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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION #91

April 02, 2016, 03:05:31 AM

Hi there! It's NOT the middle of April yet. In fact, April is just getting started. Why am I posting early? Well, it's because it's the anniversary of my own thread. Jeepers! It was one year ago today (April 2, 2015) that I started this thread. And, zowie! Look at how it has grown. 28 pages of poster images and your comments! That is amazing to me. It's been a super duper year---and I've loved every minute of it. Thanks for welcoming and including me here.

I have a new crop of posters to share too. In fact, i have more posters than i planned on having for this post. OOPS. I bought several posters I did NOT need...In fact, the real shock-a-rama thing about this poster show posting is how non-shock-a-rama it is for the most part.

Okay--poster time:


From 1953, here's another obscure movie I'd never heard of until seeing the one sheet. I had wanted a copy of this while working at The Fresno Bee (newspaper) as a writer a few years back. I may not have a cubicle any longer---but I still wanted it for old time's sake.


I have to say that some of Jeff's recent purchases inspired me to get this one. I was particularly drawn to the painting of the man. The coloring reminded me of those  in Jeff's collection. This hails from 1951 and is for a film I know nothing about.


I'd never heard of this, but thought the art was delightful in itself. Here are Peter Lawford and Janet Leigh from 1952.


Another obscurity I know nothing about...I just liked the art on this 1957 poster.


Yet another obscurity, this time from 1960. I picked this up because the exploitative captions on the poster were delightfully soap opera-y "shocking". Ha! I've never heard of the movie, but it sounds like a camp classic.


I am reasonably sure I have one of these already, but just to be sure... It's Jayne Mansfield in one of her less than stellar films after her celebrity status began to fade. Co-starring a then up-and-coming Phyllis Diller! A low budget romp made in Florida--part spy flick, part "Beach Party" ripoff, but all BAD! Ha!  Jayne is overly exuberant in a role she is far too old (and far too post-pregnant) for. Just a complete mess. Ha!


From 1957, here is Jayne at the beginning of her career when she was promoted as the next big thing (or would that be "next big things"? I'll defer to Steve for that answer.). I'm pretty sure I have this already as well, but...


I got the original release poster last year (FINALLY), but I have long been hoping to score a copy of this 2011 re-release poster. When I saw that this was playing at my local theater, I gleefully rushed to see it (knowing it would NOT last long---and I was right). I was astounded to see that I was the ONLY ONE THERE. What!?! It was more than just a re-release of the so-bad-it',-just-okay holiday classic from the early 60's, it was a little retro-holiday film festival with vintage holiday cartoons, vintage holiday ads, vintage holiday public service announcements, etc. I had a great time seeing this on the big screen. And am glad to have the poster now as well.

CURSE OF THE WEREWOLF (French affiche):

Ugh!  This was one of the two things I won on the recent big Heritage Auction. I was NOT watching this poster or hoping to get it. It's just that when i had a chance to log on, it came up and...I went bonkers trying to win SOMETHING. I won this. I like the color scheme and the art...but didn't realize it was the smaller size French affiche until the auction had concluded. i spent way, WAY too much for it. It's nice, but...


Oooooo!  One of the greatest and most notorious exploitation roadshow posters ever---NO GREATER SIN and BIRTH OF TWINS!  How i've longed for a copy of this poster for years! NO GREATER SIN is a campy VD scare film. BIRTH OF TWINS is exactly what it sounds like---shocking and unheard of on the screen when this was first shown. ADULTS ONLY!!!! Ha! Yahoo!

CORRIDORS OF BLOOD (International Version):

Yowza!  Old Boris Karloff posters are on my list of posters to hunt down. I had seen this poster many times before and tried to get one. However those were the US copies and those are in black and white. This international copy is in color---much better. So the hunt switched from the black and white US version (which fortunately I never landed) to this colored International version...which is finally mine! And there's BK front and center. Fabulous!


I already have a copy of this poster, but when I saw this one for sale, I couldn't resist it. I LOVE the schlockiness of this poster. The CORPSE GRINDERS grinding machine (which looks about as hokey as this in the movie) with the screaming victim (they are dead corpses in the movie---but whatever) and all of the other lurid elements. This poster is an exploitation/horror classic and it got people into the theaters (because the movie sure didn't--what a cheesy wonderful snooze-fest! Ha!) This is a Ted V. Mikels mess-terpiece!  (Spoiler: The corpse grinder turns the bodies food! Ha! You gotta love that!)


From 1966, here is the other item I won in the recent big HA auction. This one WAS on my bucket list. However more than this, I really wanted THE AMAZING COLOSSAL MAN, THE MOLE PEOPLE and THE BLOB---all of which went for much, MUCH more than their estimated auction price (and all of which I had used snipes on---with generous amounts tacked on above and beyond the estimated auction prices. I probably came in 2nd or 3rd place on those posters). Dang it all! Actually BATMAN I had also bid more than the estimated price...but would have also lost if I had not had the chance to tune in again just before it was on the auction block while at work. I was outbid, but finally did manage to win it. I paid too much for it but at last I have one! YIPPIE!

And that's my post for my 1 year anniversary! Thank YOU for making it a great year!



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