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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 47

October 16, 2015, 01:04:02 AM

Okay.. My splurge is winding down. I've got enough new posters for this posting and then maybe one more (possibly two) and then I'm out for a while again. (Heavy sigh...)

Anyway, ladies and gents, here are tonight's offerings...

This is a re-titled re-release poster for the Amicus (I think) horror anthology "ASYLUM" written by Robert Bloch and featuring Peter Cushing. I have always preferred this re-release poster (and title) to the original. 

I almost passed on this poster...and maybe should have. It's kind of dull and sedate (purposely, I think). The part I liked about it were Freddy's claws seemingly cutting through the poster. It looks almost 3D. This is also supposedly a Yugoslavian poster--which this my first Yugo. 

I think I translated that title correctly, but I've never heard of this flick. I wish I read Spanish. Oh well. It LOOKS like a mondo flick, possibly showing some of the more shocking things supposedly happening on the planet we may not even be thinking about. Oh my star! Why did I buy this? Well, looking at the bottom photo on the poster, I was initially stuck by the bloody body being eaten by the clearly fake alligator/crocodile. Ha! Looking at the upper picture, it dawned on me that I had just seen that exact same some stupid cannibal flick I had just watched a week or so earlier. Ha!  Clearly this mondo doc is fake, Fake, FAKE!!! At least the poster was cheap, Cheap, CHEAP!!!

Never saw the flick, but the poster is kind of fun and has some good color. Plus I thought Steve would like it. You always gotta have something to post for Steve. Ha!

I don't know what this is, never saw it, and really don't care about it at all. But, if I'm going to pad out this posting, er, um... If I'm going to share my complete collection, I should post everything that comes my way. This poster was included as part of a lot. There's no other reason for it to be here.

Yesterday I posted a poster for an Italian "MAD MAX" clone. Now here's an Italian "Conan" clone. Never saw this, but it was kind of fun and why not. It's NOT quiet a Hercules/sword&sandal/peplum flick from the 50s/60s, but I think it wants to be. Whatever--another cheapo for the pile.

At first I thought this was one of those Richard Chamberlain 'Allen Quatermane' (spelling?) adventures from the 80s and almost passed it over. I probably should have passed it over anyway. Ha! I don't know quite what this is. It stars Christopher Connelly and is directed by Mark War (?). I'm guessing it is an Italian production...but the poster, while in English, I would almost bet was printed internationally--and is not a US one sheet. Just another cheap curio I could have (and should have) done without.

I have no idea what this is. An early porn flick? Although women clearly are in it, the cast list mentions only two guys--one guy who is also the director (Eric Jeffrey Haims! Zowie! WHO?) and some other guy, Joe E. Tata, who is probably the director's best pal. Two bad they weren't brothers, then they could have said the film was staring "the Tatas" and maybe gotten a bigger audience. Who knows? I bought it because I dig the colors, liked that it was a title parody, and also because it has "Orbital Cinematography in Eastman Color and UltraSonic Sound". Groovy.

Even though this may be my least favorite of the "Friday the 13th" films, when i stumbled upon this poster I was pleasantly surprised by how different it was. I had never seen it before--and Jason is almost an after thought off to the side. Nothing great--but interesting and part of an iconic horror series (which, let's face it, has had pretty awful one sheets for most of the series--at least parts 2 through 5 for sure).

I found this one in the same place as the other FRIDAY THE 13TH poster. This is part 6--again, very different art (for what is probably my favorite in the series, maybe). Again, why not since it is for such an iconic series and the art is far different than I've ever seen for it. After I bought it though, I discovered the same (?) art was used on the Italian version and just borrowed by the Turkish. Hmm. Not sure about the Part 5 poster I got, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the same story there as well. But I already bought them. What can you do?

So this wasn't the greatest batch of posters. Eh! I've got a jewel in the next batch I post though. It's not an original release, but I'll never be able to get one of those. But this sloppy second release I am more than pleased/satisfied with and have crossed it off my Bucket List. What is it? Come back and see... I'll post it in a day or so or...whenever.

And now--bed time. HOPEFULLY I can sleep tonight. 



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