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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 81

January 15, 2016, 08:31:22 AM 

Hi there. It's the middle of the month...and I'm back, as promised. It was sooooo HARD to stay away, In all fairness, I have popped on momentarily now and again (whenever i get a notice that something new has been added to a thread I follow...)--but never stay long enough to write a response. I'm trying to avoid the forum to damper my poster mania and save some money. How is that working for me? Well...It's really too early to say.  i do have a whole lot of new posters to share with you (I'm breaking this post into two posts. i'll post the other half of it later tonight when I get home from work...). While that might SOUND like failure (and it kind of is), the bulk of them (especially the ones on this posting) were made via pre-bidding and or setting up snipes prior to my Dec. 31st, 2015 self-imposed deadline. Others have been acquired in the same way. I don't think--except for one instance which I will explain in the next posting---that I've even bothered to watch (or even remembered to watch) the auctions as they happen live. I consider that a good thing. That means whatever I was outbid on I did NOT fight (and bid higher) to get.

Okay--it's poster time!  Let's get part 1 of the January Shock-A-Rama Poster Show going... (but fair warning. i'm saving the better stuff for tomorrow...)!.


This poster, and several of the posters below, was part of the bidding frenzy I found myself in on Dec. 31st. I bid on almost anything and everything remotely interesting that was due to close after the 1st. I did this because of my self-imposed restrictions on what i could buy this year. This was my last free-for-all. And I learned a lesson, too. Most of the really good stuff ended up getting outbid on...and the stuff that was "just okay" that i didn't really need...became mine. And...eeek! This is a 4F. I never buy 4Fs. I don't do well with posters in two parts. Oh well.


Another mad-dash bid...and another poster I could have lived without.


Speaking of posters I did not's THIS! What was I thinking? Ha-ha...a porn parody of the Elm Street series...but did i need it? NO!


This one was kind of interesting...but nothing I really had to have...


I bid on several Japanese/Asian Bond posters...and was outbid on all of them except this one...which was the one i most wanted to be outbid on. Why? Because i already have the US one sheet...which this looks just like minus the Asian characters. Oh well.

SPECTRE (Advance):

Now that SPECTRE has come and gone, the posters are more affordable. I got the advance poster's kind of dull actually. Hmm.


I bought this earlier this week---so my end of the year last minute bid-o-rama does not explain this. I'm using self-imposed rule #13--finishing off series I have already started. i have a collection of OZ posters and while I already have the one sheet for this flick, I thought I'd pick up this video poster for it as well.


I already had some posters from TRON 2 (whatever it was called), so...


Hercules/sword & sandal/peplum flicks are a fave. This French poster is cool...and one of the last of the last minute bidding frenzy bids made before 2016. Notice how HERCULES is someone else when released in France? Ha!


A end of the year snipe that ended up as a win this year..

HUNCHBACK OF THE MORGUE (French Affiche Grande) :

Another poster I didn't really need...but won anyway.

BLOOD OF THE EXECUTIONER (French-affiche grande):

I like this one--and another bid last year/won this year thing. I know nothing about the flick though.

While none of these posters are bad...for the most part they really do not "do it" for me. This was a HUGE lesson for me and my buying/bidding habits. I really need to focus on things I really like/need/want...not just things that are "okay".

The batch I'll share later tonight (?) has much better stuff...but a few more bid on whatever oops-es. Hopefully when I am back in February I'll have fewer posters--but nicer ones still.



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