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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 133

December 31, 2016, 12:50:41 AM

Happy New Year's Eve!

Oh my stars! WHERE did 2016 go-go?  I'm sure many of you out there have exciting New Year's Eve I'll try to be brief (well, that never happens, but...). Here's a BONUS post to send off 2016 and to welcome 2017. I think all of these new acquisitions (except one) are from eMovie's recent Black Friday sale last month. Thanks again, eMovie!

Okay, get your cocktails ready...

...and let's begin!


I have no idea what this is. I had seen it lingering in the Fixed Price Items section for months...years, perhaps. I was curious about it but that was it. Then, during the sale, I thought "why not?" So I did.

MOMMIE DEAREST (half subway):

I know I just got a MOMMIE DEAREST one sheet not too long ago. I got that to try to fool a friend who bought me a framed PRINT years ago (that I threw out in the move) that the one sheet was the copy he gave me. This half subway is larger than a one sheet...but it's ROLLED (which the print was). So I bought this to be the one I'll frame and try to pass off as the one he gave me.


I am NOT a superhero movie fan. Although i love the 60s BATMAN series (and movie), I just am not a superhero kind of guy. However, I got this because A) it was cheap and B) if you saw any of my framed poster videos, you'll know I have several framed BATMAN posters from several of the 80s/90s series that had been a gift to my nephew 10 years or so ago. Earlier this year, he returned them to me--having outgrown them. I could not remember the name of the film some of the character posters were from. It was this film. Duh.


NOT a very good sequel by any means, I got this to go with my poster for the original...and it was cheap also.


I got this one because, believe it or not, I don't think I had one yet. Many people today do not understand how/why this movie was a big hit. It was the first of its kind to do the found footage thing (which has now been done to death, thank you...). I saw the film in the theater...and walked away disappointed (the ending leaves a lot to be desired). I did, however, LOVE all of the promo stuff that went before the film's opening. The website was cool and convincing (it made it sound as if those people really DID disappear. And it was so detailed.). Better yet was the feature length (!) documentary about the Blair Witch that aired on some stations leading up to opening day. The first sequel was crap and I have not seen the reboot sequel yet...but having the first poster in the series is kind of cool.


I've never seen this, but got a copy of the (oops!) video poster a year ago or so, thinking it was the one sheet. My bad. For some reason the one sheet is usually pricey, but in the Black Friday sale, this was reasonable. Snag!


This used to be a hard to get cult favorite...but lately it seems this movie has fallen more into the realm of the forgotten than cult. I saw this in the theater when it first came out. I wasn't that impressed with it. In fact, I've forgotten most of it. What I DO remember most about it was the cool song "Bela Lugosi's Dead" by the awesome band Bauhaus. This film introduced me to them (and their subsequent off-shoot bands).


This was NOT from the Black Friday sale...but I wanted to sneak this one in anyway. A NEW KING KONG movie? Although it looks like it's a bit skimpy on the mighty ape (based on the one trailer I've seen so far), I am all for it. Love me my KONG!  Had to get the advance ASAP.


A 3-D nudie cutie? I'm there! I actually already have one of these posters, but when I saw the cheap price eMovie was asking for this better copy, I said SOLD.

GHOSTBUSTERS (International):

Wow! I was not a big fan of the GHOSTBUSTERS series either, but I recognize how popular/pricey the poster is. So, I've been on the hunt for one for years as well. I never liked the Ghostbusters symbol (ghost in the slashed circle) poster because the title was not on it. The US one sheet with the title features the three main stars...but no Ghostbusters symbol. However, the international one sheet features both styles of the US one sheets combined. This was the poster I was after (if I ever got one). This is what emovie had on sale...and this is the one I ended up getting. Who you gonna call? (And no, I will not be bothering with the posters for the sequel or reboot sequel...which I didn't even bother to see.)

Okay...the 31st is ticking away. Here is to a healthy and happy 2017....and a year filled with amazing posters!



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