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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 150

April 03, 2017, 12:33:22 AM

ZOWIE! It's BONUS post time once again. It's after April Fool's Day and it's too early for Easter. What's the occasion? It's the 2nd anniversary of my thread here on APF. Golly, that was a super FAST 2 years. Thank YOU APF members for including me here still. You are an AWESOME group of folks. Really! Okay. Let's see what crap, er...goodies I have this time...


My 2nd of the 5 posters I won on the recent big Heritage Auction. I've never seen the flick and the poster (and film) look cheap. However, it prominently features BELA LUGOSI and JOHN CARRADINE---so, I went for it. I believe it is my first US one sheet of anything BELA. (Or is it? I really need to work on my inventory/spreadsheet).


Zowie! Here's some sleaze right out of the grindhouse era (and something I have on Something Weird Video, I believe). An early 70s low budget exploitationer. EEK! Because of the connection with Something Weird, I couldn't resist going for this one. And look! There's a 2nd feature billed: THE FRIGHTENED WOMAN. Yikes!

TANK GIRL (Advance):

I may already have one of these. Or not. The colors look much better in real life. they really pop. I got this with the idea of giving this to a friend next holiday season. Years ago, pre-Facebook, MySpace was king. This friend of mine I met on MySpace. i was Monster A GoGo there...and she was Tank Girl. We are still in contact. Every year she sends me a jar of homemade blackberry jam and I send her...something. This next holiday season, it might be this poster (if I don't decide to keep it that is. Hmmm... ).


FINALLY!!!  I've been wanting something with Bettie Page. I never got to meet her, but I did (almost literally) stumble upon her grave at the Westwood Village Memorial Park cemetery...and was super thrilled when that happened. Bettie Page was awesome---and I'm glad she got some recognition for it, even if it was late in life.


I got this on a whim. While i already have the US one sheet, i liked this one because of the different art. Adding the RV scene in the mix was a nice touch. Did I need it? No. But it's nice.

THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI (Italian 2F re-release):

This film is impossible to get any original release paper on, so i had to settle for this recent Italian re-release...and the poster art isn't too shabby on it (harkening back to one of the original release posters). It evokes the expressionistic look of the film very nicely. I'm pleased.


Last year (?) I picked up the awesome French PLANET OF THE APES poster (best poster for the film in my opinion). I've toyed with picking up the other French ("petite" size) posters in the series---but was always outbid...until I scored this one recently. Also very nice--better than the US one sheet once again. Do I dare try for the other French APE posters? Ha! Wish me luck...

BLOOD-O-RAMA (combo):

It may NOT quite be SHOCK-A-RAMA, but I could NOT pass up this poster for the 4-feature horror show BLOOD-O-RAMA featuring re-releases of 4 cheap and sleazy-fun horror flicks on the same bill. BLOOD FIEND, BLOOD DRINKERS, BLOOD CREATURE, and BRIDES OF BLOOD! In blood-curdling color.


Not one of his horror flicks (I just need posters for two more of them), but a Herschel Gordon Lewis poster anyway.  I'll take it.


I've never seen this flick but have long sought the poster due to it's unusual advertising. Instead of showing what the movie is about, there are all of these Charles Addams-like drawings about ghoulish people going to see the movie. Different!


Yahoo! Another Hammer DRACULA poster in the pile. This was my 4th Hammer Drac film after COUNT DRACULA AND HIS VAMPIRE BRIDE, DRACULA A.D. 1972, and TASTE THE BLOOD OF DRACULA. (I stupidly sold my DRACULA HAS RISEN FROM THE GRAVE poster years ago. Grrr.) I'm thrilled to get it. Just a few more to track down.


After YEARS of kicking myself for letting my other copy go for about $10 a few years back (and lamenting over it several times on this thread), i finally, finally, FINALLY have another copy of the original LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT. It's not in the most pristine of conditions, but neither was my original one. I'm just glad I scored one. One less thing on my list...

Okay gang. That's my usual 10 posters per post. (Well, okay... i threw in a couple of extras. I am celebrating after all. Whoo hoo!) Thank you EVER so much for these fantastic last two years. You are a fantastic bunch! I am thinking about taking some time off away from posting for awhile (May 1 should be my last post -- maybe) as I TRY to get my posters organized and cataloged (and some sent off for hopefully selling). But I WILL be back...if you'll still have me, that is.

Thank you all again.



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