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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 86

March 05, 2016, 12:55:45 AM

Hi there. Happy March.  How have you all been? Well, I hope. As I write this (well, everything from the hellos to recent visitors downward has already been written), it is late on the evening of March 4th. I need to get to bed as i have to be up at 5 a.m. for work. Ugh. Anyway, my post is generally uninteresting this time. Really, I've nothing I'm super excited about. The last two titles I am glad to have, I suppose, but the rest are unnecessary. I really, REALLY need to STOP buying stuff I don't need. Anyway, I thought I'd just sneak this up and get rid of it and start fresh for my mid-March posting (if I get anything else between then and now, that is...).

Okay--poster time.


I already shared this on the March "new acquisitions" thread, thanks to Jeff calling me out for starting the March thread (when others were clearly still writing in February's...). But whatever. i re-post it here for my reference only. If you don't like my re-posting it, I may send some cannibals over to your house for dinner some night. And by the way, despite the lurid blurbs on the poster, the entire movie is fictional. No actual cannibalism occurs--it's all staged. Gotta love the exploitative huckster-ness of it all. Ha!)  It also screams "Actually filmed in the Amazon jungle"--well, yes, okay...but that doesn't make it real. Ha!


I am pretty sure I have this already--and even though I thought the film was visually stunning (as is the poster--in my opinion), the storyline was not that interesting. Oh well. I bid an unlucky $13 for it any way---and won.


This is another of those "What was I thinking?" items. I have not bought as many lately--which is good--but it still happens (this being the case in point). I figured this would be worth some $$ to someone. I paid too much for it (in my opinion), but I could probably sell it for more than i paid. (Hopefully). But will i ever get around to selling it? Hmm.


Not quite the "what was I thinking" item like the Holmes poster above, but still along the lines of "I didn't really need this", it's the poster for last summer's "CHAPPIE". I never saw the film, but the previews looked interesting and I recall someone posted images of the poster(s?) on the recent acquisition thread back at the time. I liked them. This poster was recently at auction. I watched it, but have no memory of bidding on it. In fact, i didn't realize I had or that it was mine until I got the invoice. $4? Okay...


Another item i didn't really need. I liked TED (and TED 2, although not as much). I didn't need a TED poster, but out of all of them for both films, this is the one I liked best. I saw this at auction--didn't need it so I only bid $5. Sold. I was surprised--but pleasantly so--even though I don't need this.


I got a rough copy of this a few years back. I picked this one up as a replacement. That's pretty much the story. I did see the flick (in theaters---yes, I'm THAT old), but it wasn't my thing. But it is kind of along the lines of my 60s "Hercules"/sword and sandal/peplum movies  that i collect, so I bought the CONAN posters as well.


THE TWILIGHT PEOPLE is a cheesy bad 60s ripoff of THE ISLAND OF DR MOREAU made by the same group of Filipino filmmakers that made the BLOOD ISLAND films. It's not anything to write home about--but it has the distinction of being the first movie I ever saw on DVD. Ha! In honor of that alone, I have been trying to get a copy of the poster for a while. While I might have one already, I don't think I do. I do not like the twilight-y hues of the makes the artwork difficult to see. I didn't really need this poster either, but apparently this one is a bit of a rarity. I didn't even notice when I was first bidding on it (I just looked at the grading--didn't read the full description). It's a rare rolled version---it was never folded, which is almost unheard of in anything pre-1980s.


Do I have this already? I think I might, but didn't want to chance NOT having one when this came up. The poster is for a combo re-release of both films, but this time there's a gimmick involved to get patrons to go to the show that is prominently displayed on the poster...a free WITCH DETECTOR! Zowie!  I want one. How groovy cool.


I've never seen this old flick, but I am a fan of Barbara Steele and Euro horrors from the 60s. Came across this and thought it would be a nice addition. It was NOT something I was searching for---but neither was the John Holmes poster. But this has far more of a chance of being hung on my walls than the Holmes poster ever will. Holmes is for re-sale. This is a keeper.


Hot diggity!  Another vintage poster for a 50s 3D flick!  I've never seen it, of course...but I am a sucker for gimmicks and 3D (especially from the 50s) is one of the all-time best gimmicks. While the poster doesn't play up the 3D-ness of the movie (if any), I am still in-your-face glad to have it! Yippie!

That's it. Ho-hum. I'll be back in mid-March. Stay groovy.



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