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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 44

October 13, 2015, 05:29:16 PM 

And now, here are 10 more posters I should NOT have purchased---but I'm just stupid that way...

AIRPORT (International version):

Darn it all. I totally meant to include this on my last posting to go along with my travel/flight analogy I was making in the narration of my display of international posters. Grrr. Oh well. I'm a ding dong. But anyway, yes! I finally have an English version of the International poster for the original "Airport". I've always preferred this version over the US one sheet. Neither are that exciting really, but the US posters just has large blocks showing the cast. BORING! This one shows the cast, smaller and off to the side. It at least shows an airplane taking off with the title dramatically repeated below it. This is my LEAST favorite of the AIRPORT films. I like the cheesy sequels better. I'm still terrified of flying either way.


As I've said elsewhere on my thread, I really dig those old peplum/sword & sandal/ Hercules flicks from the 50s and 60s. I prefer the ones with magic/monsters/etc...those with imagination. The straight dramatic ones are kind of dull--like this one and the one below. However, they seem to be so hard to come by (the US one sheets, at least) that I'll snatch them up if they're the more mundane titles or not. This Hercules stars Rock Stevens, who is actually Peter Lupis from the original "Mission Impossible" series.


Another Herc flick. This one is a real snoozer, but as I said above, if I come across one, i'll buy it.


Oh my stars! What a laugh out loud silly title. How could I NOT buy this little gem? I'm sure the film is crapola-I mean, who has even heard of it? I actually think I have it on DVD--either from Something Weird or a bootleg. I've gotten this poster once before (both copies were super cheap), but the last copy had a hole in it. I'll have to dig the DVD out and give it a watch. Ha!


This poster was also a cheapy. Not many people will have heard of this one either, I imagine. I recognized the poster art as having been recently used in a box set of public domain (?) flicks I watched not too long ago. It was mostly horror flicks, but this movie was included. I don't remember much about it other than it was a crime caper, set in Brazil and in black & white. They kept showing off the city (the capitol Brasilia, I believe), showing how marvelously modern it was. I don't remember the flick that well, but I do remember thinking the city looked quite dull. Oh well.


This is not an image of the actual poster I got--just something found online to demonstrate. There was never a full photo of mine on the listing, so...  I have the re-release poster as "The Mighty Peking Man", but never the original release as "Goliathon". It's interesting that it totally downplays the giant King Kong-like creature. Hmm.


If you haven't noticed, I don't buy many new movie posters--or seldom do. I'll get the new Bond poster ("SPECTRE") eventually and any of the horror franchises ("Halloween", "Friday the 13h", "A Nightmare on Elm Street", Romero's "Dead" series, etc.) that come along. But by and large I am not turned on by the newer generation of movie poster. This one is an exception. Wow! I don't know what this is, but I do want to see it now that I know about it. I don't know why it works for me--perhaps because it is an artistic rendering instead of the tired and overused photoshop poster that is constantly in use today? Plus it's a holiday horror---gotta love those (and there have not been many lately).


Speaking of holiday horrors, this is about the only 80s holiday horror I didn't have yet. I have "Halloween", "Mother's Day", "April Fool's Day", "My Bloody Valentine", "Prom Night", "Graduation Day", etc...but "Mardis Gras Massacre" has always eluded me. Since my trip to New Orleans though, I had to have one--even though the movie is a complete turd-o-rama.


This is an example photo again--not an actual photo of my poster--but I got this one recently as well. I saw this years ago as a kid. I thought it was cool. I bought it on DVD a few years ago and watched it with friends. It was my first time seeing it in eons. My friends hated it and we watched something else. I later finished watching it and it had not held up. But, for a college film in the late 60s/early 70s, I thought they did a good job. It's just impossible for something like this to compete in today's market. Still, it was a groovy little nugget from my childhood, so...


Zowie! I love my gimmicks...and 3D is one of the best. The new 3D has a nice clear picture and plenty of depth--but the "coming out at you"-ness of the new 3D is just NOT there like it was in the vintage stuff. You can even see that in the advertising. The new 3D movies just have a little blurb on the credits saying they are in 3D--big deal. But the vintage (80s and back) 3D flicks really sold it in the poster--and this is a great example, with Black Lolita kicking her legs right out of the screen while other characters spill out of the screen further on. I'm sure this 70s (?) sexploitation flick is crappy, but the poster is uber cool--and has long been on my want list.

And that's all I've got for today.



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