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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 96

May 27, 2016, 05:08:22 PM

Eek! It's NOT June 1st, but here I am with a BONUS posting. Why? It seems I can't stop buying...and I had more than 20 posters ready to post on the 1st. Yikes!  Too big of a posting, so i scooped out 10 less exciting posters and made this little bonus post to keep the June 1st post from getting to be overwhelming...

Okay--BONUS time:

BILLY JACK (re-release):

I still have not watched my 4-pack of BILLY JACK movies yet.I had gotten a one sheet for THE TRIALS OF BILLY JACK sometime last year (not long after buying the DVD set) and thought I'd try to track down the rest of the posters in the series as well. This is a re-release of the first film (which is really the 2nd film sort of. BORN LOSERS introduced the character, but from what I understand, Billy Jack is more of a supporting/bit character in that film).


A while back I got the video release poster for FLESH GORDON 2, thinking it had never had a theatrical release and it was the only type of poster available. Wrong. It had a limited release and there are one sheets out there---they're just scarce. In the mean time while I look for one, I stumbled on this British quad. It will do. I was never really enamored with either the first film or the sequel. I thought both were missed opportunities. I did like the idea of what they could be though--and the original's cheesy effects. Whatever.


Although I already have the US one sheets for PEYTON PLACE and RETURN TO PEYTON PLACE (some of my guilty pleasure faves. Ha!), I saw this Yugo RETURN and bid a very modest amount ($6?). I was surprised to find out later it was mind. Not too shabby.


I've wanted this poster for YEARS! There was one on ebay 6 months or so that kept being relisted and ignored. I didn't go for that one because it had a big yellow snipe over the "X-Rated" ratings box. I saw the movie (seeing this bizarre poster years ago --and losing it--was the reason i track the movie down), and don't believe it is a true x-rated (i.e. porn) film. There may have been some inserts added or maybe I am mistaken (or remembering incorrectly), but I don't think it was a hardcore film...more like a tame R with nudity. It's the story of a mentally off over 18 teen who runs away from home and goes to live with her ex-step father and his current girlfriend...and causes mayhem on the way (I think she actually kills someone by the end of the movie?), including (attempting?) seducing her ex step father! It was a low budget mishmash...but the quirky poster for it still intrigues me. You've got the barber shop pole stripes around three sides. You've got the odd-sized daybed/chair (too short to be a bed, too wrong shaped to be a chair) with the worn lower corner (I love that detail) and the perplexed-looking rag doll leaning against it. Then there is a statue of David haphazardly sitting on the chair arm (headboard?) while a blue man comes through a window, staring/heading off to the left. The girl (with only one shoe) is much nicer looking than the real "girl" in the movie. The art is just "off" somehow, rather unsophisticated--almost juvenile. I don't know. It just appeals to me and I'm glad I finally got one.


I just got a copy of this not too long back for free, but it was damaged along the side edge. I stumbled on this new, never hung one for sale at a reasonable price and thought I should get it--as they are crazy high everywhere else. As i said before when I got the other one, I am no big Star Wars fan...but I'll hang on to it for a future sale, I think.

COMMUNION (a.k.a. ALICE SWEET ALICE) and TINTORERA (combo British quad):

Another low ball bid that I was startled to discover was also mine was this combo for COMMUNION (which is also known as ALICE SWEET ALICE...and I already have the US one sheet for that) with the Mexican JAWS rip-off, TINTORERA. I love my JAWS ripoffs, and even though I already have a TINTORERA one sheet (and even though the movie SUCKS big time), TINTORERA was the magic attraction to this surprisingly cheap British quad.


I know this flick was a big box office bomb. I saw it and thought it was almost good. Something was just not quite right. But for some reason, i think this flick will catch on down the i wanted to get the poster. I already have an advance. Now I have the final version. Yahoo.


Another film that was almost my opinion, anyway. As a sequel to CLOVERFIELD, it was somewhat disappointing. A matter of too little, too late. As a thriller on its own--it had potential. It seemed like a mash-up between two different movies actually. I think i actually read something about them deciding to make it a CLOVERFIELD sequel partway through the filming, actually. I do like the poster design though.


Oh my stars...what IS this movie? I'd seen this poster a time or two but it always eluded me. THE WOMAN EATER? Aside from the poster, I've never heard of it. A monster that eats only women? I couldn't resist---and this time, it's finally mine. Anyone know about this film? I may have to look it up and hunt it down...

THE GOLDEN VOYAGE OF SINBAD (French medium? affiche):

Wow! I got this French (medium-sized? I thought there was only petite and grande?) version of THE GOLDEN VOYAGE OF SINBAD for a song. It's gorgeous! I saw one go for some pretty decent bucks not long back at an auction. Yikes! This was a total bargain.

That's it. Thanks for visiting. Check back Wednesday the 1st for my regularly scheduled update. Keep cha-cha-cha-ing! Oww!



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