. It's "FANNY HILL MEETS LADY CHATTERLEY". This was one of a trio of FANNY HILL MEETS flicks churned out by nudie maestro Barry Mahon (who later made several of my Kiddie matinee flicks for which i have several posters). I may already have this one (the more common of the trio). It is the OTHER two i've been really trying to chase down---FANNY HILL MEETS THE RED BARON and FANNY HILL MEETS DR. EROTICO. I've only seen the later titles a few times--either in poor condition or that go way past my price range. Zowie!  I was lucky to get this for only $10. There is another on eBay for a jaw-dropping $300. Yowza! But WHERE are my other two? ARGH!

I've been working the last few days...but have a few days off and HOPE to get more posters up.

Thank you ever so much for the visit.


June 06, 2017, 05:32:09 PM

Just a quick update on the poster hanging.  The poster room is all torn up at the moment. Ugh! I did hang up stuff one wall and the space on one side of the window. These posters are NOT necessarily there permanently...just a "see how it looks" thing at the moment. I have several of those larger frames---too many actually. So I thought I'd see how they looked altogether in one room. In the living room, it kind of made sense to have the two bigger-framed posters on either fire place...but I have been using the smaller frames everywhere else. It would be too jarring to mix and match them I thought I'd try a single room of the larger posters frames...or maybe I should use the hallway? Hmm. Anyway, here's what I have so far...

Scored another "want list" poster. That is about 6 so far. Hooray!

I hope everyone is well. Thank you for stopping in.


June 16, 2017, 05:04:18 AM

It is super late and I really need to get to bed. Tomorrow I leave on another two week road trip...but this one I am dreading (because of who will be along for the ride). The ultimate goal is a wedding. But there are a LOT of miles between here and there... UGH!

I just wanted to do the quickest of updates on the walls.  I got as couple of more posters up (I slowed down because I ran out of hangers. Ha!). This is in the guest room my retired friend who visits frequently prefers. Excuse the mess.  Those boxes are still left over from the move and I have not gone through them yet. He doesn't mind them (and the other guest room is box free...). Whatever. I've got the  wall opposite the window done (see the photos above with THE FROZEN GHOST poster in them). I have room for four more along the east wall. It will happen eventually.

Finally, just a revisit to my bedroom using the "panorama" setting on the phone. The photos look kind of funky and you can see the lack of excitement in my middle-aged bachelor bedroom (snore...). The blades of the ceiling fan and their shadows made the ceiling look weird though. Hmm.

Have a groovy summer! I hope everyone is well.


June 19, 2017, 11:16:31 PM

Hi. I'm in the Bay Area...sweating to death. UGH. Tomorrow we actually leave for Oregon--and the wedding I'm going to. It will be 8+ hours in the car. Blah! Anyway, before I get bogged down with the all-day drive, I thought I'd throw up these miscellaneous poster purchases...nothing worth writing home about, so I'm getting 'em out of my hair now.

And now the miscellaneous poster posting:


I've never heard of this one. I have it because it came with the poster below.  It looks to be from the same era (and is probably an offshoot from the whole Hercules/sword&sandal/peplum craze in the late 50s/early 60s).

SPARTACUS (Academy Award style):

SPARTACUS is a good movie, but not really my type of thing. I DID see it in the theaters during a re-release though. I  collect posters that are of the Hercules/sword&sandal/peplum era...and this is a big budget Hollywood version of those types of flicks. I'll never hang this, but I told myself if this particular style poster for the film ever came around I'd try for it. I've tried several times over the years...never got one and really didn't care. Another came along, with the bonus poster above...and it was mine.


A poster I already had. Glad to have another, I guess. This one and the one below it came with the one on the bottom.


I did see this when it came out... I was so excited to see it...but was then so very disappointed when I finally did see it. I will say that the old asylum that was used in the film was awesome and gorgeous and HUGE. It's too bad a better film couldn't have been fashioned to make use of the structure as most of it has been torn down and only the very front/center has been preserved (sort of) as the facade of an apartment complex. Oh well...


A classic...but I already have it. I shouldn't have bought it, but...

That's it. Tomorrow officially starts the road trip (but it is already off to a bum start. We got the car, went to get gas for it, and got locked out. We had to have roadside assistance come out and rescue us...even before the trip began. Ha!).

Stay cool and stay well.



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