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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 82

January 16, 2016, 12:49:08 AM

Hi there. Here is Part 2 of my monthly post for my thread. The previous post was not that exciting (but it did have some nice things). But this post has me excited. And I get more excited the further down today's list I go. Wait until you see the last one. OH MY STARS!!!! I can NOT believe it is mine!

Now let's take a look at the posters and see what/why I got them:


This is from a Heritage Auction--AFTER the Dec. 31st frenzy. I still sniped this auction--didn't see it happen. The outcome was a surprise. I opted to try and get this one as i have a collection of "adult" fairy tale movie posters (ALICE IN WONDERLAND, EROTIC ADVENTURES OF PINOCCHIO, CINDERELLA, THE EXOTIC ADVENTURES OF ZORRO, etc.). Did i need it? Not really. But glad i have it.


Wow! I have no idea what this is or how i bid on it. I think i must have made a goof when i was doing my snipes. I know it's a Fellini film...but only because it says so on the poster. i've never seen it, never even heard of it...(and, shocking I know, but I've never seen a Fellini film!). but it's a cool poster--snipe goof or not!


NOT the most attractive poster ever, but VALLEY OF THE DOLLS is a camp classic that has been a personal fave for years and years! This Japanese B2 was the only thing i bid on in last Tuesday's emovie poster...and I promptly forgot about it...and was surprised to find out I WON it. (Why couldn't this have happened with the Power Ball? ARGH!) Yahoo.

SPECTRE (Subway):

Jeff/Erik 1925 introduced me to subway posters...and this SPECTYRE subway is better than the Spectre advance I shared this morning. Love my Bond flicks and have all of the posters now (except ONE combo re-issue...argh! But it WILL be mine this year...I hope.)


This one is mine...Grrr. This is the ONE poster I bid on blindly and got caught up in during the auction. I just happened to see the outbid notice on it---lost my head (why? Did I need this?), went bananas trying to hang on to it for some inexplicable reason, and bid crazy high!  UGH!!!!  Oh well. Lesson learned...hopefully. But what a hoot to own the Italian poster for Sylvester Stallone ("The Italian Stallion") in his pre-fame blunder into porn! Ha!


Plus side, I won this without watching the auction. COOL art. Down side,...It's a 4F. I don't like those 2 section posters. How do you even frame these without somehow attaching the two pieces together?


Wow!  I wanted this forever!  While not the best George Romero flick by far, i dig the poster. I have the dull style B poster (just a photo collage basically)...but have always wanted the illustrated style A. Yahoo. i jousted with a big bid, left it to fate...and it's mine!


This is an interesting win. In my pre-2016 bidding/sniping frenzy, i ended up losing a lot of really cool stuff on eMovie and getting a bunch of things i didn't really need (see previous posting). I did the same on HA....only the opposite happened. i lost out on EVERYTHING I bid on...except one thing...this awesome first release (I already have the re-release) BARBARELLA poster! It's doubly awesome as I was their under bidder for this same poster in their big November auction....and this one went for considerably less than the one in November!  Whoo hoo!!!!!


OH MY STARS!!!!!  This poster, to me, is just GORGEOUS!!!!!  The story behind this one is also awesome. Usually, before an auction, I will look at everything being offered ahead of time, put some of it in my watch list and wait to bid until the last moment (if I'm actually watching the auction) or at the last possible moment (like just before leaving for work) if I will not be watching. This was a Thursday night auction on emovie. Occasionally there will be something I want that I know will be way, WAY out of my price range/league and I will never get it. On those occasions, instead of putting it in my watch list, i'll just bid some crazy number and forget about it---knowing I won't get it. I had several cool things in my watch list...some of them went for fairly reasonable or cheap prices....and were NOT mine because I simply forgot all about the auction! I had, however, bid some random price on this poster---forgot about it--and ended up winning it! What!?! NO WAY!  Despite losing many other cool lots that night simply because I forgot about the auction, my wallet was glad I didn't have to shell out even MORE after the auction ended than I had to pay for this. But--zowie! This is the most amazing colossal poster of the year...and it's only mid-January (and the original film's poster, THE AMAZING COLOSSAL MAN, is coming up for auction in March...i won't stand a chance of winning it--especially since I am NOT the Power Ball winner, but I can try and dream...). Wow! WOW!! W-O-W ! ! !

And that's it for this month. I'll pop around tonight and visit a few of the threads I usually visit and then I'll be gone again until mid-February-ish.

I hope the first few weeks of the new year have been promising (although we all lost out on the Power Ball drawing, soooo.. waaagh. There goes those Universal monster poster dreams... Ha!)

See  you in a month. You can also always email or message me if you like. Don't buy anything I wouldn't buy I want to buy. Ha!



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