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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 105

***NOTE*** There are FOUR posts on this one re-creation post. Keep scrolling down for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th one. Thanks!

July 19, 2016, 12:40:16 AM

It's BONUS poster-a-go-go time once again, kiddies. WHY? Because I just got a bunch of stuff I'm not "wild" about (WHY do I continually do that?) and I don't want to "save" any of it for my regular posts on the 1st and 15th.Meh. Here they are---or just skip this bonus post altogether.


This was part of a lot--otherwise I'd have passed. I probably already have a copy of this from other lots. Snore...


Another lot "win". Yawn...


Don't get me wrong. I love my EXORCIST movies---even the bad ones (well, EXORCIST: THE BEGINNING and especially the alternate version DOMINION...are clearly exceptions). I'd watch EXORCIST 2 in a heartbeat if you asked. It's laugh-out-loud bad. But i already have the poster...several copies, in fact. Another part of a "lot", of course...

Hmm. There were a few (four) others, but I think i might just save those after all--unless some really stellar ones come along. Maybe I'll be lucky and NOT win (i.e. spend money) anything else for the rest of July? (Who am i kidding? it's only 3 days after my last posting and I'm already saddled with 7 more posters. ARGH!)

Go back to what you were doing (which, no matter how mundane, was probably infinitely more interesting than this posting). CHA-CHA-CHEERS!

July 19, 2016, 10:31:13 PM 

Oh my stars!  Yesterday I was whining just three days since my July 15th post, I had somehow managed to buy seven lackluster posters (three of which i posted yesterday). Today alone I bought another seven posters!  ARGH!!!!  This is CRAZY!  I need to STOP! Anyway, I thought I'd throw up another BONUS post with one of the ones I did not post yesterday and four of today's purchases. That will leave me six to work with towards my Aug. 1st posting. Hopefully I will NOT buy any more...


I don't know why I felt compelled to buy this. I've NEVER seen the movie (and it must be okay as it spawned a few sequels). The poster is not even all that great (a silhouette of a cop holding out his badge? Really? That's it?). Ho hum. It's mine now any way -- like it or not.


I am planning on seeing the new PURGE film tomorrow. I didn't see the first PURGE in the theater, but I did catch the 2nd one--and was pleasantly surprised. It was a good movie. I caught the original on DVD and was also pleased with it. Although the posters do not do much for me, I thought I'd quickly scoop up one for each in the series. The series (at least the first two) are good--so there MIGHT be an interest in these down the road... Hmm.


Nothing too exciting, as i mentioned above. However, this poster shows a June 20th date...which is incorrect. The release date was pushed up two days and it opened June 18. There are other versions of this poster out there with the corrected date.


I should be seeing this tomorrow. Of the three posters for the three films, this is my favorite. I just hope my expectations are met. Fingers crossed it is as good as the first two.


Like the PURGE posters, I bought this today in anticipation of seeing the film. Only unlike the PURGE, I saw this film mere hours after the purchase. The movie was good--but not what I was expecting.

I hope you are somewhere cool--and not sweltering away like I've been doing the last few days working on my mom's house. UGH!


July 21, 2016, 01:33:42 AM

I am in a slump or just have the blahs...or something. I'm just not "feeling it" these days. I just bought a bunch of stuff from our pal Rich's Movie Poster Bids auction tonight (hence the MPB watermark on them all)---bargains galore! But neither the auction or the wins (super cheap! Golly, how lucky!) did much for me. I have 6 new posters. I'll hold a few back but I'm going to go ahead and post the rest here as yet ANOTHER BONUS POST.


Yes, there WAS a sequel to BEASTMASTER (there were actually two sequels. Part 3 was a TV movie)--and yes, it is just as bad as you think it is. I don't know why I needed this poster. But, for $5, it's mine. (Now if Rich will only tell us how to pay on his new site....or does he still send invoices?) Thank you, Rich.


I don't even know what this is. I think I remember clicking on it to see what it was (it was listed as an "art house" film--never heard of it), but don't recall bidding. Maybe I got it confused with something else I was bidding on? Or maybe I just bid out of habit? C-9 condition probably caught my eye...who knows? I almost didn't even bother posting this, but what the heck? $5 and another poster is mine...


I never bothered to get this poster before. The image never did it for me and the movie was "just okay" in my book. Like the other posters tonight, I bid. I won. End of story.


I'm not a super hero movie fan. I DID see this in the theater though (at the bargain, second run theater that is). The only thing I remember about it is that there was a big giant naked blue ghost (?) guy who they kept trying block shots of his "junk" (only because he really didn't have any "junk" to hide as the long shots so vividly showed! Ha!). I know it was popular/ I bid on the poster (gasp--someone had already bid on it--so i had to bid a dollar or two more. Didn't expect to get it--but whoever gave up on it way too easily. It's mine now).


No idea what this is---but it has a big cast. The reason i bid on it (only bidder... !!??!!) was that the one word review "SHAMELESS" was at the top of the poster. REALLY! Ha!


This movie is rather disappointing...and I already have this poster. My copy is, I remember, rather rough around the corners (thumb tack hole wear--shocking!). The reason I got this is because--well, yes, it could be an upgrade from what I already have...but the REAL reason is because in all of the years since i got my original copy of this poster (this was probably one of my first 10 posters ever), this is the only other one I have seen with the likeness of stars Katherine Ross and Sam Elliot on it. All of the other posters I've seen just feature the hand and the cat's head. This poster is not all that collectible---but even so, this is the rarer version. Whatever. $5. Sold.

Okay--I wasn't going to post all 6 wins from tonight. I was going to save a few for my Aug. 1st posting... But what the heck? I'm just "out of it" and do not care tonight. So exhausted...I finished up working on mom's house tonight. It goes on sale tomorrow.

Off to bed. Thank you again Rich for the opportunity to score some bargains. I'm just sorry I'm not more enthusiastic tonight.


July 27, 2016, 11:32:18 PM

Just because I'm still in my funk, here's a peek at two other posters (not very stellar, but...) I recently got. I was going to run them with my Aug. 1st post...but, eh...why NOT just post them now? They're not worth the wait...


I'm not sure where this poster is from. It's in English, but has no NSS info or rating. The poster is for the same movie that was released here as THE HANGING WOMAN (a copy of which I got not too long ago). Although this poster clearly has some issues, it is the only copy I've ever seen. I've been watching it for months---and the dealer finally put it on a 50% off I bought it. Lame poster...but...


I've long wanted a copy of this mondo movie poster. Never saw the flick--never wanted to. I was in a mondo phase briefly during the VHS era and  watched a bunch. For the most part, I found them slow and dated and several had a lot of clearly faked scenes in them. BRUTES AND SAVAGES has a brutal reputation, though...but I'm done with mondos for the most part (still want to see Ari's fave GOODBYE UNCLE TOM which I have in an unwatched DVD collection of mondo flicks).



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