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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 37

August 28, 2015, 01:37:14 AM

And now, here's the next 10. Not very exciting...but I'm almost done!


Not a very colorful or attractive poster...and the movie is certainly no classic...however this is one of the earliest movies I remember seeing (a portion of) as a kid (I think the absolute earliest was "Goldfinger" at the drive in during a re-release). For years I wondered what the film was,only having dim memories of a witch living in a tree house in which the tree turned to face different directions on command. This may also be the movie that kindled my interest in kiddie matinee posters. This poster clearly states it is showing Saturday and Sunday matinees only. I don't remember what movie we were seeing, but the portion of THIS movie I do remember (the witch in the tree house thing) stems from my running into the theater (I'm guessing my family was just going in to or out of another theater, seeing something else), seeing that portion of the movie---and then being dragged out by my father. I was very young, but clearly wanted to see the film desperately. The commercials on TV for it must have really captured my imagination and when I found out what theater it was in, I made a beeline for it. ( Couldn't find the real trailer---but it looks like someone made one. No narration--just music and sound effects. ) Oh well. The film, it turns out, is actually a Russian movie that has nothing to do with Jack Frost apparently. I have not seen it as an adult,so have no idea if it's any good or not. I kind of doubt it... This was only a few bucks...why not?


I never knew this movie existed, but stumbled on the poster. It was cheap and apparently the flick is in 3D (noted on the poster). I'm a sucker for a gimmick and this might be nice to hang at Christmas time (at least that was what I had thought when I got this as I still had NOT landed a copy of "A Christmas Store" poster at that point! Ha!). Why not?


"Bluebeard's 10 Honeymoons"! Ha! Not in the best shape, but I dig the graphics with the bride followed by a long line of skeletons. Very cool. I had never heard of it until I saw the poster but I would love to see the flick.


By now you probably know I have a thing for 3D and/or gimmick movies. I've never seen the martial arts movie "Tiger Man", but zowie! It's in 3D. SOLD! Ha! Actually, it looks like it might have been partially filmed in San Francisco (It looks like they are on top of a cable car!) and at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk (rollercoaster). And in 3D? How fun! The TIGER MAN poster came in a lot of other martial arts movie posters I have no interest in and will eventually sell or something.


I've never seen "The Sands of Kalahari", but it looks like it might be a killer monkey movie (a la "In the Shadows of Kilimanjaro" perhaps?). It looked interesting and was reasonably priced so.,..SOLD! Incidentally, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton were originally to star, but Liz asked too high a price and Burton also backed out. Stuart Whitman filled in.


Elizabeth Taylor did NOT back out of "Secret Ceremony" which also stars Mia Farrow and Robert Mitchum. A friend of mine digs this flick---although it does nothing for me--in which Liz plays a middle-aged prostitute who Mia Farrow thinks is her dead mother...and Liz,who also had a daughter die, goes and lives with her in her old mansion. $2 for the poster. Eh.


Here is the 1977 horror flick (that was re-released a zillion times,especially after Brooke Shields got famous)one sheet for "Alice, Sweet Alice". While not the best horror flick either (and who,under 30, even knows it exists?), I always loved the image on the poster. The baby doll with two faces (happy and sad) with the knife plunged into it's bloody back and the creepy mask peeking out from inside the paper bag. Kind of cool.


"Pippi in the South Seas" is one of a quartet of movies released here in the US that were apparently culled from a Swedish-made TV series in the late 60s. This poster is for the 2nd movie in the series. Pippi is a rich wild child (also the strongest girl in the world) who lives on her own in a suburban neighborhood (her father is a pirate and she has a chest of pirate treasure to use for expenses). She has a horse and monkey. She befriends a neighborhood brother and sister and takes them on crazy adventures. I always wanted to see these flicks as a kid--but didn't get to until years later on DVD.


CRAZE is some early 70s Jack Palance horror flick (Where black magic explodes into murder...). This movie also featured Diana Dors (Britain's one-time answer to Marilyn Monroe) but probably towards the end of her career, exploitation stars Julie Ege and Suzy Kendall, and Trevor Howard...also DAME Edith Evans! Ha! I've never seen it. Another cheapo for the pile... The poster looks much more interesting in real life.


Finally (for now) it's the one sheet for H.G. Lewis' "A Taste of Blood". Lewis has often been called "The Godfather of Gore" because of his shocking (for the 1960s and early '70s) use of gore that had, until that time, been unheard of.

"A Taste of Blood"is one of his lesser gore flicks, but I'm thrilled to get the poster for it. I have "The Gore Gore Girls", "Blood Feast" and "2000 Maniacs". I'd love to have a few other gore flick posters for his film. Oh well... Eventually, right? For now, this is AWESOME!

As always, thanks for visiting. CHEERS!


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