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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 39

August 31, 2015, 02:20:19 PM

Oooooo... I am DOOMED! It had been a whole month since I bought anything. I'm in debt up to my eyeballs and I can't afford a thing. What happens? I get a saved search notice (that I actually look at --I had been avoiding them) and eeeek! I run off and complicate my life further! I went shopping and marked a whole bunch of things to watch in addition to the one I really wanted. With poster fever back, I also checked out eMovieposter to see what was going on there...and bid (very, VERY conservatively on a whole lot of stuff, knowing I'd be outbid on most of it....which was, of course, STUPID).

Emovie's wins were relatively painless--less than $40 (including shipping). They were nothing great, but... Here's what I got:


Not the best film ever---far from it, in fact. But it did utilize an amazing location (where is that abandoned city they used? I knew it wasn't the real Chernobyl, but... I wanna go exploring!) and the poster is kind of spooky. Especially for only $1.


Hmm. This was a regret...a $3 regret. I liked CHOCOLAT a lot, but this review poster features Johnny Depp. I'm not anti-Johnny Depp, but I felt he did NOTHING for the movie and that his part was little more than a cameo. I didn't like his character and I felt that the section with him in it slowed the movie down. Oh well.


I actually bid a bit more on this than the rest of the things I bid for on emovie. Posters for PIRANHA 3D are fairly easy to come by, but posters for its sequel PIRANHA 3DD (which played in very few markets for a very short time) are harder to come by. I was shocked when I found out I got this one. I've never seen PIRANHA 3DD, but bought the 3D blu ray (I just need a 3D blu ray player and 3D TV to see it...Ha!). The poster will have to do for now.


Yes, this is a video poster. It didn't play theatrically, so video is the only option. I have several other SCOOBY posters. I was fairly sure I was missing this one.


Emovie had two of these up for auction on the same day for some reason, both the same grade. I bid very modestly on both (I don't know why since I already have a couple of copies). I was out bid on the first one but got the second one for less than my max bid. Ha!


Never seen it, but feel I should (and would possibly like it).


I picked up this TOMORROWLAND advance for only $1. Zowie!  I saw the film at the bargain second-run theater in town. I know it under performed (i.e. flopped), but I thought it was pretty good. I think it will gain some sort of notoriety/cult status in the future, so I thought I'd pick up the poster. Got it for far cheaper than I thought I would. $1? Really?? Wow!

Okay--so much for my emovie splurge, which was relatively painless. That brings us to the real reason I got off the wagon after a month...Heritage Auctions and the item I was notified about I really hoped to get. As I said, there were several other items I put on my watch list (deleting them as the days got closer to auction and their prices went up and up). On Sunday morning before getting ready for work, I put my bids in on the few items still in my watch list, hoping the magic of low-ball bidding that had worked on emovie would again work on Heritage, but I was reasonably sure most of (ALL of?) the items would be snatched up...and they were, with two exceptions.

During my work day (I'm a nurse), I do not have time for anything but patient care and charting, charting, CHARTING! Ugh!  But I found myself with 5 minutes midway through the day and logged on to Heritage. It was in the middle of the live auction and amazingly the poster I wanted 2nd most during the whole auction was on the auction block at that very moment I logged on. I was the top bidder...and then was (gasp!) outbid. I told myself (Ha!) that I was meant to get this as it was being auctioned the moment I logged on. So I hit the bid button. I was on top again--then out bid. I hit it a time or two more but told myself I'd stop at $50 (I did NOT want a replay of the KING KONG/NUDES ON THE MOON/GREEN SLIME fiasco). Whoever was bidding against me also stopped--and it was mine for $50 (really $64 with buyer's premium). And here it is:


EEGAH is something else I have not seen yet (I have it, just have not gotten around to watching it yet). I have a copy already, but it is a poor copy. I know it's going to be campy crapiliciously wonderful when I do eventually see it. EEGAH stars Richard Kiel, who is best known for playing the bad guy JAWS in a couple of James Bond flicks (SPY WHO LOVED ME and MOONRAKER). He has passed on now, but I also had the privilege of meeting him and interviewing him in his home a few years ago. I'll attach a photo of us below. In the picture, you can see he has an EEGAH print on his wall. I was kind of stunned to see that in his house/office he only had cheap prints of some of his films hanging on the walls--not originals. (I didn't say anything, but...) Anyway, I wanted a better EEGAH to remember my time with Mr. Kiel (EEGAH himself!) and because it's just a fun poster. Arch Hall Jr also stars...along with "the Cave Mummies". Primitive passions turned on! Love breaks the time barrier! Zowie!


The BIG attraction that literally pulled me "off the wagon" was a poster for the fourth film in an obscure film series that was started with a movie whose poster I recently fought really hard to get and paid way too much money for -- TWICE!  Yes, the first film was WHITE SLAVES OF CHINATOWN. This poster was for MME. OLGA'S MASSAGE PARLOR. The OLGA films are these incredibly low budget sleaze flicks, poorly made, the plot and scenes are all put together with narration (there is no onscreen dialogue) with classical music thrown in for dramatic effect. WHITE SLAVES started it all (I have that poster now), followed by OLGA'S HOUSE OF SHAME (best title and best poster, in my opinion). I have the poster for OHOS, but the upper left corner is ripped almost completely off. I need a better copy. I do not have a copy of the poster for the third film, OLGA'S GIRLS. MME OLGA'S MASSAGE PARLOR is the 4th film in the series, and also the only film that is "lost" in the series. There are no known prints of MOMP, only the trailer is known to exist ( ). The trailer just adds to the mystery. The character Olga doesn't appear to be in the movie. There is a reference to Madame Elaine...but no Olga. Audrey Campbell, who played Olga in the first 3, is not in Part 4. Maybe Olga is "away" and leaving the massage parlor duties to her associate "Madame Elaine"? Unless the film surfaces, we may never know for sure...  There was also a 5th one, "Olga's Dance Hall Girls", which features another actress in the Olga part. This one is the least liked by fans...but it's actually my favorite of the bunch. Ha!  I am reasonably sure I have the poster for ODHG, but not 100% sure.

Anyway, the poster for MME OLGA'S MASSAGE PARLOR was coming up for auction. It was paired with another poster for something called INSIDE A GIRL'S DORMITORY (?) that was trimmed. The way I read the description, the OLGA poster was uncut and the other was trimmed. Combined it caused the lot to have a lower grade. But I looked at the poster as best I could on the scan and it looks pretty good to me. I really wanted it. But can't afford to go crazy for it. Not only is the film lost, but the whole series is so obscure and there can't be many posters for the five films floating around to begin with. By Sunday morning there were only 2 or 3 bids---very cheap. Still, I knew it wouldn't be that easy. Knowing I'd have to spend some money to even try but also knowing I'm broke, I bid some random amount ($127)--a lot, but not crazy high. It wasn't until I got home that I found out I got it--for my top bid, of course. (Why couldn't it have been mine for only $15 or so? Ha!) The total for it (with buyers premium) was $151.77 (where did they get the 77 cents from?). OUCH! I had to do the unthinkable. I had to C-H-A-R-G-E EEGAH and OLGA. Blah.  Oh well. It's mine (even though it's not that fab of a poster...):


Oh yes, in case you are wondering,here's the trimmed INSIDE A GIRL'S DORMITORY poster as well. I will get rid of this eventually. I only want the OLGA poster...

Now I need to go beat my head against a rock... ARGH!

Catch ya later.



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