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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 92

April 11, 2016, 06:42:50 PM

Hi there and HAPPY APRIL! I'm a tad early as my birthday is Friday (April 15th---TAX DAY to all of you procrastinators out there), and I am heading for the coast for a long birthday weekend (starting with a night at the Madonna Inn in one of their cave rooms---always wanted to do that, so...I AM!). Anyway, happy April!  I hope your spring is sunny and full of fun (and amazing posters). I work the next two days--and then I'm off. I won't be buying anything between then and now--so here are the posters for the month:


I thought I had gotten this a while back--but apparently not. I guess I've just been flirting with the idea of getting it? I finally did get it to pad out the shipping of something below. I had never heard of the 1958 obscurity until I saw the poster. There is scant information about it online...not that i really care. The poster promises a "big switcheroo". If you look at the poster, i think I can figure out what the switcheroo is. One arrow is pointing at the woman in red on the upper right side. Follow the arrow back down and around and it points at the butcher-looking guy. Clearly they are one in the same? And this pre-dates William Castle's "HOMICIDAL" by 3 years. It's probably a crappy movie, but a curio for sure. The poster isn't that thrilling, but still caught my eye.


What was i thinking with this one? I didn't need it. It was just cheap, colorful and new and why not? I have the lenticular for the first ALICE film (Mad Hatter) and possibly the poster as well. This is just the poster for the sequel--which i may or may not bother with (the first film I found visually interesting--but boring).


I LOVE this movie. I think it is simply brilliant. Alejandro Jodorowsky has only turned out a handful of films, but EL TOPO and HOLY MOUNTAIN are just amazing...and this film blew me away when I first saw it. This is only the video release (VHS!) poster. I have a messed up copy tucked away somewhere --and am glad to get this upgrade. I actually like the image on the video poster better than the US one sheet -- or most of the posters for the film from other countries.


OOPS!  I apparently already bought this LAST year. Now I have two.


I got a copy of this nifty little poster last year. This second copy was part of a lot--and i don't mind getting another copy. With the creepy double-faced doll being stabbed with a knife while a freaky mask peers out of a bag--this poster has a lot going for it. This movie is largely forgotten despite the fact the movie seemed to be re-released (under different titles) every few months for YEARS due to the fact that a very young Brooke Shields was featured in the movie.


I already have a copy of this poster--but I remember it had black marker on the back (although i don't believe it bled through...). This movie, also largely forgotten, had a nifty premise. The lead character murders people while dressed as different movie monsters that he idolizes. I haven't seen it in years and remember thinking it was just okay at the time--but i may need to give it another watch.


FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH isn't exactly shock-a-rama but whatever. Geez, this movie came out about the time I was in high school. I'm hitting 51 on the 15th. Where did the time go? I know Steve is probably having Phoebe Cates coming out of the pool flashbacks right now...


Finally, I scored a copy of the one sheet for Doris ("Bad Girls Go To Hell"/"Nudes on the Moon"/"The Amazing Transplant"/"Another Day Another Man"/etc.) Wishman's SATAN WAS A LADY. It is apparently an adult movie---I've not seen it yet. But if it's as weird and all over the place as Wishman's other opuses, well I'm sure she focuses on ashtrays and ugly paintings as much (if not more) than any sex act (I still can't imagine Wishman doing a porn... Silly nudies, yes--porn? No.) Not that nice of a poster---but hard to get regardless.


I know nothing about this movie and the only name i recognize on it is Richard ("Creature From The Black Lagoon") Carlson. However I dug the vintage look of the poster--the colors, title lettering and the quasi-spooky/creepy subject matter (it even features a crystal ball). I don't have a lot from the 1940s (this is 1948) why not?


This was my consolation prize from a recent emovie auction. Jeff had recommended a poster he thought needed to be in the Shock-A-Rama poster show. I had already had it in my watch list...and the bidding was fierce. I SHOULD have held out longer...but I threw in the towel when a last minute bidder swooped in and bid some big bucks on it. Dang.

Anyway, almost right after that loss, this other poster came up. BOWERY BOYS MEET THE MONSTERS. I've heard of the B. Boys before---just not this title. It's not pristine but it does have monsters (a go-go?). It was also about $40 or so less than the other one I lost (ARGH! I STILL should have tried for that other one...) and it's pretty groovy in a cheesy sort of way. Yippie!

LOGAN'S RUN (beach towel):

What!?! ANOTHER Farrah beach towel? You already have that, you are saying. Well, not exactly... When I got the first towel--I was so thrilled because I had had one as a kid. I didn't mention it at the time, but the towel from my memory did not match the actual towel I got...but it was 40 years later and memories sometimes warp. Imagine my surprise when i saw this towel---that looked exactly like the towel of memory!  Who knew they had made TWO different Farrah/LOGAN'S RUN towels? My original towel, as I recall, was just a giant portrait of Farrah's face with the city and movie title at the bottom (instead of the crouching, full body portrait on the other towel).  Zowie! How cool to find one. AND, apparently this towel was folded up and stuck away in storage right after being purchased. It's like brand new! Hooray! I am UBER-thrilled! I know this isn't a TRUE movie poster, but yes, I will hang this in my home as if it were. That's what I did with my original one back in 1976.

Okay. I hope everyone is well. Cha-cha-cha!  Get your taxes done!



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