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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 83

February 14, 2016, 09:25:25 AM 

Hello!  I'm back for my monthly visit (no wise-cracks about that. Ha!). I'm popping in a day early to wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day (and because, after work, I'll be on the road tomorrow heading to Palm Springs. No time to write then...).

I really, REALLY miss being on here all of the time. I still sneak on for moments at a time when I get a notification for new updates on certain threads...but it's not the same as actively participating on a day-to-day basis. I especially miss my "friends" on here. I hope everyone has been well.

Still, my reason for doing this was to keep my spending in check (and I really HAVE been spending less) and to focus on things I really want / "need". This hasn't been as successful (as you'll see in my latest acquisitions below and on my 2nd post I'll have up later today, after work)...but it's still a step in the right direction. (Hopefully.)

Of the posters I have acquired in the past month (!!), the ones in this post are my least favorite. The ones in my next post (later tonight) I am more enthusiastic about. There will also be another post with last-minute additions.

Okay--on with the posters...


I have never heard of this movie--nor am I all that wild about the poster (I do like the color scheme though). This particular poster came with another poster I picked up as a lot. I probably would not have bothered to include this otherwise if my acquisitions haven't slowed down to just enough for the two posts I'm making today.


I already have this poster--but I'm a sucker for gimmicks/3D. COMIN' AT YA was the first 3D film of the 80s and its success brought on the short-lived 80s 3D revival that included such films as JAWS 3D, AMITYVILLE 3D, and FRIDAY THE 13th PART 3 3D! I picked up this copy because it was cheap...but mostly because it came with the bonus poster posted below...


While I am reasonably sure I already have this poster---I'm not 100% sure. Despite the ding on the right side, I really needed to get this copy--just in case I do not have the copy I think I have already. HOT HEIR was one of the string of low-budget 3D flicks produced by Earl Owensby in the 80s. His flicks got mostly regional releases (south mostly--and east coast). I never got to see an Owensby 3D 3D or otherwise. Because of the limited saturation/play dates, there were not the millions of posters produced a normal Hollywood blockbuster would have printed. I have a nice copy of his poster for TALES OF THE THIRD DIMENSION and a crappy copy of the poster for well as this poster...there are still a few other Owensby 3D poster titles that elude me. Gotta get 'em!!!! Wish they'd put these movies out on 3D home video!  Yowza!


I am not a STAR WARS fanatic. I came across this though and picked it up. It was inexpensive and, as the poster for the first release of the first part of the CLONE WARS animated series, i thought it might be worth something down the road. Or not. Whatever...


I already had a copy of this with a big tape paper lift on I needed another. This is a re-titling of some crappy Ray Dennis Steckler film I found and downloaded online years ago. If I watched it, I promptly forgot it. What I do remember was grainy, bad and boring... Interesting rip-off title though... (which is why I bought it in the first place).


I have seen this---but even to this day, i keep mistaking this title for the 1960 Irwin Allen flick THE LOST WORLD. I probably have this title already (but do i have THE LOST WORLD?  Hmm...)...but if I didn't, well... I do now.

TARZAN THE APE MAN (1959 remake):

 I already have a copy of this, but Im hoping this is a better copy. I love my TARZAN movies...and am super curious about this one. It is a notorious stinker...and is the only TARZAN movie (known to still be in existence) that is NOT available on home video. This is the remake of the Johnny Weismeuller original---with Denny Miller in his solo turn as the King of the Jungle.


I was delighted to get this poster---Jan. 17th--but it was back when I was forced to use my laptop computer for everything. I couldn't see much on the small completely missed the dark line/stain running down the vertical fold. Waaaagh!  This will go in the future sell pile for sure.


Here is another poster I really have wanted for some time...that I did not notice on my tiny laptop screen that it had problems all down the right side of the poster. Hmm. Maybe it will cover with a frame?


I know this film has a big cult following. i saw the film in the theater back in the day. While I thought it was okay--I wasn't ga-ga over it. I did like the poster for it (this style---the others didn';t work for me). While I am reasonably sure I have a copy of this already, i am not 100% sure---so i picked this up. Now that I can see it on a bigger screen (I have a new desktop computer), I see it's not in as groovy of shape as I thought. I may have to look for another copy... Hmm.

And that's 10. Later tonight i'll post the rest of the posters I've acquired during my month away. Stay tuned,



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