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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 53

October 24, 2015, 02:08:42 AM

Yes, more posters a go-go below-O!

Here we go-go:


First of all, the one shown is NOT my copy. The photo of the one I got was kind of hard to see--so I "borrowed" this one from online. But mine does not have the water (?) rolls in it. Isn't this a cool image. I always liked the US poster, but this one adds an extra dimension that the US one can't beat. Just gorgeous Thai work.


Another Thai beauty...and for this one, I have Steve in mind obviously. Ha! The Thai version kind of mimics the US poster with the random things placed on the poster (the gun, the car, the photo, etc.), but where the US poster leaves off, the Thai takes off in fantastic ways. Zowie! Another awesome poster.


I like my disaster flicks. I saw TIDAL WAVE (the US version with stupid scenes of Lorne Greene edited in--a la Raymond Burr in the original GODZILLA -- for American audiences to identify with) years and years ago on a grimy bootleg vhs tape. Was it ever put out on an authorized video or DVD? Whatever I saw--barely remember--looked very crappy. But I've been curious about the original film. Saw this French poster and I thought why not? Disaster elements abound in it.


I know I just got the Thai version of this---with the same art work. EXCEPT, this French version actually does the Thai one better by having a bloody impaled victim below the native's head (the Thai version--gasp!-- did NOT have that feature).


Wow! What a cannibal movie poster--with a giant cannibal face (complete with scary bad teeth) staring you down! Ha! Couldn't refuse it.


What the hell is this crap, you ask? I know. I should have passed. I'm guessing this was a theatrical showing of assorted newer Daffy cartoon shorts. I was attracted because it said it included "THE DUXORCIST:" (!!!) and "NIGHT OF THE LIVING DUCKS" (!!!) Zowie!  I gotta see those. Ha!


You know how a new movie comes along and it looks really good--and the poster is impossible to get because the movie looks cool and everyone wants the poster? (I'm looking at YOU, "SPECTRE"!!!) Well, "CRIMSON PEAK" has opened...and turned out to be a dud commercially (I thought it was visually stunning--but failed as a horror movie. It was more of a gothic romance with ghosts thrown in for good measure). What its failure means is that the once difficult to get poster wasn't so difficult to get when i tried this time. Hooray! While I don't expect SPECTRE to flop, there has to be so many zillion copies of the posters out there that I expect prices to drop once the movie is out and the hoopla dies down. (At least I HOPE that's what happens. Argh!)


Like CRIMSON PEAK (and hopefully SPECTRE), you couldn't touch a BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN poster for any reasonable amount of money. You couldn't even find them. Now--shazzam!--I got one in great condition pretty cheap. Hmm. (Fingers crossed for SPECTRE...).


The other day, I scored a FOR YOUR EYES ONLY poster. While I had had one (and a copy of OCTOPUSSY) already, they were copies with defects I couldn't deal with. I got the FYEO poster relatively inexpensively and hoped for the same with OCTOPUSSY. There was one at auction last (?) night and, my stars! It went for far more than i wanted to pay. Looking around at various sites I found one for less than half of the price of the one on auction. SOLD!


My last poster tonight was a boo boo purchase. My desktop computer is old and dying...but I still use it all of the time (using it now) and prefer it to a laptop. I was watching an auction earlier this week and trying to put together a post at the same time. I was trying to bring up a picture and was clicking on it. It wasn't working (as sometimes happens--or sometimes it does happen, just very slowly), and then I flipped over (I had been flipping back and forth) to that auction to see if anything I was watching was on yet--or close to being on. No. But somehow that lost click transferred over to the auction page and oops--I had bid on this poster. No one bid against me and oops--it was mine. I never really wanted an AMERICAN GRAFFITI poster before. I wasn't all that ga-ga over the movie. Whatever. The good thing is, is that my boo boo click got me a desirable poster in good shape. The price was high--higher than i'd ever want to pay for this poster because I never wanted it before. However, it could have been in bad shape, or I could have accidentally bid on something that was in the tens of thousands! Yikes! So--happy, lucky accident, i suppose. Does anyone know if the artist for this was the same person who did the poster for DRIVE IN? Looks kind of the same...

I gotta stop buying so much. Jeepers. It wasn't this bad when I was working. All of this sitting around while NOT working has been a bad thing...for my finances. And hello? Wasn't I only going to buy stuff on my bucket list from now on? Oops. Somehow I don't think DAFFY DUCKS QUACKBUSTERS was on the list. ARGH!  I gotta stop this frivolous buying.

Have a pleasant evening...



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