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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 94

May 04, 2016, 02:42:42 PM

Hi there. Thanks for stopping by. I always enjoy it when people pop in and visit.

Since it is still early in May (morning of the 4th as I write this...) and I already have too many posters (5 !!) since my last posting (just 3 days ago. EEK!), I'm going to go ahead and add these few up as well:


I already have a copy of this. I got it simply because it was cheap and in a lot that included the poster below it. For years, EXORCIST 2 was considered one of the all-time worst movies ever made...which meant, of course, that I LOVED it. Ha! It's totally crap--but I dig it. It's reputation for being so bad has kind of been lifted after the excruciatingly awful 4th film EXORCIST: THE BEGINNING (as well as the planned/shelved/released anyway other Part 4...EXORCIST: DOMINION)...and any number of straight to video EXORCIST clone cheapies out today.


Yes, I already have this poster. But the theatrical release poster for SNDN2 has got to be rare--so why NOT buy a second copy to resell later? This and the EXORCIST 2 were in a lot together and cheap. Speaking of cheap--have you seen this movie? One half of it is NOTHING but flashbacks from the first SNDN. REALLY!


I wasn't going to buy this poster--it's really a bland and uninteresting thing, in my opinion-but I stumbled across this one brand new and with shipping it was still less than $10. I have a fairly large TARZAN poster collection already...I have everything from the most recent (and awful) TARZAN AND THE LOST CITY back to the early/middle of the Gordon Scott era, with a Lex Barker, Johnny Weismueller (re-release), and Herman Brix (silent era) poster thrown in. This poster really does NOT do it for me. But, as a Tarzan collector, i should have known I'd end up getting one. I only hope that the studio puts out a much better poster for the final release. This one is sooooo boring.


Yahoo!  This is another Ted V. Mikels no budget classic! And what a great title! How many times did I annoy friends when entering this title in a game of charades---because no one I knew had ever heard of it. I had been eyeing a copy of this on Amazon...but they wanted $150 for it. I paid less than a third of that price for this one. Yippie! A terrifying, screaming plunge to the depths of hell! Zowie!


I have long wanted this poster. I got the advance version last year, but still wanted the full-color one sheet. This poster is cool, but has always perplexed me. The white line that cuts Karloff's face in half makes me think it was painted on two separate canvases pushed together to make the poster's artwork. The little scenes on either side of his face seem to try to hide the separation, especially in regards to the spider's web, which doesn't seem to continue on from the lower half to the upper half. Still a cool poster---but I'm not happy with it. I failed to notice the censor stamp on it before I bought it. UGH! That is the kiss of death for a poster in my collection. Eventually I'll resell this... DRAT!

Hopefully I won't buy any more posters before my regularly scheduled visit on the 15th (that won't happen, I'm sure... but I can hope!). Thanks again for visiting.


PS I just had it pointed out that today is STAR WARS DAY. While I'm not a big fan of the film series (I've seen most of them, but...), I do like bogus holidays like this.

May the Fourth be with you!  Ha!


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