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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show -- Classic Collection #6

Welcome back! It's another look at my "classic collection"--posters I had BEFORE I started posting online. This time, we are surrounded by more "classic" books that never existed (the leftovers from before---and these really are the last of 'em. Promise!). Let's see what I dug up today, shall we?


Yet another sequel to the amazing NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. George Romero churned out six of these--NIGHT, DAWN, DAY, LAND, DIARY, and SURVIVAL (OF THE DEAD). They were not always great---and none after equaled the shock of the first two--but they were all at least good and better than a lot of the other junk that has gone straight to video.


One of the all-time worst sequels/movies---I loved it! Ha! So bad it was awesome. So, of COURSE, I had to have the poster. If you have not seen this flick, you owe it to yourself to do so...for it's jaw-dropping unbelievability. See KONG get a Volkswagen-sized artificial heart. See KONG and "Lady Kong" (really!) escape together and spend a romantic night on Honeymoon Ridge (really!). See the birth of (totally out of proportion) "Baby Kong"! You'll be amazed this was ever released---let alone MADE! Zowie! You just can't make crap like this up. Ha!

Yes, I rushed out to see this. NOT because I thought the movie would be good, but because it was in 3D.  This was, I think, the first BIG hit in the modern 3D revival. I wasn't thrilled with the film--nor was I thrilled with the posters for it, but I was lucky (?) enough to snag the lenticular version. Now i just need the lightbox to hang it in. (Sorry for the reflection of the other posters on my wall)

No, I did NOT see this flick...but gladly bought this poster for it as it was a groovy lenticular. Love those lenticulars...


This was an awesome, yet harrowing, movie. I believe it was unrated. In many ways, it reminded me of I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE. Thrilled with the poster. Classick horror.


I was fortunate enough to go to the sneak preview showing of this in my town. I expected the theater to be packed and got there hours early. Not many people were there. I was stunned. When the film flopped, I was equally stunned. While I wasn't a fan of DEATH PROOF, i loved PLANET TERROR and all of the fake trailers (I'm still hoping they'll actually make THANKSGIVING like they did with MACHETE). 


I dig having this combo double feature poster more than I would having posters for each individual film (which I may have?). I love the images and the double feature adds to the cheesiness of it all. No, I've never seen either flick. Do I need to?


I won this poster in a contest promoting the film---and I am thrilled about it. I saw the flick in 3D. It was okay. However, what makes this poster special is because it is autographed by three of the stars in it; Jason Momoa, Rose McGowan and Rachel Nichols.

Rose McGowan

Jason Momoa

Rachel Nichols


Tim Burton's stop-motion follow-up to A NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS was not the big hit Jack Skellington's flick was---but it was still quite visually stunning in Burton's own unique way. I dig the poster. 


Here is the other style of poster for David Lynch's masterpiece (I posted the other style a while back). Of COURSE I needed these. Love my David Lynch stuff. I'm savoring the 25-years-later third season of TWIN PEAKS now. I am glad to see Naomi Watts (from this film) appearing in the series. 


Here's one of the 80s 3D flicks I missed---as it NEVER played here. Waaaagh! Although i am sure it is crap-o-rama awful, i'd love to see it in axe-n-your-face 3D. Zowie!


The first time I ever heard of this movie or saw the poster art for it was when I stumbled on the auction for this half sheet. WOW! The poster was in rough condition---something I would normally avoid---and was a half sheet (I also avoid those) but I HAD to have it. I bid way, way, WAY too much---but I really needed it. I won it and had it framed. I was have since gotten a pristine one sheet for this combo---which is hanging in my hallway now. Crappy movie---but I LOVE the poster.

Okay--that was actually 12 posters (instead of my usual 10)(I was using up all of the "book" spacer photos). There are LOTS more in the closests, boxes,and tubes. Stay tuned. And now, what an ordeal. It's time to get some rest. Tomorrow is another day.



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