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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2018 #8

Hi there. Welcome to another edition of the Shock-A -Rama Poster Show! And what do we have in store for you today? Well, it looks like there are a couple of nice pieces and a lot of crap, as usual. Oh well, they all can't be winners. (I just wish I could somehow NOT buy so many crap posters and save the cash for better posters later...)

Let's take a look:

THE STUD (English one sheet):
Snore. What was I thinking? I saw this during an auction recently. It wasn't going for much. As a fan of "Dynasty" I thought it would be fun to snag this and hunt down the sequel, "The Bitch"--both starring Joan Collins. But then I got it and was like...ugh. What a DULL poster. At only $14, I still feel I got the short end of the stick. Oh well.

There was a brief period of time when I was really obsessed with Jacqueline Susann's "Valley of the Dolls". I needed to read the book and see the movie. The book had sat on a shelf in the family room during my growing up years (as had "Helter Skelter"---which scared the heck out of me just flipping through the photos). I never read it (or "HS") back then, but its presence made me so dang curious. I knew the book had been the best-selling novel of all time and every once in a while I'd catch bits of the movie on television. I knew that "Dolls" was supposed to be very scandalous and tawdry. I read the book and saw the movie. The book was good, but very soap opera-ish. I didn't know what the big deal had been though. It wasn't that good. The movie bored me at first, until Neely O'Hara gets famous---and then the movie turns into a giant, unintentional camp fest that I LOVE.  I explored the rest of Susann's oeuvre (I'm not sure why I bothered, really). The books were okay, so I sought out the films made from them. Oh my stars! While Valley of the Dolls" was a campy classic, the other two films--"THE LOVE MACHINE" and this one, ONCE IS NOT ENOUGH", were god-awful...which is probably why they are NO WHERE on anyone's radar these days. 

I already have a copy of this poster, I am sure. It was part of a "lot" purchase a while back. This movie was such a turd---but somehow a commercial success. Deborah Raffin  was horribly miscast (and utterly boring) as the young lead. Kirk Douglas is her movie producer father. Brenda Vaccaro plays her best gal pal, who is also editor of GLOSS magazine and very promiscuous. Vaccaro somehow earned an Oscar nomination for her role in this swill. And then there is David Jansen as a has-been novelist. George Hamilton is a rich young man who takes Raffin's virginity. Alexis Smith plays Raffin's controlling stepmother who is having a secret lesbian affair. It all sounds so shocking and salacious...but it's just snore-inducing.

THE 33:
Another "lot" purchase. Not a very interesting poster at all...but I did want to see the movie. Never made it though. Was it any good?

BUTTERFIELD 8 (Australian Daybill):
This daybill (and I rarely ever buy them) was in great condition. This was one of Elizabeth Taylor's more infamous roles (although it is very tame by today's standards). It was inexpensive so i placed a small bid...and I won. Okay. This is a last-minute addition to the post (which is why there are 11 entries instead of the usual 10)

I spent way too much on this poster. DUH! I think I already have this poster actually. The poster I need (I now realize) is HOUSE OF 1,000 CORPSES...NOT the sequel. Oh well. I do like the tag line though; "This summer, go to Hell". But--ugh. I did not like the movie.

Why, why, WHY do I do this? I already HAVE a copy, ...several copies...of this poster, yet I was compelled to buy another. I dig my "JAWS" ripoffs, but this is one of the slowest, most boring out there. SNORE! The BEST part about the whole movie is the poster art. Maybe that's why I keep buying copies? 

I may already have this poster (This one cost me exactly $1.53 including postage---thanks to eBay bucks! Ha!), but who could pass up this art of prehistoric (?) women fighting? WOWZER! I've never seen the movie, but the poster is pretty cool.

Another poster I already have...and that I paid too much for. But I dig the movie and I dig the poster.

ALIENS (International):
Another I paid too much for (Or did I? How much is this worth anyway?). I've had an original ALIEN poster for years...and some of the sequels (starting with 3)---but never Part 2, "ALIENS". Now I do. Hooray!This is apparently the international version. I'm not a big sci-fi guy so I'm not really sure, but is the US version similar/the same---or completely different? Hmm... Nevermind. I looked it up. Same image, but they are standing in a cave full of alien eggs in the US version. Oh well. 

Oooo!  I am EXCITED about this one. I've seen this poster come and go only a handful of times. I've tried to get it every time, but it always escapes my grasp. I scored this one on a recent Heritage Auction with a snipe...for the highest amount I was willing to bid. Yikes---close call--but it is MINE! Whoo hoo.
The little bit of research I've done on this poster reveals that Dr. Morgus was a TV horror host out of New Orleans. Apparently he got his own, regional, low-budget flick, thus this poster. Notice the cast: Dr Morgus-Famed Inventor of Instant People, Chopsley, Red Nose, and Pencils. Zowie! It's probably a total crap storm, but since getting the poster, I've ordered the out-of-print movie on DVD (which has surprisingly good reviews). I hope it is good.

The last of the original GODZILLA films before the 1985 reboot...and frankly, one of the hardest for me to have tracked down and scored. Ha! (I am still lacking the original GODZILLA, of course, and INVASION OF THE ASTRO-MONSTER (aka MONSTER ZERO), and  DESTROY ALL MONSTERS.  SON OF GODZILLA and GODZILLA VS THE SEA MONSTER  I don't think had a US theatrical releases--so no US one sheets). I'll have them all eventually... (Maybe). I still have NOT seen this flick either. Ha!

And that's it for today, kiddies. I hope everyone is well. Until next time, stay cha-cha-cha groovy.



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