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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 93

May 01, 2016, 02:01:06 PM 

It's May---geez this year is just screaming by. EEEK! I hope everyone is well and that you've survived spring and are gearing up for a long, hot summer... (O' the horror!). Speaking of a long, hot summer.... I've postponed moving back into my house at the beginning of summer until September or early October. Why? To save on high electric bills during the hot summer months.

Blah. Blah. Blah. I know it's the 1st---not the 15th. But--argh! I already have a bunch of posters for the month. I guess I'll have to do two now and another on the 15th.

Here are the posters I got in the last, few weeks:


I already have a couple of copies of this poster. It was part of a lot with the poster below. There seems to be a good supply of this poster floating about, which keeps it pretty cheap. But, in my opinion, it's a stunning poster. The art work, the color (especially seeing it in person)--when I got my first copy and it was in such pristine condition, I just fell in love with it. I don't mind the other copies one bit.


Not a horror poster, but it intrigued me none the less. It features John Carradine and Peter Lorre -- two horror icons. Jon Hall is also featured. Nice tropical evening art. Steve will appreciate the native hula bikini thing. Ha!


I've been trying to track down Andy Warhol posters for years. BAD isn't nearly as hard to get as a lot of the other AW movies, I just was never able to snag one until now. This one was one of the last (the last?). What i dig about this poster is that it looks like there is tape on it--but there it's part of the poster.


I've never seen this flick, but remember stumbling across a picture or an ad for it when I was younger--probably in a book. SUCCUBUS!?! I had never heard the term up to that point and thought it sounded naughty. Ha! Knowing Jess Franco, I'm sure it is. Euro-trash from 1969...and cheap. Quasi-horror and erotica (by 1969 standards, of course...). Whatever.


Also not that hard to find, but it has eluded me for a long time, SWEET KILL. It's a wannabe PSYCHO from the early 70s with Tab Hunter as a guy the ladies are wild about--but they make him impotent...until he kills them! Zowie! Kind of a sleaze fest that bombed when it first came out. Interesting none the less. My interest in this was piqued when I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Hunter a few years back. He was nice and still looks great for his age. I realized my entire experience with Tab Hunter movies consisted of RIDE THE WILD SURF, GREASE 2, LUST IN THE DUST and POLYESTER. I needed to track down some of his other films...and I did get several...but the only one I've watched so far is SWEET KILL.

BEYOND THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE (International version):

Yes, I know this movie was a big flop and is considered to be a really awful movie. I love it. I love campy, kitschy trash...and this is a hilarious disaster movie with an all-star cast that has every reason to be embarrassed. I dig this movie. Anyway, I have the US poster. I just didn't have this international version--which intrigued me. Mine is NOT from emovieposter. i just used their photo as an example. I don't have a photo of mine.


Oh my stars! FINALLY! My first BOMBA poster. Bom-who? Bomba!  Bomba was an obvious ripoff of the popular TARZAN series. The producers went a bit further to ensure the success of a teenage jungle boy by casting Johnny Sheffield (who played "boy" in the Tarzan series, until he got to be too old and was written out of the films). There are 12 films in the series. LION HUNTERS is #5. Yippie! Only 11 posters in the series left to go!

GONE WITH THE WIND (1998 re-release):

I believe this is the poster for the last nation-wide re-release (1998) of GONE WITH THE WIND on film. There has (I think) been an occasional digitally projected showing...but that's it. Not that that's any sort of milestone, but...  I already have some of the 70s and 80s re-release poster and one 60s poster. This one is a bit different. I had one once before (with a big sticker snipe on it for some reason)years ago--but I framed it and gave it away to a friend (who loves GWTW) for her birthday.


Here's one for Steve...  Oh my stars! I remember when this film came out and the newspaper ads showed this poster image. The title alone had me wondering what the heck BENEATH THE VALLEY OF THE ULTRA VIXENS could possibly be about--and the image of all of these big busted women gave me some idea. The combo of the crazy title and the boobs stuck in my head. i've NEVER seen the movie. I have a feeling it would be a tedious T&A sex comedy and would never live up to whatever expectations I could have for a movie with such a wild title. Oh well... Steve will at least appreciate the poster.


The original FLESH GORDON was not that great (and super dated...totally early 70s). I have always been fascinated by it though---more because of the IDEA of the movie (not so much in the execution of it) and also because of an article I had read about it in Cinematastique (Was that the name?) magazine on the special effects. It was years later when I finally got to see it on VHS. Decades later, a sequel was made. It was literally pretty crappy (there were actually poo people in it!), but again---the idea of FLESH GORDON (the possibility of what it could have been) over the final result. Again, I heard about the film but had to wait years to see it when it was finally released on video. I didn't think it had ever gotten a theatrical release, so when I saw this video poster pop up for sale, I thought why not? Since getting it, I've learned there WAS a theatrical release...very limited it seems. I'll have to try for a poster from that release...very different art.


"The shrieking of mutilated victims caged in a black pit of horror..." That sounds like a typical day at my place. I've heard this film is a complete mess (part of it was shot and unfinished...then, later, another director shot more stuff with other actors and they somehow wove it all together), but you can't deny this poster's horrific appeal. Zowie!  See the screaming blonde woman lowered into a boiling (!?!) vat of blood while skeletons watch. Too groovy ghoulie cool.



Zowie! I got the poster for one of Ray Dennis Steckler's trash-o-rama flicks, THE THRILL KILLERS. Ray was the creator of such gutter budgeted films as THE INCREDIBLY STRANGE CREATURES WHO STOPPED LIVING AND BECAME MIXED-UP ZOMBIES, RAT PFINK A BOO BOO, BLOOD SHACK, and THE HOLLYWOOD STRANGLER MEETS THE SKID ROW SLASHER. Many of his films starred CASH FLAGG...a non de plume for Steckler himself! Ha! His films also usually starred wife Carolyn Brandt (which this one does). This film also stars LIZ RENAY (noted stripper and later star of John Waters' DESPERATE LIVING)! This is hard to find--but yippie I scored one!

And just because, here is the first part of an episode of THE INCREDIBLY STRANGE FILM SHOW about Ray Dennis Steckler...and ironically, the interviewer never seems to realize Ray IS Cash Flagg. Ha!

And that's it really.

I hope everyone survived tax day and is having a groovy spring!



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