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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 43

October 11, 2015, 02:14:39 AM

Continuing my International shopping spree (that I can't afford--but did it any way. Bad! Bad! BAD!!!! Ooooo the things we do when we are laid up and have nothing but a computer at our disposal and are bored-Bored-BORED!!!), here are these others. (Get your passports ready!):

From Spain (Ole again...just a carry over from yesterday), two more "country of origin" posters:


For better or worse, "The Awful Dr. Orloff" introduced schlock-meister Jess Franco to the world. During the early years of his career, he frequently returned to his popular Orloff creation in an attempt to stay relevant perhaps, or maybe just to make some quick cash? Whatever, Orloff has appeared in at least four films bearing his name in the title. (He's also in "Faceless" as well...). Although I may already have a copy of this poster, this third film in the series' (after "Dr. Orloff and the Invisible Monster") poster was cheap. Sold!


What could be more sinister than Orloff's sinister eyes? How about the entire sinister man himself? Here is the poster for the fourth Orloff film...also very cheap (and sinister).

I also have what appears to be an Egyptian poster (my first), printed in English (which is apparently rare?).


This is not the usual shlock-o-rama stuff I usually buy, but I was just so taken with the old school litho-look of it, I had to have it (but am not sure if it's a litho or not). I was told it's a 1960s poster (the film is from 1959 and directed by Fritz Lang). Blah blah it is:

From Mexico, I scored this little gem:


I had never heard of this, but once I stumbled upon it I couldn't let this go. O' those crazy filmmakers south of the border...they do come up with some wild and cheesy stuff--especially in the 50s, 60s, and early 70s. Zowie!

Now let's mosey all of the way over to Belgium for my very first Belgian poster! (Yes, in addition to Thai and Egyptian, I've finally lost my Belgian virginity, too!)


I have always resisted the Belgian posters. They often look like window cards (with the big space on top) and usually are just ultra colorful seemingly re-strikes of exisiting poster art (for the most part--NOT always). They didn't work for me. Then I saw this gorgeous Belgian "I WAS A TEENAGE FRANKENSTEIN" poster and I was sold. Look at that art and use of color. Zowie! Soooo awesome. And it's NOT the usual Belgian poster size I'm used to seeing. Oooo...  ahhhh Better than Belgian chocolates (and fewer calories)!

Next stop is Turkey. Do you have your entry visas ready? Don't try smuggling anything in or out of the country. I'd hate for the authorities to go all "Midnight Express" on you. Yikes!


While the film over all is a dud and NOTHING like the poster art actually happens in the film, you gotta love the wild artwork any way. For something like this, I would have probably preferred getting the Italian original (same art, i think...). But this Turkish came along and...

All aboard for Japan...


I like my "JAWS" movies--yes, even the awful sequels (I saw "JAWS 3D" at least twice in the theater---in 3D, and know I sat through "JAWS THE REVENGE" twice at the drive in and may have seen it once in a walk in). The "JAWS 3D" poster has different art and I kind of dug it. It's now my 2nd piece of Japanese poster art. I have a B2. This is my first chirashi. Why do I feel like sushi all of a sudden?

Heading back over Asia, our next stop is Lebanon...


Speaking of sharks, although I've never seen "Night of the Sharks", I really dug this Lebanese poster for the film...and it's printed in English. Always a nice bonus and nice shark art work.


After the fin-tastic artwork in the Lebanese poster for "Night of the Sharks", what could be more terrifying than the Lebanese artwork for "Mako: The Jaws of Death"?!? Oh my STARS! I laughed out loud when I saw this. It looks like it was done by a 4th grader. Love it--but what a change in art quality from one poster to the next in the same country. As a bonus, it IS also in English. The poster is soooo bad--too funny. I needed it. The shark attack art is almost as bad as the Ghana movie posters I so recently learned about. Some of those are beyond awful/awesome (but let's save that discussion just a bit longer. Shall we?).

Last stop, down in Africa for some special poster art from Ghana! Oh my STARS!


Wow! Where do I begin? I had seen references here and there on APF to posters from Ghana...but never actually saw one and didn't know what the big deal was. I was Googling something else the other day (Thai posters, perhaps?)  and this insane image came up in the search. Clicking on it, I was taken to this website that had some crazy cool posters from around the world...and there were a number of posters from Ghana. Oh my stars! They were awful yet awesome at the same time. How did I miss these? Easy. It turns out they were all hand painted (never printed) and were done often by artisits who had never seen the movie they were illustrating---only having been given a synopsis of what the movie is about. They were done to promote travelling video shows (guess there are no movie theaters? I've never been.) in the 80s and early 90s. Since then, the primitive (yet so cool) art has caught on and has become big in the art world, with pieces fetching thousands of dollars and there have even been gallery exhibits and books written about them. Wow! I'm probably repeating things everyone else already knows--but I am way, way late to the Ghana movie poster party. (For those that do NOT know what I am talking about, here's a Google image search for Ghana movie posters. Check it out. There's some crazy, bat-shit awesomeness in there:

Anyway, I know that because they have caught on so much, there are a lot of "fakes" out there and mine may well be a fake...but I still wanted something from this whole Ghana thing. It's just so wild.  My poster was apparently not selling after a long while. The price was down and I can understand why. Most Ghana posters are painted on canvas, but not all. Some are on cardboard or anything else they could find to use. Mine is on the back of a rice bag. Really. The seller also could not identify the movie featured on the poster. The title reads "THE SLAUGNTER". HUH? If they meant "THE SLAUGHTER",it was clearly spelled wrong...and you still have no idea what movie it is.  But then I actually LOOKED at the poster and what it was trying to convey. In the upper left corner, you have a corpse's face that appears to be focusing on something. To the right of it is a screaming woman in a tropical setting. At the bottom, you have a woman (with fangs) eating a man at the neck area and behind them there is a herd of strange-looking people walking towards them. Oh my stars. Except for the fangs, this could almost be..."Zombie"! At the end of the movie, the 2nd female lead (now one of the undead) DOES bite into her husbands shoulder/neck. The people walking towards them do look like zombies. It takes place on a tropical island. Could it be? I'll never know. It could just be a rushed fake...but it's still cool. (Although not as cool as some of the others out there. Wow! Just wacko stuff. Ha!) I'm glad I got it and it was relatively inexpensive. (And--zowie! It's just H-U-G-E!!)

And that concludes our international tour for today. As we come in for a landing, please make sure your table trays are folded and put away and that your seats are in the full upright position. Thanks for flying Monster A GoGo Airlines. Have a groovy day.


The Ghana is HUGE (to me). I'm used to one sheets. By and large, that has been my thing all along. I have no way to measure it at the moment, but I stuck a one sheet and measured it up at the lower left corner and you can see how far above and to the right it goes in the photo below (excuse the mess around it. Ha!):

Somehow it looks even BIGGER in real life. The corpse head on the top right corner is just in-your-face awesome. Wow! I love it.


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