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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 32

August 21, 2015, 12:27:48 AM

I'm back...with another batch of old (NOT "new purchases") stuff I am transferring over to All Poster Forum I had posted elsewhere. This is stuff I got in 2015 but from BEFORE starting my page here.


One of my long-time quests paid off in January with the acquisition of the "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things" poster. I love early zombie posters (between "Night of the Living Dead" and the glut in the early 80s just after "Zombie") and I've wanted this poster for ages. However, when I finally got it, I discovered it was a little more damaged and stained than I'd anticipated (Not nearly as nice as the one shown---this must be an image pulled from elsewhere on the 'net). It will do...maybe...but the hunt is still on (just in case).


"Asteroid Adventure" is apparently an IMAX Simulation ride film. I was surprised to stumble upon a poster for it. I've seen IMAX before but never an Imax Simulator. I'm not even sure this counts as a "movie poster" although in a simulator, you are essentially watching a "movie" but in a moving theater. Interesting.


"The Bride of Fu Manchu" is the 2nd (of 5) Fu Manchu movies to star Christopher Lee in the 60s. I had heard about the Fu Manchu movies for years. They never really interested me, but last year I finally decided to track them down and found they did not live up to their reputation. Oh well. I've decided to track down the posters anyway. (Why not?)


"By Love Possessed" is an old Lana Turner movie. No one remembers Lana Turner today (Who?), but she was a screen sex siren before Marilyn Monroe. She is the one supposedly discovered in Schwab's Drug Store in Hollywood (a Hollywood myth). This is one of her later films when she was nearing (gasp!) middle age. Aside from "Peyton Place" it's the only Lana Turner poster I have.


"Cat O'Nine Tails" is an early Dario Argento flick made before his classic "Susperia" (which I also have). It is a giallo flick (kind of like a bizarre murder mystery with graphic murders) and features American stars James Franciscus and Karl Malden. Argento is collectible. Now if I can just get a copy of.... well, his OTHER posters. Dang!


"The Incredible Torture Show"?? What's that? Never heard of it? "The Incredible Torture Show" was the original title that is now better known under it's super exploitative title "Bloodsucking Freaks", a nasty little sick-o-rama low budget horror flick. Has that fallen off the radar of horror/exploitation fans? I thought it had a cult following, so when this poster (which I already have a copy of) became available for very little, I scooped it up as an investment. I have a "Bloodsucking Freaks" poster as well, but... Apparently I chose unwisely. These appear to be a dime a dozen. I've seen lots of copies of this sold in lots. UGH! OH well...


I picked up this cool double-bill poster for "The Horror Chamber of Dr. Faustus" and "The Manster" at the beginning of the year. Cool stuff...or so I thought. Not long after buying this, I discovered there was a full color version of this and bought that one too. UGH!  Oh well...


Yes, this is a poster for a video release (VHS videocassette! Zowie! Ha!). I had gotten the original theatrical poster for the first "Deathstalker". I realized if I wanted the other posters for the other three films in the series (a series I have never seen as of yet), I would have to buy video posters because they were not released theatrically. I got Parts 3 and 4. I finally scored "Deathstalker 2" earlier this year. I can't believe it took so long to track down since it is the least interesting of the four. Oh well.I am thrilled to finally have it. However, a few weeks back i could have sworn i saw a THEATRICAL version of this same poster. HUH?  Did it play theatrically? Is there a theatrical one sheet? If so, I'm on the hunt once again...


Tim Burton's "Alice In Wonderland" was a huge, HUGE hit. I didn't really like it. Like most of Burton's films (i.e. "Planet of the Apes", "Mars Attacks", "Dark Shadows",etc.), it was incredible visually, but I was b-o-r-e-d. The poster does carry the incredible visuals though... I must have gotten this because it was cheap, er...inexpensive. I already had the Johnny Depp / Mad Hatter lenticular. Hmm.


Another long-sought poster I scored earlier this year is for the Don Knotts comedy, "The Ghost and MR. Chicken". I saw this movie at a kiddie matinee years ago and thought it was awesome. Saw it years later, and it didn't hold up. But it has it's moments and for what it is, it's cute. This is the hardest to find poster of all of the Don Knotts films.

I'll have a few more blasts from the not-so-distant past later. And now, it's off to bed. I need to get up at 5 a.m. tomorrow so I can work my 12 hour day (4 in a row---ugh!) to pay off my I can buy MORE POSTERS!  ARGH!



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