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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2017 #5 -- Even MORE Movie Posters *#

Welcome back to the SHOCK-A-RAMA POSTER SHOW. With this entry I am doing double duty. I'm posting it on my thread on All Posters Forum AND on my blog. That way if one or the other disappears, I'll still (hopefully) have some reference/record. Unfortunately, this "comeback" posting is entirely lackluster. You'll see what I mean as we scroll down and see what I have this time. There's nothing much to see. I've been broke and my interest has flagged severely since the Photobucket mess. But--for whatever it is worth--here is what i have this time:

Yes, the first poster is for the notorious bomb, GREASE 2. Why did I get it? It was CHEAP! UGH! I've been doing that too often. This and the one below were from Rich's auctions. But truth be told, all of my image problems (Photobucket sucks!) have knocked the wind out of my poster buying sails. When that happens, you end up with things like GREASE 2. Ha!

I am NOT into westerns at all. However, I remembered that my brother liked this I went for it. I do think it's a unique film in that the Carradine, Keach and Quaid brothers were in it altogether.

I have no idea about this one...looks like a Japanese animated flick? in Big Screen Magicolor! Zowie!

I do not know anything about this flick, but I've seen this poster come and go many times---and i've gone for it in the past, but it always eludes me. Is it sci-fi? Looks like it with those flying space ship things. Cool design over all and this one was scored much cheaper than some of the others I've tried to get over the years. 

Oh, this movie is AWFUL. I saw it years ago with a double feature of (I believe) with a much better sci-fi flick called WITHOUT WARNING. THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME was snore inducing, instantly forgettable, with sets and costumes (and acting and special effects)  that looked to be cast-offs/rejects from the late 70s/early 80s BUCK ROGERS, LOGAN'S RUN, and/or BATTLESTAR GALACTICA TV series or something. I have no idea why I bid on this...perhaps the cheap factor again?

I've never seen any of the MA AND PA KETTLE films, but this is now the third or fourth poster from the series I've collected. Just because...

While I'd really much rather have the poster for Turkish ripoff of THE EXORCIST (also called SEYTAN as THE EXORCIST seems to have been), I'll take this one for now. It's kind of fun and colorful, but Linda Blair looks NOTHING like the way the artist portrayed her. Ha!

Also known as DOGS OF HELL, this poster for the '80's Earl Owensby 3D effort is the THIRD one I've purchased for this title. The other two copies were NOT up to my standards. I hoe this one is. The Owensby 3D posters are hard to find. This one is probably the easiest of the bunch---and I have a few others (HOT HEIR aka THE GREAT BALLOON RACE, TALES OF THE THIRD DIMENSION, and maybe CHAIN GANG), ...but there are several others that elude me or I haven't ever seen. I think this is (partly?) because Owensby's films were regional flicks. They never played in my town--just the larger cities and the East Coast and south.  I'm such a sucker for 3D. But I've NEVER seen any of these flicks (in 3D or flat).  Maybe someday...

I have never seen this little Troma flick...never knew it played theatres either, until i came across this one sheet. I wouldn't have necessarily bought this except when I came on it, the dealer selling it remarked that it pretty rare. I thought, IS probably rare, but I really didn't need/want it. So, i put in a low ball snipe for it...and got it. NO ONE ELSE bid on it. It's probably a waste of $9.99 plus shipping, but... whatever.

(Originally known as "PeopleToys" and better known under its third release title as "DEVIL TIMES FIVE"), this low-rent exploiter is not all that special...but the cast is interesting. A young Leif Garrett, Shelley Morrison (Sister Sixto on "The Flying Nun" and/or Rosario on "Will and Grace"), Sorrell Booke (Boss Hogg from the original "Dukes of Hazzard") and Dawn Lyn (Dodie from "My Three Sons") have somehow ended up in this sleaze-o-shocker. I like this title and poster art---which I think is a riff on LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT (The alliteration of the title and the "It's only a movie"/"It can't happen to me" ad campaigns). I do remember when this came out (with this title). Ooooo I sooo wanted to see it. I had no idea that "Devil Times Five" was the same movie until years and years later.  No wonder I couldn't find it. I probably already have a copy of this poster and didn't need to waste another $21 on this, but...  (Hmm. I wonder if any grindhouse ever, accidentally, booked "HORRIBLE HOUSE ON THE HILL" with "DEVIL TIMES FIVE"? That would be funny as they are both the same movie. Ha!)

Yes, another poster I already have. Hopefully this is a better copy? We'll see. This is a a nifty poster. I don't know what it is that makes it for me---the image of the screaming Elke Sommer (knowing her career was ending, no doubt) or the eyeball hanging down just in front of her. I've never seen the movie though.

That's about it. Ho-hum. As I said, nothing all that great or interesting this time around. I really need to snap out of this funk I am in about posters right now. I still blame Photobucket for it. Damn you Photobucket!  Anyway---thanks for visiting.



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