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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2018 #5*#

Hi there!  Welcome to another poster posting.

It's April 2nd, 2018! This post is to celebrate the THIRD ANNIVERSARY (April 2, 2015) of  my thread (on another site. Ha!).  I don't have much for a post, but I wanted to get something up anyway for the occasion. Hooray!


I have no idea what this is. Dwayne Johnson? UGH. With the giant ape looming behind him, I had hopes it might be KING KONG or, at least, MIGHTY JOE YOUNG-ish? Based on the fact it is apparently based on a video game of some sort, I have a feeling I bought a turd poster I don't need. Oh well.


I already have a copy or two of this poster...why not another? I love this film. Soooo much better than the Johnny Depp/Tim Burton version. And...did I hear it was being remade AGAIN? UGH! 


Can you go wrong with a Disney poster? Especially one featuring the first African-American princess in the Disney stables? Hopefully it will go up in value? I've not seen the film, but...


I liked this Bond outing, even though the Bronsan Bonds are kind of getting the short end of things. It was cheap.


I was never a fan of this series...but I saw it and a sequel. But, it was inexpensive and the first of the series. Why not?


Ugh! I'm not even a STAR WARS fan...but I thought I should get one for resell down the road...


Ditto. See above.


Oh my STARS! How excited I am about this one. This is my LEAST favorite film in the AZTEC MUMMY series (it's a shameless retread of the first movie, all told in flashback!). It's also my least favorite poster for the trilogy, but the posters are IMPOSSIBLE to find. I now have this one and the third/final poster, ROBOT VS THE AZTEC MUMMY (click HERE for the post where I share it. There are other great posters in there as well.) I just need the first one now. Ooooo. Yahooo!


Winner of Best Picture, I am thrilled to have a copy of the poster for THE SHAPE OF WATER. I really enjoyed the movie---except for that weird fantasy song and dance sequence that I didn't think belonged at all. Hopefully it becomes a classic and the price of the poster only increases with time (with my luck, that probably won't happen, but...).

And that is it for now. THANK YOU for three great years. 



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