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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2024: #6

 I wasn't planning on buying any more posters. On top of all of my other many health ailments, I have been diagnosed with esophageal cancer. That is effectively taking me out of the game permanently. However, I have a handful of posters I had purchased or had bids on (but didn't expect to win). These leftovers (and there are -- gasp! --15 of them!?!) I'm not planning on sharing on other poster websites as I usually do. They are just here to be complete.

THE ANTICHRIST (Australian):
I love the EXORCIST ripoffs.  THE ANTICHRIST isn't one of the better ones--but, this is a poster I hadn't seen before...and it was cheap.

Never heard of this one--which is why I bought it.

EVIL DEAD (2009 re-release):
Not that I needed this (I have the original one sheet already), I thought it would be fun to pick up this rerelease one sheet from Grindhouse Releaseing.

I had a couple of these already. However, both were damaged (one severely so). I came across a brand new one--so...sold!

This film never came to a theater in my part of the world. But, as I said above, I love my EXORCIST ripoffs. Had to get one.

Whoo hoo! I finally scored a full one sheet (I had a half sheet) for FLESH FEAST. This is a low-budget crapfest...but it was also the comeback/swan song for one-time glamour gal Veronica Lake!

I'm not quite sure if this is a rerelease or the first release for a movie that was never released, but this was another pick up from Grindhouse Releasing.

HOLLYWOOD 90028 (re-release):
This is a movie I am interested in seeing. I actually have the original release one sheet (which looks nothing like this one). I, at first, thought it was a movie knocking off the TV show BEVERLY HILLS 90210...but this came YEARS beforehand. This is another Grindhouse Releasing pickup. 

I've never seen this...but am thrilled to have the poster. It's the one I needed to complete the trilogy of FANNY HILL posters from Barry Mahon. (The other two are FANNY HILL MEETS LADY CHATTERLY and FANNY HILL MEETS DR EROTICO.) I wish they'd release these. I really want to see the DR. EROTICO one (which looks like a nudie-cutie Frankenstein-like flick).

This is the last of the infamous OLGA movies. It features a fake Olga and is generally reguarded as the lesser film in the series (although none are really that good. MME OLGA'S MASSAGE PARLOR is, unfortuantely, a lost film). I, however, like this one the best. It was the first one I got to see...and you never forget your first. Ha! I had this poster--but mine has a snipe on it. This one is in better shape and snipe-free!

Not that it's much to look at, but YOWZA!!!  It's another RARE one sheet for a Doris Wishman sleazefest!Yahoo!!!

I have no idea if this movie is any good or not. The poster is a bit rare--and I love it. It usually gets kind of pricey, so I was lucky to score this one.

X-rated Tarzan knock-off? Ha!

I had one of these--but it was somehow ruined in my move 2 1/2 years ago. Grr. Replacement!

Another "replacement".

That's it. NOTHING too exciting...but these should be my last purchases. I'm not optomistic about facing cancer. I'm glad I got to enjoy the hell out of this hobby for as long as I could. Golly--it's been nearly 50 years!

Thanks for checking out my pages over the years.



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