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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 35

August 26, 2015, 01:21:48 AM

I need to get to bed, but want to get these up... Just a few more entries and I'll be done. Again these are poster purchased earlier this year, posted on another site---before I started my page here. I'm just moving them over...


This first one was just something I stumbled upon, never expecting to see one or buy one. It was just suddenly there and not too expensive (considering what it is)."The Beast of Yucca Flats" is a low-budget shocker from the early 60s that stars Ed Wood favorite Tor Johnson. It's strictly a cheap, low budget the (not too thrilling) poster clearly makes it look, but has become a minor cult classic.


"A Christmas Story" is another long-wanted poster. It's mine now,and I didn't have to stick my tongue to a frozen flagpole, ask Santa or shoot my eye out to get it. Yippie!


Speaking of Christmas...I've never seen this flick and only heard of it when seeing the one sheet. Since seeing it, I've been hunting but not wanting to pay too much for. I've seen re-release matinee posters, but wanted this initial release poster (that says "Childhood Productions" on it). Again, I've never seen this Italian import--but it's colorful and could be fun to have on the walls during the holidays.


The posters of sleazemeister Andy Milligan's films are collectible.The posters are better than the films themselves and have a wonderful sleazy quality to them. I am lucky enough to have a couple already, but getting "The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves are Here!" is a true joy! There are other posters of his I really want---but to me, this one is a real coup. Yahoo! I just wish I had a better example (photo-wise) to share with you.


Even though I just scored another copy a few weeks back, I really had the hots for the British "KING KONG" rip-off,"KONGA" one sheet! Love this poster (although the film is kind of lame). i HAD been trying to get one forever. That's one off of my "Gotta have it" list! Whoo hoo!


 I already have one of these (I think), but thought this was a good bargain. From the 80s, it's the poster for "Soroity House Massacre" -- another movie I've never seen (or its sequels...).


Here is the re-release of "Billy Jack". Although I have the set of "Billy Jack" movies on DVD, i still have not watched them yet. Made in the 70s, they are supposed to be cheesy cult flicks. I have one of the 4 Billy Jack posters and thought I'd go after the whole series. I like the re-release "Billy Jack" (as simple as it is) over the weird, psychedelic original release poster. It's nothing special but here it is:


Here is the cool one sheet for "Blood Beach" (another poster that is, in my opinion, better than the movie itself). The best thing about this flick is the poster art and the tag line that totally riffs that of "Jaws 2"--Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, you can't get to it! I already have at least one copy of this cool poster (I think), but it never hurts to have a spare. I actually saw this in the theater with a piece of crap called "The Day After Halloween". UGH! Neither film was all that good, but this one was better...and did i mention i liked the poster?


The photo below is the only photo I could find online (stolen from!) to illustrate the poster for the international theatrical version of Irwin Allen's TV disaster movie "FIRE"! (The copy I got is a one sheet--not the three sheet shown). I already have another copy of this that had taken me years and years to track down. This one showed up and I bid a minimal amount ...and won it. Now I have a back up. Cool disaster art (for a crappy TV movie that international audiences had to PAY to see. Ha! At least it produced a cool one sheet...).


Although I had scored a copy of the wonderful "Tormented" poster in late 2014, another (in great condition) became available and went for a price that was too low NOT to invest in a 2nd copy. SOLD! I'll resell one of them down the line.

And there's another 10. Stay tuned for more coming soon.



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