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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 87

March 17, 2016, 03:08:36 AM

Hello everyone.  Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!  I am back for my usual visit. I waited two extra days (NOT that anyone noticed. ha!) so I could be timely and St. Patrick-y (although the posters are mostly devoid of green...  Pinch them---if you can! Ha!).( I'm actually writing this on the 9th...getting it ready for posting. I don't have much to share---but that can change in the week between now and the 17th. )  (EEEK! It actually has changed. I'm going to have to do TWO posts again...)

I haven't had much luck shopping lately.(I certainly have not found any leprechaun's to grant me three wishes---or a pot o' gold to buy whatever i'd like!) I had those 11 other items from my quick post last time---but nothing spectacular there either. What I did get continues to drive home a lesson I CAN'T seem to learn--to stop buying stuff I don't need and to stop buying stuff I already have!  Jeepers!!

Still, I am OK with the things that have been getting away. I had a super great year last year and I already started the year off with a great poster (WAR OF THE COLOSSAL BEAST--which I am still stunned i won). A certain someone (you know who you are) outbid me at the last minute on something recently when I stepped away from the computer for at the wrong time--and he won! But, as i told him, I am THRILLED that it went to him. Sure, I'd like to have had it---but I have so many posters, and this guy is just getting started. He deserves it!

Anyway, ready to slog our way through the latest posters? It's poster time!


I wanted to see this movie, but never got around to it. Looking at the quad, I was startled to discover it is a Tim Burton movie. Really? I had no idea. Now I really want to see it. I picked up this quad cheap. I was aiming for this, but it was something to pad out the shipping costs. I didn't need this and probably should have saved my money...

POLTERGEIST 2015 (Quad) :

Another thing I didn't need--just got to pad out the shipping costs. Picked this up super cheap as well. The new POLTERGEIST was no improvement on the original (and actually, it sort of played as a quasi-sequel/remake...). Whatever.


This third quad is the quad I was actually going for. i also got this quite cheaply. I never saw this flick either---it came and went much too quickly (a bad sign? Was it any good?). Of the designs for the poster, i liked this group poster best and was delighted to get this for less than $2 (shipping was another story---ugh!). I need to track down the film though. Too bad it was a bomb. i really was looking forward to it.


I am reasonably sure I have this---but a quick flip through my thread does not show a copy from the last year or so. Still, I am almost certain I have one. I REALLY NEED to do an inventory of my posters ASAP. I finally have a space I can use to do so in---just have to dig all of my posters out and get them there. The reason for the interest in this poster is because of the history of this film. It was made/exhibited as intended . Later it was re-edited with porno inserts and had the title changed to "Penetration". I do NOT think I have that poster yet (trying to get both posters). I've never seen either version, but for the x-rated one, it must be strange to Farley Granger and Sylva Koscina headlining a porn film. I can hardly think of anything less appealing. Ha!


This is a title I've been wanting for years. I finally got one this past week...again!  OOPS! I did NOT remember that I also got one about a year ago--finally! I wonder how many times I've "FINALLY gotten one" over the years? Hopefully it's just been this one and the one last year. But--ARGH! I hate to spend money on a duplicate.


Here is another that I think I might already have---but am not sure. And it's nothing exciting whether or not I already have it. VAMPIRES NIGHT ORGY is not a very good film. The most compelling thing about it was the little town they used as the location. But, if nothing else, I thought Rosa might get a minor kick out of this poster as it features a total role reversal.... Here we have a vampire woman carrying out a scantily clad young man who appears to have fainted. Ha!


I dig my JAWS rip-offs. GREAT WHITE is a doozie --possibly the king of the rip-offs! It was such a rip-off that Universal Studios sued...and WON! I remember reading about the lawsuit in the paper when the film was playing and I RUSHED out to see the movie before it was pulled from the theater (and it was pulled---it did not make it to the end of the week. Something else was playing in its place the last 2 days or so).  I have the three US GREAT WHITE one sheets and had seen an international version of the poster (different art altogether). But I had never seen this completely different version until recently. It's not the best shark poster ever---but I couldn't let it slip away.

MULHOLLAND DR. (Styles A and B):

I already had single-sided copies of the posters for MULHOLLAD DR. I'd gotten them back around the time I saw the movie. At that time, I found it difficult to find any double-sided copies and thought that maybe the distributor had only made single-sided? I bought them (the single-sided ones) from a dealer who swore up and down they were legit originals. I framed them as I LOVE the movie (MULHOLLAND DR., to me, is David Lynch's best work to date.), but in the back of my mind, I was always questioning their authenticity. I hadn't actively looked for double-sided versions in ages...and these came along (as a set). I got these to replace the single-sided ones I have. Hooray! These, at least, have frames already waiting for them.


At last, another poster off of my bucket list!  Of all of the posters in this posting, this one I am truly ecstatic about!  I's just "The Munsters" movie. And it wasn't even a very good movie. And it has a fake Marilyn. Big deal. Hello? It's STILL "The Munsters". Hot diggity. This has been on my want list for decades. I just erased it off of the list! Yahoo! It's MINE! Groovy!

That's 10. Not much excitement there....but i DO have more coming to share later today (NOT much to get excited in that batch either. Ho-hum.)

Are you wearing green? If not, PINCH yourself for me!



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