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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2017 #8 -- More New Posters-A-GoGo, Baby!*#

Happy Thanksgiving. Welcome to the continuing poster update-a-gogo! Today I am thankful for, among other things, YOU dear reader (whoever you may be---if there's anyone out there at all) and poster collector's everywhere. 

Okay... Here is the latest batch o' posters in my collection. Did I need these? No. Did that stop me from buying them? No. Here they are...


I did see this in theaters, but I'm not one of those fanboy types that totally got in to this. It was interesting...but not my thing. Still, I got this (and the one below) at a good price from one of Rich's auctions a while back. Perhaps it will rise in value?


I already have a copy of this poster, but I love, love, LOVE it. It's such a hoot. It's so cheesy looking. This is one of those posters that really makes me WANT to track down the flick. It has to be a HOOT. Ha!


Okay, so this is NOT a poster and obviously one of my infamous stupid impulse purchases. Virtually no one (including myself) has seen this latest AMITYVILLE movie. It was pulled from release and rescheduled several times over the last three or so years. It finally sees the light of day on DVD later this month or next month after playing a few cities overseas--but not here. It's probably crap. But when i saw these "screen used" props from the flick--including fake credit cards, a class schedule, and (the selling point for me) fake school emblem stickers, I placed a low-ball bid...and won. No one bid against me. And why would they? No one has seen the movie. Ha! Whatever--I got some props. Whoopie...


Most of you would dismiss this as trash. I'm sure the movie probably is (I've never seen it).  But I am THRILLED to score this. I have been chasing the trio of Barry Mahon's "Fanny Hill Meets..." posters for ages. They seem to rarely pop up. I scored "Fanny Hill Meets Lady Chatterly" some time back. I still need "Fanny Hill Meets The Red Baron", but the one I wanted most of all was this one, "Fanny Hill Meets Dr. Erotico". Why? Because it looks (based on the poster) to me like a sexploitation "Frankenstein" knock off. And, if it is, my bet is the guy in the upper right-hand corner is said "Frankenstein"-like creature. "She was 19...He was 75, but together they created life!"  From the late '60's. I wish someone out there would release all three of these as a triple-feature DVD/blu-ray.


I see you shaking your head in wonder and disbelief. "Captain Underpants"? Really? Really. I have not seen the movie, but the reason I bought this was A) it was cheap ($3) and B) I read this book to my class at least once when i was a 4th grade teacher. It was a fun book. My students enjoyed it. Nostalgia...


I have seen this film a couple of times. It's kind of nazisploitation-ish, but kind of not. Not a great poster, but for $3...

I've not seen this flick, but it looks like it might be compelling. I've heard good things about Dirk Bogarde films, but have only seen one ("The Night Porter" above), I believe.  Again, only $3. Why not?

Argh! I tuned into eMovie's last auction on Tuesday in progress. This was up. Oooooo. I bid and amazingly got it---for less than I expected to get it for. And then I read the description. OOPS! It is apparently an early 60s re-release. Darn it all! Still a swell looking poster though...


Oh my stars! At LAST! The poster for H.G. Lewis' third film in his infamous Blood Trilogy"COLOR ME BLOOD RED" is quite possibly the rarest/hardest to track down HG Lewis horror movie poster. I paid too much for this and it looks to be in fairly good (not great) condition---but FINALLY it is MINE! Whoo hoo!


Zowie! This was a pricey and unexpected win. Whoever was bidding against me pooped out millimeters from my top bid. I kind of wish they HAD won (because I have to pay for this now somehow. EEK!). But how amazing (and colossal) that this poster is now MINE! Who hoo! It will make a great companion piece to my copy of the sequel poster "WAR OF THE COLOSSAL BEAST". YIPPIE!!!

And that is that for this posting. Have a groovilicious Thanksgiving. Cha-cha-cha, kiddies!



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