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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION #23*#

June 15, 2015, 03:43:01 AM

Hello.  I've got more to post...some of it groovy, other stuff just okay (oops! I was only supposed to be buying bucket list stuff from here on out).  I also need your help/opinion on an item I got within the last week as well. (More on that at the bottom of this entry.)

First, it's yet another one of my kiddie matinee posters from the 60's/early 70's. This one is another Childhood Productions poster for "Aladdin and his Magic Lamp". Again, this is presented in Storybook Color...and (zowie!) Storybookscope!!!  Ooooo. It was also "Never before shown anywhere" ...except maybe in the Soviet Union where this film was originally made? Ha! I have not seen many of these old kiddie matinee movies--except for the few I actually was dragged to as a child--and certainly have seen none as an adult. But it's on imdb (with it's original Russian credits), so I may have to give it a watch. I'm sure the poster is better than the flick. That usually seems to be the case.

Next is a foreign poster for the "Exorcist" ripoff "Beyond the Door"!  This poster is in English, but is definitely NOT the U.S. one sheet. Instead of "directed by" it says "Direct by", so clearly whoever created this didn't have complete command of the English language--but very close. I actually like this movie. REALLY!  I think that may be because A) it stars Juliet Mills, who so charmed me as a child in "Nanny and the Professor" and B) during the post-"Exorcist" hoopla, I remembered all of the hoopla that followed THIS movie, too. I didn't get to see "The Exorcist" until years later (1981 I think...on a double bill with "The Shining", not counting the glimpses of it at a drive in when it played on the screen behind us)...but I DID catch "Beyond the Door" on late night TV not so long after it played in this was where I lost my possession movie virginity (oh my!).  Stunning artwork on this--although it really does not go with the movie that well. Ha!

"The Bloody Pit of Horror" with "Terror-Creatures from Beyond the Grave" is next. I love my double feature posters--yahoo--and I've longed for a "Bloody Pit of Horror" poster (there are two versions--this one and one when it was on a double bill with "Body Snatcher From Hell". But this one features the BPOH much more than the other one does). It's such a silly, over the top flick. Mickey Hargitay is in high camp overdrive...without even meaning to be.

George Romero's "Knightriders" is not the greatest flick ever, but I've wanted to get the poster of it for a long while...just NOT this version. I like the alternate version better. Oh well. This will do until the other comes my way.

"Peyton Place" is one of my fave movies--seen it a zillion times. I actually already had a copy of this poster, but this looks like it might be a nicer copy. "Peyton Place" seems to be a more or less hard title to find. (And, my stars, it took me YEARS before I ever even SAW a "Return to Peyton Place" one sheet. Jeepers!) It wasn't too expensive, so hopefully this can replace my old copy.

I also like my old. cheesy sword & sandal/peplum movies (or, as I simply call them, "Hercules movies"--even though Herc is clearly NOT in this picture). This one is "Son of Samson". I already had a rough copy of this poster. This looked like another upgrade. Yippie!

The movie "Tentacles" SUCKS! Man, it's a stinker. The best thing about it is the one sheet (a female swimmer being attacked by a giant octopus. Very cool.).  I have that, but came across this poster recently. Like the "Beyond the Door" poster above, this one is a foreign release poster--but curiously in English. (Both posters are coming to me from Peru!)  I don't know why I bothered. Yes, this is in English and yes, it features artwork I hadn't seen before...but the movie really does suck and I really dig the U.S. one sheet more than this one. Oh well. It's a done deal.

"The Wild Rebels"??  No idea. It was just cheap and it was just a poster that was "interesting enough" (and cheap enough) to bid on from a dealer who had something else I wanted that closed at the same time. To pad out shipping costs, i bid on this too...and ended up losing the main attraction poster (which, at this point, I don't even recall what it was). Oops.

Okay this next one is a "bad" poster. Just look at creepily Leon Isaac's bulging, staring eyeballs. Is he a zombie...or is his acting that bad? Ha! I'm sure not many of you have a "Fighting Mad" poster in your least NOT on purpose. Ha! Anyone know who the artist is? 21 Century releasing employed this guy (whoever he is) for a number of their posters--including, I am sure, "Revenge of the Shogun Women"--which was the very first framed movie poster I hung on my walls as an adult. His work has a juvenile, cartoon-y feel. I actually LIKE it (particularly the "Revenge of the Shogun Women" poster obviously). Not that I wanted or needed this, but it was cheap and clearly by the same artist who did a lot of 21st Century's posters.

"The Obsessed One"--also from 21st Century, although I don't think it was the same artist--looks like another blaxploitation horror flick. I am reasonably sure I have a copy of this poster already (do I? Hmm.) But this was cheap--so why not get one to be sure? I know nothing about the movie...but it's from 1974 and the ad copy makes it sound like an "Exorcist" knock-off. Hmm.

Here's a poster that is a total mystery---"Berserker". Why do I have it? Because it came with "The Obsessed One". I know nothing about it...but also don't know if it's a theatrical poster or a video poster. There's no rating on it--but there's also no "now available on videocassette" either. It's copyrighted 1987 from American Video Group. I know at that time, some video companies were producing low budget product for theatrical release and then releasing it on video right afterwards...before just skipping theatrical releases altogether. IMDB says this HAD a theatrical release, but was this the theatrical poster...or the video poster...or BOTH? Looks funny/awful though (I saw part of the trailer on Youtube...something about a Nordic legend and a terribly silly looking fake killer bear attacking people! Ha!)

"Bandit Island"...This is the only photo that is NOT an actual photo of the poster I bought. The reason is mine was purchased on they have that lovely watermark on all of their pictures (joy...). Anyway---had to have this one. I love gimmick flicks--and 3D is gimmick-a-rama in my book, especially since it's vintage 1950s 3D. Zowie! The graphics are great on the poster and the amazing thing is that "Bandit Island" was only a 3D short---not a feature length film. It is also,reportedly, lost. No known prints exist. Waaagh. Fun poster though.

This last new acquisition is where I need your opinion/help. Occasionally I will look on Craigslist for posters. There's usually not much--if anything--listed. However quite a while back (Maybe a year or so ago), I noticed this guy selling this one poster that had me curious. He was asking $400 for it though--and that was way out of my ballpark. After not looking at Craigslist for several months, I looked again last week and saw he still had it for sale, but had marked it down to $100. In addition to it's being pricey, I think a reason he did not sell this poster was because the owner lived in Yosemite National Park--which is quite a drive (and you have to pay $30 to get in to the park!). But at $100...  Hmm. I was tempted. You see, in addition to being autographed, there was also included a prop from the movie attached to it--all nicely framed and with a COA. I contacted the seller and decided to buy it. It's Tim Burton's  "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" poster, and is supposedly autographed by Johnny Depp and three others (actors?) from the film, and comes complete with a prop Wonka bar attached.

I went and picked it up today. It's nice and it does have a COA from a place I'd never heard of before. He said he got it at Disneyworld quite a while back. Years ago (1998) I visited the Disney-MGM Studios and went to a store selling old, original Disney movie posters. I bought an "Escape to Witch Mountain" and a 70s "Alice in Wonderland" re-release poster. But it was a simple store--no fancy framed things like this. And the WONKA remake isn't from Disney. The COA was from Starabilia--apparently a completely different store that used to be in Orlando's Downtown Disney section.

I went online to find out more information about the company. Apparently there is controversy as to whether or not the autographed memorabilia they sold was real or fake--or both. While autographed posters are not my thing and I wasn't a huge fan of the Wonka remake (I prefer the original, although the new version had it's moments and some amazing visuals), I can't imagine the Wonka bar prop was a fake...or could it have been? The film isn't that old and probably came out while Starabilia was in business. Aside from Depp, the other signatures are for the actors who played Charlie, Grandpa Joe, and Mike Tee Vee. If they were going to forge names, why not forge Tim Burton's or Christopher Lee's...why go for two kids and an old guy you've never heard of?  I'm just not sure what to think? Can they fake props easily? Hmm.

As I said, the frame is nice and it's glass in front--not plexiglass/plastic. The prop Wonka bars from this flick on eBay go for about $125 each. But are those real or fakes? Hmm. What do you think...was this a good deal, a bad deal, or an okay deal. I asked erik1925/Jeff, but have not heard back from him yet (I know he has a life and is busy...and he may not know anything about this poster / starabilia stuff). Anyone else out there know anything?  Here's some pics:

Here's the poster. Depp's signature (or is it?) is on the right just above his hand.  Just below his hand is a little plaque listing the four people whose signatures are supposed to be on the poster.

Here is the "Johnny Depp autograph" close up (the other three names are far easier to read/make out):

This is the prop Wonka bar and another little plaque stating it is a prop used in the film. The COA is on a separate certificate that is not attached to the poster.

Okay gang... that's it for tonight. Jinkies! Look at the time. It's way past pumpkin time for me. EEK!  I have an early appointment tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a festive and pleasant tomorrow. Good night.



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