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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 101

 June 15, 2016, 01:35:36 PM

Hi there. We are half way through June. Jeepers!  This year is flying by! Here is my latest batch o' posters.  It's 13 posters, but not all that special. There is a (eek!) repeat or two and some non-horror (gasp!) additions this time out. 

Whatever, here they are:


Laugh if you want...I DID, which is why I bought this poster. I find it too funny. (But for something only slightly amusing to me, i spent too much on it. Blah.) Dig the action star with the perfect helmet hair, the big bell bottom and heeled shoes--not to mention is martial arts technique (which actually looks like he is caressing his opponent's head. But just look at his concentration). He's fighting a man dressed in a skeleton costume.  Then there's the big-haired bimbo with the big platform go-go boots. Jeepers. Looks like an unintentional laugh a minute. O' if only I understood Turkish, I'd track a copy of the movie down...


I've never seen MAUSOLEUM (or the similarly themed?  FUNERAL HOME from about the same time). They never played here. Waaaagh. Because of this, I've always longed for the posters for both (but didn't want to pay much--especially for the FUNERAL HOME poster---kind of dull). I do really like this poster though. The creepy giant skeleton grabbing the creepy mausoleum with the door slightly ajar showing a creepy dark interior while emitting a creepy fog. CREEPY -A-GOGO, baby! (The movie probably sucks though...)


ANOTHER repeat poster buy for me---but this one is in better condition (and cheaper) than my original. I find the artwork stunning but I've never seen the movie.


Another poster I've been wanting for years but never wanted to spend much on. I've also never seen this--probably awful--but I love the cool coming off of the screen image in the poster advertising the 3D film. Wow!


Glad I finally got one of these (or do I already have one?). The poster I REALLY want that is similar to this that has eluded me forever is "The Screaming Skull". I'll get that eventually--but this is a nice consolation/tide me over poster.


I got the poster for TEENAGE ZOMBIES (didn't I? I think i did anyway) not long back. It's a CRAPPY old clunker from the 50s...about as brain dead as its subjects. However--I was drawn to the re-titled poster with different art work. Great verbiage: "Girls in weird terror cages", "Human sacrifices! Cruel! Inhuman!", "Torture drugs! Nerve gas! Bizarre! Sick! Weird!" I wonder how many people were suckered into seeing this...after suffering through it under its original title? Ha! 


Oooo. I don't know this movie at all (Udo Kier is in it?) but stumbled on the poster and liked it a lot. Sold! I also have a special assignment for Steve with this one. Can you please explain what is wrong with the girl in the red's boob? It looks "double-breasted"---on ONE side. Ha! 


Okay--my little Flesh Gordon renaissance is finally winding down after getting this and the next poster. (Still need to track down a US Flesh Gordon 2 though...and maybe the original FG quad?)  This Spanish FLESH GORDON isn't as cool as some of the others--but still fun and has some great little scenes within it. It was also done by famed Spanish poster artist Jano (Attention ROSA, if you are out there....). 

FLESH GORDON (Italian 2F):

Oh my stars! THIS Italian FLESH GORDON is gorgeous! WOW! So colorful. I had to have it.

TENEBRE (Italian 2F):

Speaking of Italian posters, I scored this TENEBRE recently. I've not seen this yet (How is that possible?), but I do dig my (early-ish...70s and 80s) Dario Argento. Zowie!


Hooray! Another of the early GODZILLA flicks (I want them all between the original and GODZILLA 1985), This is the first poster I've gotten for this film under ANY title (I think). The reason for the crazy re-titling is because Universal threatened to sue over the use of "Bionic" in the title (as they were making "The Six Million Dollar Man" and "The Bionic Woman" at the time). The final title--GODZILLA VS MECHAGODZILLA --was the best and most iconic, I think. more Godzilla poster down. Four (?) more ( VS COSMIC, VS MECHA, TERROR OF MECHAGODZILLA, and the original GODZILLA) left to go (as not all of the early films played theatrically here in the US). Oh wait--there's something called DESTROY ALL MONSTERS I need to go with the set as well. Argh. One step forward--one step back.


I have wanted a TOOLBOX MURDERS poster since the film came out in 1978. (I don't think I had one yet). Such a sleazy, cheesy little movie. I wanted to see this movie soooooo bad as a kid based on the commercials and the poster art (in the newspapers). I had to wait until the VHS era to finally track it down. Now the poster is mine too. Yippie!


YaHOO!  I LOVE this poster. I won it via snipe while at work. Sure it's not pristine and does have a used look about it. Normally I would have PASSED on it...but somehow the wear plus the cheesiness (green face/red eyes/ lightning bolts around the outstretched arms/etc.) of this 50s drive-in feature poster really worked for me. I totally dig it as is. So grindhouse-y. And jinkies-- 300,000 volts of horror! Zowie! 

I know I keep saying I need to cut back/stop spending. But I really can NOT keep this up. I've been buying from Heritage for a little more than a year and when you bring up your history of winning bids, it shows you how much you have spent. Holy crap-a-rama. I won't say how much it was---but I could have so used that money for something else (like paying down my student loans or getting a better car) And that's just Heritage. How much have I spent on the other auction sites? OH MY STARS! It's CRAZY. My extra cash I've had for a while has finally dried i really am broke, broke, BROKE! I really have no living expenses right now (no rent or utilities, etc.)--just gas and food. That will all come to a crashing end when I move back in to my house in September (maybe sooner). I've got to kick this habit... or, at least return it to what it was in my teens (maybe a dozen posters a year...if that!).

Also, there may NOT be a July 1st posting as I will be on a long 2-week road trip with friends. (Hopefully I won't have any posters to share anyway). I'll be gone June 26 thru July 10....and then work a ton o' days right after that (so there may not be a July 15th posting either--because hopefully I won't have time to buy anything. ha!).

Oh well, we will see what happens. Either I'll have something to post or not.

I hope you all are enjoying your summer (or, if down below the equator, your winter!) Have a go-go groovy day.



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