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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION #24*#

June 25, 2015, 01:51:24 AM

Howdy out there in Poster Land. Here are images of my latest poster scores!  Oooooo.. Nothing to really write home about. Well, there are some things I'm excited about. Take a gander. See what you think...


Although I've never seen "Varan the Unbelievable", I love my giant monster posters (the movies themselves usually suck...monstrously!). I saw a linen copy in an antique store in Washington that I wanted desperately...except I don't like linen posters and the coloring looked off. It had been restored with a lot of lavender hues that didn't look right. I'm glad I waited because now I have a paper version in spiffy condition ...and there's not a spot of lavender in sight!

EARTHQUAKE (Japanese):

"EARTHQUAKE!!!" When I was a kid in the '70s, the disaster era kicked into full swing. The newspaper ads for "Earthquake" not only got me about seeing the movie, the new SENSURROUND process fueled my penchant for gimmicks to the Nth degree. Zowie!  While I have a copy of the US one sheet for EARTHQUAKE already (several copies, in fact) and the movie is a cheesy/campy favorite (the director, Mark Robson, was also responsible for other camp faves "Peyton Place" and "Valley of the Dolls"! Ha!), I've never seen a one sheet with anything about SENSURROUND printed on it. There has been an occasional sticker, but that's all I've encountered. This one not only mentions SENSURROUND, it also prominently features a cool matte painting that was used on the back of the soundtrack album (YES, I was an uber nerd and bought that too). This is also my very first Japanese poster (and YOU are there for the loss of my Japanese poster virginity... Oh MY!).


"Make Them Dies Slowly"...Yep, I dig the cannibal sub-genre as well. I already have a copy of "Make Them Die Slowly"--but this one was inexpensive-ish and tri-folded, so I figured it might be in better condition. I was kind of holding out for a copy with the original title, "Cannibal Ferox", but... Maybe I'll find one of those yet.


"The Eliminators"---doesn't that sound like people who poop for a living...or kinky enjoyment?  I think I saw this low-budget thing back in the VHS days. Gotta love the motorized half man/half cyborg thing. I think that character actually had a spinoff movie of his own. I don't know--gotta dig the grindhouse sleaze.


Okay--the poster for "Linda" doesn't look like much. Crappy black & white doodle of a young woman's torso with small crabs all over it...  WTF? Well, this is actually the U.S. retitling of Jess Franco's "Lorna The Exorcist" and if you know that movie, you KNOW the crab scene.  EEEW!  Had to have it. But...probably never display it.


"The Boy Who Cried Werewolf"---I got this as part of a lot and I have never seen this particular film before. I think I may have a copy already...and I am certain I have it on a combo poster with "SSSSS". Kerwin "Sinbad"/"Jack the Giant Killer" Matthews is the HE the werewolf? Yikes!


Yes, it's another copy of the kiddie matinee import "Cinderella". I know I just got one of these not too long back---but this was too cheap to pass up. Ha! (I gotta STOP doing that...)


Speaking of fairy tales, I also picked up "Snow White and the Three Stooges" starring forgotten ice skating champion Carol Heiss (Who??). This is actually my 2nd copy of this poster. The first was completely mangled while being packaged. The seller's assistant  tried to roll it to put in a tube--which was fine. But it apparently unrolled or something halfway instead of re-rolling it, he just crammed the remaining parts of the poster into the roll, completely ruining the poster. I got a refund on that one--but had to replace it. I was lucky to get this one. It's my first Stooges poster (Yes, I guess you could say you've also witnessed me losing my Stooges virginity today. Oh my! What kind of poster tramp you must think me to of easy virtue and easily tempted! SHOCKING!!!)


"Voyage to the End of the Universe"---I've never seen this movie (although I've read a bit about it and know it's culled from some Russian sci-fi opus mixed with other footage). I've noticed this poster being quite pricey in the I was amazed when it became mine and I was not outbid on it. Hmm.


"Witchboard"--Ha!  This was an okay little horror flick I saw in the theater back in the day. It was cheap. I bid...ooops! It became mine. Okay...


I originally saw "The Boogey Man" on a double feature with "Zombie" back in 1980 (NO, I was NOT old enough to go see that then...but that did NOT stop me!). "Zombie" was awesome---but I was also impressed with "Boogey Man" at the time as well. The sequels have all sucked--as has everything else by Ulli Lommel I've ever dared to watch. On later viewings, "The Boogey Man" hasn't held up quite as well--but it's still okay-ish.  I have other copies of this poster already. This one came in a lot.


I wish I had NOT gotten this particular poster, "Terror of the Tongs"!  I was unfamiliar with the movie and the poster...but was intrigued (Mostly because, I think, it stars Christopher Lee in Asian garb...and about 2 years ago I waded through his 5-movie "Fu Manchu" series). After spending a good amount of cash-o-rama to "win" this poster, it occurred to me that the pinkish splotch--announcing that the film was in Eastman Color--didn't really belong with the poster. I google searched other images and, yep...that was NOT supposed to be there. Someone must have colored that in. GRRR!  Instant reject!  Dang it!!!!!


I picked up the 20th anniversary re-release lenticular for "E.T."


Double feature time---it's "The Crawling Thing (From Another World??)" and "Creature of Evil"!  I had never seen this poster before when I saw it for sale. I'd never heard of those movies. I've since learned they are probably re-titlings of "Half Human" and "Monster From Green Hell"--two movies I HAVE heard of but have not seen.

Here's a cheap-o trailer for the combo which shows the poster at the end:

And the poster itself:


I don't usually buy video posters...but for some direct-to-video movies, you have no choice. I bout the poster for "Scooby Doo on Zombie Island"--the first direct-to-video feature length Scooby movie (great art on that poster...and the movie was pretty decent as well) and have been trying to get other Scooby titles as well. While I am pretty sure I already have these two--I'm not 100% bought them (again?) pretty cheaply ($2 each).  Here are "Scooby Doo Meets the Boo Brothers" and "Scooby Doo and the Alien Invaders":




The next one I have been trying to get for years--but have always been outbid on. I have never seen "Scandal Inc.", but first encountered the poster while I was working as a writer for "The Fresno Bee". I wanted to buy this poster, frame it and hang it in or near my cubicle. But, my career at the newspaper is over. I'm a nurse now. Snore... The writing gig was so much more fun, but the nursing thang helps me afford my poster, habit. Ha!


I have the exciting 3D version poster for "Man in the Dark" (with the rollercoaster action), but had never seen the 2D version poster for the same flick until i saw this one. HAD to have it. Completely different art. The movie is now available in 3D blu ray...and I bought it...but I need to wait until I can afford a 3D blu ray player and 3D TV to watch it. HA!!  By the way, I had never heard of actress Audrey Totter until I started collecting posters...and have since seen her name a lot. I don't think I've ever actually seen a movie with her in it--but every time I see her name, I keep wishing her first name had been Tater.


Years ago, (at least I THINK it was them) was a place I shopped for posters when I could afford them. It's still around and I visit occasionally--but the selection is not what it used to be and the prices have gone up. However...back in the day, the website used to feature a poster for something called "Loch Ness Horror". OOooo I sooo wanted it. I was never able to get one--and hardly ever saw them available--until now.


Finally, here it is... "White Slaves of Chinatown"!!  This is the same poster I bid on a few weeks back, won...and gave up once I discovered it was trimmed. They relisted it recently and, crazy me, just could NOT take a chance I'd never see another--so I bid, bid, bid and won it again---for about $100 cheaper than I won it before.  So here it is--trimmed and all. I'm not sure how I feel about winning it this time.

That's all for today boys and girls. I am sooooo broke now. And have soooooo many expenses coming my way. EEEK!  I don't know what I'll do. I may NOT be back with any updates for quite awhile. I gotta be a good little zombie wage slave and make some more moola...FAST!

I hope you are all well and having a swingin' summer.



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