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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2017 #4 -- Movie Poster Time Again*#

It's time to return to the grindhouses and drive-ins...if only we take in another batch o' posters I've acquired. You know the drill. Take a gander or don't.  Here they are...

This film is in "cranium-cleaving color"! Zowie! This was an Andy Milligan movie poster I did not own until now. Always nice to have another title from the Milligan oeuvre as I am a fan--although WHY is beyond me as the movies are so notoriously AWFUL.  Ha. I'm happy to have it, though. As an aside, you'll notice the shot of  42nd Street below. The theatre closest to the camera is showing an Andy Milligan double feature. No, NOT "THE GHASTLY ONES". Instead it's "THE FILTHY FIVE" and "THE PROMISCUOUS SEX", both films which are now lost (the producer melted all of the prints for their silver content. UGH!)

This is not the poster I got, just another example I found online. Did I need this? No. I have been looking for one tentatively for a while now. While I'm not sure, I think this combo may have been released by the people behind the BLOOD ISLAND series. I don't think it's part of the series, but after the series kind of ended they were bending over backwards trying to release flicks with BLOOD in the title. It's from, it is the right era. There's not much info on BLOOD THIRST on the poster. BLOOD SUCKERS looks to be the better movie with Patrick Macnee and Peter Cushing. But Chevron Pictures? Hmm. What little info i could find on BLOOD THIRST confirms it is a Filipino production---where the BLOOD ISLAND flicks originated. $25 (with free shipping) in supposedly excellent condition. Why not? especially when I've seen this same poster for more than $100. (WHY?). The double feature is actually available together from Something Weird Video. Ha!

I know very little about this other than it was for a film festival in Sweden from the gang at Something Weird...with a GROOVY line up of films. Did they really show all of those? Yowza! This was cheap---why not? 

Further evidence that I've lost my mojo and just don't seem to be on the poster bandwagon like I was before the Photobucket debacle... Did I need this? NO. Why did I buy it? it was cheap and I didn't have it already (I don't think. Although I DO have the poster for GALAXY OF TERROR, it's alternate title. Never seen the film though).

And here is another poster I already own. Why do I do that? CONSTANTLY? No one remembers OLD DRACULA. I do. I saw it on a double feature with FOOD OF THE GODS as a kid in the 70s.  I got it on DVD a few years back...and it didn't really hold up. oh well. I have always loved the poster though. It is fun. My favorite aspect is the skeleton in the coffin with the cat eye sunglasses. Ha. I had my original copy hanging in my house for years. This was super cheap--like, under $7. Why not?

Another cheap-o ($4.25) and, sadly, another poster I already own. This one amazes me how popularity of some things rise and others wane. I am no fan of westerns or sci-fi in general. This "HIGH NOON" in space flick I saw, but don't remember terribly well. When I first discovered eBay back in the day, not that I was looking for this poster, but I remember it being a bit pricey--more than i wanted to spend, anyway. I have since stumbled upon it and gotten a copy or two (or three) cheap. Guess that, while this may have been a fan favorite at one time, it's been largely forgotten today.

At last! Another of the AIP / Vincent Price / Poe "adaptations". Despite the two-tone poster, you gotta love the art of Vincent's face made up of other people's bodies. I paid way, way too much for this (especially adding in tax and shipping)...but whatever. it's mine now. 

Ugh--AGAIN! Something I already had and did not need. FRAT HOUSE (or NATURAL LAMPORN'S FRAT HOUSE) is clearly a porn spoof/knock-off of NATIONAL LAMPOON'S ANIMAL HOUSE. Great tag line: It's the HOTTEST Frat at Faulk University good ol' Faulk U! And notice the phallic-shaped building and where it seems to be heading? Oh my. Anyway, I have another copy now. Whoopie...

Finally. I love my James Bond flicks...and I seek out the knock-offs. The two FLINT movies (especially this one, the first) were the best of the knock-off bunch. I have long had the poster for the sequel film ("IN LIKE FLINT"), but have been needing this one forever. I'm not wild about the design (That big white area on the upper right bothers me), I FINALLY have one. Cool.

This vintage poster for an original 1950's 3D movie is fairly easy to find...but I have been unsuccessful (for years and YEARS) getting one until NOW. I've never seen this flick, but I'd love 3D, of course. Love the old 3D movie posters! 

That's it for the posters. It was far from being a thrilling haul, but whatever... However, before I leave, I found even more pictures of the Sunnyside Drive In (former "largest screen in the world") online. There were other drive ins and theaters in town that have long since died off...but this one seems to pop up a lot for me lately. There are four shots; one of the drive in after closing (fence is gone surrounding it), then there is a shot of the abandoned ticket booths, another is a marquee from the early '80's. The last one is an ad for the place. According to the ad, in addition to being the largest screen in the world, it was equipped with Cinerama, Todd AO and 70mm capabilities. It also looks like the ad was for a dedication ceremony and it looks like celebrities would be on hand for it. There also appeared to be some bands playing (A Rock-A-Rama Contest) And...Torture Handcuffs and Nice Necklaces? Were those the  bands or the free gifts mentioned? Hmm. I wish I could see the ad more clearly. Oh well. It was all before my time anyway. oh well.

Until next time.



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