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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 51*#

October 22, 2015, 06:17:27 PM 

I'm B-A-C-K!

Here is yet another mixed bag of new It's almost not even worth posting, but...  Here we go anyway!

THE OMEN (Turkish):

Oooooo. I just got the Turkish "DAMIEN: OMEN II", but what I really wanted was the original Turkish "Omen". It's so much more interesting than the US. It kind of reminds me of the Thai posters (I wonder if there was a Thai poster for "The Omen"? Hmm.) Well, tuh-DUH!!!! I finally HAVE the Turkish poster for "THE OMEN"!  Yippie!  (Now I wonder what the Turkish "Omen III" is like. I've never seen one of those. Probably not nearly as interesting...)


I'm not 100% sure, but I could almost swear I saw this movie on one of those  crappy/cheap-O 10 (or 25 or 50) movies for $5 DVD sets. If I did see it, it was not that memorable. I don't recall it at all. But I have long thought the poster was creepy enough with the skull-faced woman holding a decapitated head. The worms are waiting...


I already have one of these, but I saw this one going cheap and I just couldn't let that happen. So I snatched it up. This is a weird little low budget flick--kind of laugh out loud unintentionally funny with D-list (Z-list?) star Arch Hall Jr in the lead. I do dig the poster too.


I never saw this flick, but I do remember when it played in theaters. I was about in the 8th grade and I really wanted to go based on the commercials and the ads in the paper (smaller versions of this one sheet). It's probably a crappy movie--and in the newspaper ads, you really couldn't tell that the body in the shower was of a young shapely woman. oh my! I've not bothered to chase down the film. The one sheet is enough of a reminder of those youthful days.

VOLCANO (teaser):

I like my disaster flicks--I do. The ones from the 70s were the best. I already have the "VOLCANO" one sheet, but this was a teaser. While I wasn't wild about the finished film, it was okay. The teaser was uber cheap--why not?


While I am reasonably sure I have one of these, it's always good to have a back up--and this one seemed to be in nice condition. This was a good little movie, kind of forgotten today (the horrible remake didn't help any). Anyone remember the three TV movie sequels? (REVENGE OF THE STEPFORD WIVES, THE STEPFORD CHILDREN, and THE STEPFORD HUSBANDS). Plus, this film featured Katherine Ross and Tina Louise and a great downer ending.


Eh...John Waters' films aren't what they used to be. This is his first or second (when did "CRY BABY" come out again--was that right after "Hairspray" or after this?) post-Divine films. I have this poster already, but this was cheap--and John Waters. Not the best of his films--by far--but not the worst.


I've never heard of "DEAD SPACE", but I imagine it's gotta be crap (Or I probably would have at least heard of it by now). But when I first saw the poster for this apparently wannabe "ALIEN"rip-off, I laughed. The man in the monster costume, for some reason, reminded me of "Far Out Space Nuts", a really dumb 70s TV show with Bob "Gilligan's Island" Denver lost in a space capsule and encountering different Saturday morning TV monster/aliens each week. I don't know why that popped in my head, but it did. Space trash...


Speaking of trash, I LOVE my bad movies. But there are some movies I can NOT bring myself to watch. Like the idea of Burt Reynolds singing and dancing has kept me from watching the horror that is "AT LONG LAST LOVE" or Sylvester Stallone's crooning in "RHINESTONE", Lucille Ball's voice has kept me from witnessing the multi-million dollar disaster that is "MAME".  Eek! I do have it on DVD---just have not been delirious enough to pop it in and give it a watch yet. I've posted the trailer below, for those of you with strong stomachs (WARNING: You could possibly be MAMEd for life!). And, yes, I did buy the poster. Cheap.


Who doesn't love those low budget drive-in flicks from the 50s and early 60s? Well--let me rephrase that (since this movie is a big stinkeroo), who doesn't like the POSTERS from the 50s and early 60s drive in flicks? This one didn't go nearly as high as I thought it might...and became mine. Yippie.

And that's another batch. Golly. I told you it was really a mixed batch...kind of bottom of the barrel, but there were a few gems in it.

Until next time,



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