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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 97

June 01, 2016, 12:12:55 PM
Hi there. 

Thanks for dropping in to see the latest posters being added to the Shock-A-Rama Horror Show! Oooooooo. As usual, there is a mix of the not-so-interesting (ho-hum...yawn....) and the interesting. (And there are WAY too many...) Sit back, relax, and let the posters begin....


Not long back,another collector on and I were having a conversation about some really cool-a-rama Thai posters he had recently gotten. He had some AMAZING stuff. That got me thinking of all of the truly beautiful Thai stuff out there (argh! There goes my wallet!)...and there was a seller posting some stuff for sale...and...I already have a Thai A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET...why not get the sequel? Argh! So I did...


Since this was relatively inexpensive comparatively, I thought why not add it to the other order? So this also came from Pea. THANK YOU, PEA!


Hot on the heels of my Thai buys (which was all done online over my phone as I was out of town), I thought I'd look up Thai posters on eBay and see what was out there. I spied this one...the most recent poster listed. It was about 4 or 5 slots above another for almost $250! Yikes!  Plus this one came with a bonus (next poster down). i quickly snatched it up. Again, this was done online over my phone. When I got home and saw it on my regular computer, I finally noticed the (UGH!) smashed-while-rolled or possibly water damage on the left side. Darn it all... It's still a nice image over all, but...


This was the bonus that came with the Thai poster...and even it has a small stain in the upper corner (not visible either via phone. GRRR!). Oh well. I've seen this poster around a few times before. I might (?) have one already, but I do not think so. I've never seen this film...or think I've even seen it available on DVD/blu ray. Is it any good?


Not long after the episode with the Thai VELVET VAMPIRE, I was looking around and discovered this (hopefully) little gem. It's the Thai poster for Lucio Fulci's GATES OF HELL (notice the Thai credit writer wrote GATE instead of GATES) aka CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD. Zowie! Here is a movie poster title I never expected to see in Thai! But why NOT, right? I followed it for the duration of the auction, having a generous snipe bid in place...and it became mine! Yippie!


To pad out the package, I also purchased this Thai version of the poster for the little horror thriller DOMINIQUE (aka DOMINIQUE IS DEAD) starring Jean Simmons, Cliff Robertson and Jenny ("An American Werewolf In London") Agutter. I saw this flick in the theater way back in 1979 (?) with the nifty little co-feature, TOURIST TRAP. I wonder if there is a Thai version of that? Hmm.

Look at this bad boy. Zowie!  I saw this movie years and years ago (with a title like that, how could I NOT watch it?). It's a Sam Peckinpah movie, but not one of his better ones. And, as I recall (but i could be mistaken), Alfredo Garcia was already dead and buried when the movie begins---so cutting it off would not been quite as gruesome as depicted here. But this was cheap and kind of cool--couldn't pass it up


Crazy, wonky Turkish art for a crazy, wonky Japanese monster movie. FUN STUFF!

KING KONG VS GODZILLA (R-80s Japanese B2 Video):

Speaking of Japanese monster movies, I shouldn't have gotten this (it was the only thing I actively bid on---argh! I should have known better and just let it go...), but I love my KING KONG stuff. This is an 80s Japanese video poster...B2 size...of the big monster mash up! Zowie!  I'm looking forward to the new KING KONG VS GODZILLA in 2020!  Whoo hoo!


ARGH!  Why do I do things like this...again, and again, and AGAIN!  I already have 2 or 3 copies of the MANIAC poster. And what do I do? See one for sale and bid what I think is the lowest price it SHOULD go for...and get stuck with it. Ha!  Oh well. It's always good to have a spare copy, I guess.


Oh my stars! I LOVE my disaster movies. Yet i had never heard of this Russian-made disaster flick about a train on fire. Yowza! Had to get it. now to track down the movie...


I'm not exactly sure what a "TV poster" is, but this is a 1981 re-release TV poster. Not a video poster? Hmm. Either way, i would love, LOVE, L-O-V-E to have an original ROBOT MONSTER poster. Unless i win the lottery, that isn't likely to happen. So, as the next best thing, i opted for this 35 year old re-release TV poster instead. TENSE! TAUT! TERRIFIC!


Nothing like classic 70s grindhouse exploitation!  Ha!  Whoo hoo!


SAMPO!!!  If you've never seen MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000, the episode featuring THE DAY THE EARTH FROZE is a great introduction to the show. Oh my stars! It's soooo FUNNY!
I laughed out loud many times watching this. I first saw it years ago. When i saw the poster (which is quite a piece of marketing. It LOOKS and SOUNDS like a sci fi film...but it's actually some strange Scandinavian folktale. ha!), I knew I had to get it. Amazingly, I DID get it (while at work, oblivious to the auction going on at the time) with a snipe bid. Hooray!

GLEN OR GLENDA (Argentinean):

Ooooo!  Zowie! I can't believe this is mine. I made ONE bid on it early in the day...and I was instantly the top bidder (and--yikes! It was just $3 shy of my max). And NO ONE ELSE bid against me the rest of the day...and it was mine? Kowabunga!  Although I'd prefer a US one sheet, I'm delighted to have this Argentinean version of the one sheet for the Ed Wood trash classic. I already had an Argentine one sheet for GLEN OR GLENDA in a triple feature (with two other shock-a-rama exploitation features! Oh my!). but I like this one o' so much better. Hooray!


Yahoo! I scored another one of these vintage 50s/60s drive in monster movie posters. It's probably a piece o' crap movie---but great schlocky  poster art.


Oh my stars! I NEVER thought I'd have one of these. This, along with THE DAY THE EARTH FROZE above, was something I left a snipe on for an auction that closed the other day. I bid on about a dozen things (there were 3 things i really wanted though...and I ended up winning two of the three. Yahoo!). I certainly did NOT expect to win any of them...especially since I couldn't watch/participate in the actual auction. I was blown away to have won these two though...But I had bid blindly (not expecting to win) with no money to pay for them. I TOLD you I was broke again. EEEK!  I ended up charging them...but am able to pay off more than half of the cost right this moment. I hated to do this---but zowie! I won this amazing poster (and DAY THE EARTH FROZE). I am so thrilled!  This is a 50s 3D dream come true (Now if only I could also get a CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON, REVENGE OF THE CREATURE and IT CAME FROM OUTER 3D poster dreams would be ever so happy!).


I paid way, way, WAY too much for this, but it was one of those instances where I was NOT going to let it go. In all of the years since first becoming aware of Brazil's ZE DO CAIXAO / COFFIN JOE character (created by director/actor Jose Mojica Marins) in the late 80s/early 90s, I've only seen this poster one other time...and that was YEARS ago on eBay, where it was snatched out of my fingers at the very last second. I wasn't going to let this 2nd one get away. This is an original 1967 Brazilian poster for ESTA NOITE ENCARNAREI NO TEU CADAVER (which apparently literally translates to "Night Is Incarnate In Your Body", but is better known here on DVD as THIS NIGHT I WILL POSSESS YOUR CORPSE), the 2nd film to feature the COFFIN JOE character. While not the most exciting of posters, it is my very first Coffin Joe poster EVER!  I am so excited!


Exactly one week after scoring the Coffin Joe poster---yowza! I score another one. This is for the 5th Coffin Joe/Ze do Caixao film HALLUCINATIONS OF A DERANGED MIND from 1978. I just got this yesterday---and was not about to let it slip through my fingers. So, unfortunately, like HOUSE OF WAX, I had to charge it. EEK!  I can NOT do that any more. These were just, um...rare and special occurrences (I hope). My buying is really going to be curtailed from now on... (hopefully).

That is all for now. (Heck, it was MORE than enough...)

Happy Bye-A-Rama!!!!!



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