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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 149

April 01, 2017, 12:05:11 AM

Happy SPRING! Happy APRIL!  I promised this month would have better posters than last month. I intend for that to be's just starting off a little slowly with this first entry for April. I just got back from a trip to visit my mom in Washington and now I'm back at work...ugh. I DID win a few things in the recent Heritage Auction (one is below), but I will have to work them in during later posts. In the mean time, here are these offerings. Enjoy them or don't.


On my St. Patrick's Day post, I had an original MAD MAX. While I've seen all four films, they're not my kind of flick and I don't really count myself as a "fan". BUT...since I got the first poster in the series, why not get the sequels?


I've never seen it but it's supposed to be a sexploitive softcore version of THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME! Zowie! How cheesy fun.


This movie was a disappointment. Hmm. But I do like the French poster for it. Much more interesting than the US version.

EL VAMPIRO (French re-release):

I'd love the original Mexican version of this poster. That's not gonna happen. So...I'll settle for this French re-release version.


I'm a sucker for vintage 3D. Despite the small piece missing from the bottom border, this poster looked to be in pretty good shape...and this title has escaped my grasp many, MANY times for far more money than I paid for this (less than $20). Yippie!


I saw this double feature on VHS (or maybe DVD) from Something Weird Video. The HEADLESS HORSEMAN thing is unwatchable, boring trash. Zzzzz. CARNIVAL OF BLOOD, while nothing great, is a sleazy yet interesting time capsule with lots of shots of a vintage (circa early 70s) Coney Island, blood and a young version of Burt Young. The poster is colorful if nothing else.


You know, this is one of the midnight movies that played seemingly endlessly here in town in the late 70s/early 80s...and somehow I never saw it. (And I saw virtually everything that played I could get in to.)  I probably would have hated it---not an Alice Cooper fan--but I've heard the visuals are fun? It's "The JAWS of rock" apparently and, hello!? It's in "Sound-A-Round"! Whatever that is...

It's time for a BONUS post within a regular post (even though  I shared this on the March collection thread, it was NOT originally going to be included here.) It's a groovy (hopefully?) Santa Claus horror flick---apparently. I NEED to see this. I already have one of these. This was an (hopefully) upgrade I picked up from eMovie the other night. Thank you Bruce and company. Anyone see this? Should I track it down? It looks terribly fascinating to me for some reason...

THE MASK (gimmick 3D masks):

And it's ANOTHER BONUS post within my regular post. I just got home from work and found out I "won" these. (Really--I haven't even paid for these yet---that's how "fresh" this win is...) I already have a very nice copy or two of the gimmick, hand-out mask (aka 3D glasses without the sides) to view the 3D gimmick of THE MASK, but thought I'd try for this lot. They are not in the best condition...but not in the worst either. What i'll do with them, I don't know...but I LOVED the gimmick and the surreal 3D sequences from THE MASK and couldn't let these go (I SHOULD have...but I'm stupid that way...).


Speaking of gimmicks, here is a THIRD and FINAL BONUS post within my regular post: Normally, i probably would have passed on this. However, there is a gimmick (ROLLERCOASTER was one of only 4 movies to use the great SENSURROUND gimmick) AND it used the early artwork that was used on the novelization---but NOT on the eventual US one sheets. I dig the art---so I got the poster. I've always liked the film anyway.

SON OF FRANKENSTEIN (60s French re-release):

This is a recent eMovieposter win. I was also the 2nd place person (I think) for the 1953 re-release US one sheet for this on, having won this one was a nice-ish consolation prize.


A while back, i mentioned there was something on my bucket list that had been eliminated because I had gotten it. This was that item. I have been trying for DECADES to get one. I had a US one sheet poster for every film in the series--except this one. It's not that attractive at all--but totally elusive. And I've seen the price of them go up, and up and UP. I ALMOST had one for around $100  5 or 6 years ago. That would be impossible today. But yippie!  My Apes one sheet collection is complete!

PLANET OF THE APES: are NOT seeing double. This is my latest blunder (D'OH!). I already had a PLANET OF THE APES (see above), right? Well, in the final day of the recent Heritage Auction, i got a little carried away when i was able to tune in ever so briefly (I was in Washington at the time, visiting my mom. I wasn't fully paying attention and could only check in now and again to see what was happening. During one of those instances, this poster was on and ending. Yikes! I bid at the last second was mine! No way!  And then I remembered...oh... that's right. i have one already. OOPS! Crap-a-rama ding-dong!

Finally, I picked this up this old thing as well. I know it's not much...but it struck my fancy and I had to have it. Of course I had to sell my car, my house, and a kidney to pay for it, but only live once, right?

And, of course, I am KIDDING!  Hello? It's April 1st? I had to throw an April Fool's Day joke in here somewhere... Ha! I WISH that had been mine. Oh well. I was also 2nd place runner up for the INVISIBLE MAN 1951 re-release 3-sheet Heritage Auction had. NO JOKE. Waaagh... At least losing that gave me the ability to buy other things (none of which are as wonderful as the posters [3 sheet INVISIBLE MAN re-release and the 1953 SON OF FRANKENSTEIN re-release] I came so close to owning, but...). I did have 5 Heritage wins altogether, though. One is posted above (one of the Planet Of The Apes posters). Stay tuned for the others...

Okay. That's it for now.
Have a groovy, springy April!  See ya next time.



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